Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1673

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INDEX. lxxxm Dipos-ig: Division, TreasuryDepart1n,ent—C0n. Pun Dim, 1>•ge. eiicmucy appropriation for chief of divi- duty on, ivory, bone, eu; ,,,____ , __,__ 914 sion, etc., 1922 36 Dichlorophthalic Acn}1, Des Arc, Ark. duty ou, _ ___,_______ a _ ____________ _ _ _ ____ 861 time extemled for bridging White River at. 323 Dickimon, N. Dah., Des Moines, Iowa, land 0Ece at, continued _,_______ _ ______ _ _ 766 terms of coqrt at .. 1484 consolidation oi offices oi register md rg. Des Blaine.? Rwejr, cgivgr gutheyizgd ______ _ ___________ 767 bridge authonzed across, Durmas, Mo . 28 Dah Blocks or Blanks, _Dg;ghu,Le,g Nqtqbnal Faregl, Oreg., dut§(m, g0ggl_ _________________ _ _ ________ 875 exchange of lands for addition to, author- Dies, olls, and Plates, Securities, etc., ized . .. 362 appropriation for custod of ,,________,_ 378, 1099 ' Desert Land Enmka, Public Lands Dzyest of Rules, Home of Igzpresmtativea, entrymen serving in World War, physi- appropriation for preparing . . . . 425, 1268 call? unab e to return may make Digitalis, fina proof and receive patent with- duty on ...,,,__ _ ____, 364 out further residence ... 492 Dike, to conform to single farm unit under Rec- construction of, authorized acmss Mud lamation Act before patent issues 492 Slough on Isthmus Inlet, Oreg .. 65 cmxs, etc., to be paud ... 492 Dillon County, S. C., etc., Desert La , may bridge Peedeo River; location ... 14410 patents allowed, entrymen for who served Diplomzmb and Consular Service, in World War if physically unable appropriation for Diplomatic Service. - . 600, 1069 to complete reclamation, etc. .. 348 for salaries, ambassadors and 600, time extended for final goof, etc., of cer- 1069 tain entries of, in iverside County, for minister resident and consul general D Calif . .. 66 to Liberia- - .. E .. 600, 1069 cserters, Army an a , appomtment o m1D1Bl£· 1- to t, y status of, not affecwig b Resolution do- of agent, etc., Cairo, availakgllep 19%;. 600 claring the end of %orld War ... 107 for compensation for minister to Egypt, during the World War, unchanged by — 1922, in addition to amount or laws, etc., as to end thereof 142 Cairo ... - . 600 Destituw Women. and Chihlrm, D. C'., for agent and consul general at Tanappropriatiou for payments to abandoned, g1er ...,..., 600, 1069 etc 699, 1357 nclzpayment to official receiving other Dcstitute Soldiera, edeml salary .. _ 600, 1069 free passage and subsistence to, honorably for chugés dhffsures mterim .,.., 601, 1069 discharged in Europe, and their for secretaries in the dxplomatic service. 601,. families, to United States on Army - l 1069 transports .. 103 for Japanese, Clunese, and Turkxsh secrefmm place of landing to where enlisted, tunes and ¤BS1S§&¤t¤ .. 601, 1069 home, etc ,.,.,.,.., 103 for clerks at embassws and legationsn 601, 1070 to other place if distance not greater- . 103 for interpreters to embassies and legato port of embarkation in Europe ... 103 uons . _ .. _601, 1070 without cost en mute ,,,.,... 103 for student interpreters at embasxes if discharged in Siberia, from Vladivos- and legauons ... _ .. . .. 6 01, 1070 tok, etc ..,. 103 for quarters for student mterpreuu-s., 601, 1070 on other vessels from Siberia to Japan. 103 for comingent expenses, mimnons. . 601, 1070 authority for, to cease in six months 103 dispatch ggents ... 602, 1070 Destroyer Tender, printing m the Department of State- . 602 limit of cost increased of, numbered 3 . 1544 oss by exchange Z . 602, 1070 Detroit, M ich, , payment for clencal scrvxces except to apfpropriation for public building .. 384 citizens, forbidden  : . 602, 1070 or lighthouse depot improvements .. 480 for steam launch, Constantmople 602, 1071 for river postal service .. 656, 1252 for %’0\¤1d mlit, Tokyo, J3P9·¤ ··--··· 602, 1071 quarters for engineer force, authorized from for onsulax Serwnce. .. . _602, 1071 funds for improving Detroit River. . 1042 for consuls general, consuls, and VICG Dggyygn mm ms 868 m$2}°4segg‘t;‘a;‘at;;gg;;:;: 233;}% mn @eca¤11yp§r0vidé(i 'sBé.'.`.`ff i I Z f i I i I Z sas f<>;;<>p¤;¤¤S¤¤§¤;¤v;>:§(*;¤: ¢¤p¤¤¤¤¤ -·-· ggg, ig;} BubS;mm’ soluble Orchcmmuyhmfliif sas f¤r ¢·¤>¤¤¤1¤r¤¤¤i¤¢¤¤¢¤ -·------·----- 60% 1071 r · ` ° '`° 'Y D- ` `’`'..`'` for clerks at consulates ,,.,.,. 602, 107], Jrrlrusr rmrl Derrhosc Sarup, for inmrpmtem and guards to cO¤Su_ dUly0¤· ··-· ·· -·-···-- · ---··-- ·· ·-··--··· lates-·"·~-__-···-tt-·..·-···~· , higher test ‘‘‘'‘'‘` ``‘' 890 for contingent expenses, ¢;ongu19,t;0g_ , 603, 1071 DMU, for relief and protection of American duty on, enameled watch, etc . 884 seamen ________ _ _____________ 603,1072 Diamrmds, transportation, cbc., allowance reduty ou, cus, but not get ,._. . 917 smcwd 603, 1072 dust. ,...,..,. 917 for expenses under passport control rr)ugh_ uncut, gig _____ , ,,,,,. . .. 917 Act _ . . . . . . - . . ._- ... . . 603, 1072 on free list, glgziord and engm.vers’ unset.- 927 for 111st1juc¤on and transxt pay, diplomjneyy _____________,_,,,,,.._, . ... 927 mzmc and consular officers ... 603, 1072