Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1693

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INDEX. (3111 Ezhibitimw, Religious or Ulacritable Pa . ‘ ‘ mbnd exernpt from special excise tux., . §6 Exforeigiimniafions participmze in. .. EZPmm¢2¢ 017% Dewtmm of Exmwmmw, Depa·r¢·mcn¢ of Ay,-mz. appropriaxion for salaries . 1291 appropristtion for salaries. 1292 or ne;-a1expe¤ses;Statea,Hotments... 1291 En- farm ’ peru` H-U-U--NWN {Or §·%c'€a$gu$g°U¤¤¤$ ·----·.-·-... 1291 worlgw ____ geuwnstnuon 1292 or mmm V6 Bx mes ____________ 1292 ‘ ‘ tum-1 `````. · · z ` for stations, Alaskg., Porto Rico, for %£l§$W _ extension 1293 Guam! and vugm Islands __________ 1292 ,5*,;;,-,,;,,,;,,, ’ ``·` ` ` - °°°° for extension service, salaries and ex- duty on ilavoring containing no alcohol g"“”°S ····-······ . ···---·-·--·—--- - 1292 not speciallgi provided for ’ 864 for ers' cooperative demonstration fruit, containing alcohol I 860 work ..·.------- , --·.--... mz mw . . .----.---- ZZZZZZZZZZZZTZZ 891 for gipiegnélegb pvork, colleges 1293 vegectgllilsjcdyeing and tanning, ncnal- Egpg;·imgyg;ga{g1;4§Rg3eqrch Labagatgry, Nam], Extradftfgn, nn-uu-Nunn-Nunn-I 864 gppmpngtmu or gx uses 0 ,,,,._,__,_, 1134 3 ro rigtigu rin ¢;n`m;|°,nAIg tentporary emplgeyment of scientists, pp pfrom ab:§:»dtj.--?% .. 610,1078 e c._ . . ... _ . 1134 deiicienc a. ` cram' °· tpghuugh cm, Esmm ______________ mi ,,,.1*;, h.§’,,‘§§’;§,".Z3‘;."‘,§’l§‘,,,K "““g .,52 Eagfogve Sggstavacgaz mul t E:rtra¢en·it0n2zl1Zty in Chim, nu U · · ‘ N.- ee _, , ery, ec., not s. ro riationfo xpenses ’ . _ specially provided for. . 928 pp bglance conitgnued dnmngof mtiismgrl mm 610 Eiplosgves, 1924 .. - ---- yw 1548 gflclgncy gppygpyjgfjon fog- enforcing law Eyeghggeg, - . - · · - - _ - - - - - · · O . · · regulating manufacture, use, etc., duty on, and frames ... . . 873 EIplmT?;-§;T;l%.Wé; --·-·------------·- 53 with pr¤ci<':¤:0mef¤1_m¤¤¤¢i¤g¤» etc-, ex- ! . .’ . . m X appmpmuon for_ distributing, etc., for 6 P m 8 use mx on salwo 293 clearing agricultural lands ... 531, 1312 Export Cattle, F- appropriation for enforcing humane treatment ot .. . .. 511, 1296 Fabrics (we alw Cloth), Ezporrt Industries of the Uniuzd Sums, duty un, lgce ..., . .._,,,,__,,___________ _ 918 appmprj3ti9n for investigating pmblging 8IDb1'Oid6I'¢d ·-·-· - -·-··-·-- - - -·---··- 918 _ relaung to production, etc ... 473, 1113 pile, mmm ..,,,,,,,__,___ gm deficiency zpproprmtion for investigating, silk _________, , ,,,,,__,__________ _ ____ 907 etc.,_ Omestic and foreign problems terry woven cotton ...,...,.,...,, _ 900 relating to, 1922 ... 47 woolen, knit . . . 906 Ezp0*rt_0_f Arma, etc., _ woven silk ,,.,...,., . ..,,,,___,_____ 907 prohib1ted to American countries, etc,, woven wire- . ..,,, , ,_______ 373 where dornestic violence exists, on Fabnbs with Fast Edges, _pr0cla.mation of the President, , 361 duty on, cotton, . ...,.,._ 900 punishment for violations ...,,.,_,, 361 flax, etc, ,,..,.,...,..,,,,,,._,,__ 903 prior provisions repealed . . . 361 silk, etc ... 907 1Z`,rp0rt Iixfue, wool .. 906 considerations for determining, of imports. 949 Factories, Erporlation, of Agricultaral rorlucls, ctc. excise tax on pgoducts of, using prohibited Xue also ’ar Finance Corporation child la r . .. 306 ct Amenclnients), Faivlnavnks, Alaaka, _ provisions for assisting, etc - .. 181, 634, 1481 additional amount uuthonzed for complet· E4·portcrs’ Books, etc., ing milmud, etc., from Seward t»o... 221 inspection by appmisi¥10Hicer of, pertain- Fairhaven, Mass., _ _ ing to market value of shipments to preliminary exammatxon, etc., of, harbor, United States . I ... 968 _ to be made. . . 1043 impormtions from, prohibited on failure Fammmt, W Va:, _ _ _ to allow . ..,,.._ 969 amount; authorized for cougpleting acquisidclivcry thereof to be withheld .. 969 tmn of land at, for mland and port sale if failure continues for a year 969 _ storage . .. 339 Exporters of Domestic Products, Fairport, Iowa, _ _ advances to assist, allowed until July 1, right of way granted Lh.!'0}.l§El biological 1922; conditions .. . . 183 station, or cou11ty_b.1g way 827 former limitations, ctc., repealed, .. 183 Fairs, Agrkzzltural, [vuiusmal, etc., _ time extended to May 1, 1923, for making exempj: from_adm1ss10u tax; cond1tions.. 290 advances to assist, etc., by YVar Sp€C18l BXCKSG NIX. .- . . 296 Finance ("orpomtion. ._ 634 Fairs, Stage, ]nteY.9¢¢l£6, dg., _ to February 29, 1924, ,,..,, 1431 appropriaiion for making agricultural ex- E.w:p0s~ition, Internaticmal, _ _ _ hibips at, .. 527, 1293 acceptance of invitation to participate 1.n, False fasmijmtzmw, at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .. 209 punishment for girrests, etc., by peison deficiency a propriation for Rio de Ja- falsely clznming To be a Lmted neiro, grazil . ... . . . 337 St?€8B Omfml- · - -_ ·--··-··--—---- 224 Exposition, National Dairy, searching person, bmldmg, etc., of any appmpriazion for agricnltuml exhibit at. . . 1293 person ... . 224