Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/224

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196 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 89. 192] . '*`”“‘“’Y D°P°"”°°‘· For salaries and expenses, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, $120.12. For national security and defense, Bureau of War Risk Insurance, $2.25. For collecting the revenue from customs, $12.24. For freight, transportation, and so forth, Public Health Service, 1920, $464.44. For quarantine service, $48.30. For interstate quarantine service, 1921, $469.95. For field investigations of public health, $18. For maintenance of marine hospitals, Public Health Service, $80.70. For collecting the war revenue, $554.75. For collecting the income tax, $304.50. For miscellaneous expenses, Internal-Revenue Service, $471. For refunding internal revenue collections, $1,595.63. For refunding taxes illegally collected, $1,537.26. For redemption of stamps, $9.13. For allowance or drawback (internal revenue), $201.44. For materials and miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, $26.40. For Coast Guard, $15,543.94. For contingent expenses, assay office at New York, 1920, $1,000. For contingent expenses, assay office at New York, $65.76. For operating supplies for public buildings, $27.53. For furniture an repairs of same for pu lic buildings, $31.79. For repairs and preservation of [Lublic buildings, $8.55. For mechanical equipment of pu lic buildings, $29.15. For general expenses oftpublic buildings, $3.15. For judgments, Court o Claims, Treasury Department, $437.62. W" D°°°"m°°t‘ For contingent expenses, War Department, $27.05. For increase of compensation, War, Miscellaneous, (`ivil, 25 cents. For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $8,645.64. For contingencies of the Army, $9.20. For registration and selection for military service, $1,576.29. For contingencies, Military Intelligence Division, General Staff Cor s, 1920, $2,435.55. Fidr Signal Service of the Army, $7 ,545.37. For increase for aviation, Signal Corps, $2,063.54. For Air Service, military, $270.90. For Air Service, production, $393.99. For pav, and so orth, of the Army, $3,276.85. For mileage to officers and contract surgeons, $768.16. For arrears of pay, bounty, and so forth, $54.89. For general appropriations, Quartcrmaster Corps, $93,017.18. For transportation of the Army and its supplies. $122.39. For clotbmv and camp and arrison e uipage, $7.72. For horses for Cavalry, Artillery, and clilngineers, $149.97. For inland and ort storage and shipping facilities, $42. For medical ami) hospital department, $4,099.02. For artificial limbs, $41.67. For engineer operations in the field, $2,220. For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $178,95633. For barracks and quarters, $5,702.32. For ordnance service, $543.66. For ordnance stores and su plies, $133.90. For arming, equipping, andptraininv the National Guard, $28.16. For encampment and maneuvers, (Irganized Militia, $128.88. For armament of fortifications, $14,856.87. For electrical and sound ranging equipment, $94.50.