Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/389

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 43,44. 1922. 361 Act of incorporation entitled “An Act to incorporate the pro rietors °dV°*-12»P-32·¤¤¤¤¤· of Prospect Hill Cemetery,” approved June 13, 1860 (Twelfth ivqprmm-s oflots to Statutes page 32), they shall be interpreted and construed to mean °°“s°"‘"° °°“’°"‘“°“‘ and shall igmfy the proprietors of lots in said cemetery. That the affairs, business, and roperty of said corporation shall be A“°‘°"°’ °"'““°°“‘ under the direction, control, and management of a board of seven trustees, any five of whom shall constitute a quorum with full authority to act, which board of trustees shall be elected annually by the prodprietors of lots in said cemetery, and the trustees shall elect an appoint from their own board a Bpresident, a secretary, and a treasurer; also appoint all necessa 0 cers and agents and fix their duties and compensation, and msilile such by-laws, rules, and regulations as they may deem proper for conducting the affairs of the corporation for the government of lot holders and visitors to the cemetery. The boar of trustees shall have authority to iill temporary vacancies occurring in their board and shall hold their offices until their successors are elected and qualihed. Sec. 2. That the annual meeting of the proprietors of lots shall be m°°“°“ °""""°°°‘ held in the District of Columbia the second Tuesday of March of each and every year, the place and hour of assembling to be specified in a public notice previously given by the board of trustees, and at such meeting there shall be at least fifteen lot proprietors in order to constitute a quorum to transact business. In the election of the trustees at such meeting each lot proprietor shall be entitled to one Land mt md M vote. Said corporation is authorize and empowered to sell any mu-insmybsmia. part of said cemetery grounds not used for bmial purposes, and particularly that land situate west of North Capitol Street, and invest the proceeds thereof for the care, maintenance, and improvement of said cemetery, and without the purchaser being required to see to the application of the purchase money. mmm in . t Sec. 3. That the said Act of Congress approved June 13, 1860 nwmpenea. (twelfth Statutes, page 32), and the subsequent Acts of Congress Q;,,{'f“§,Y'§j iirpproved August 5, 1890 (Twenty-sixth Statutes, page 299), and 1008- e mary 28, 1907 (Thirty-fourth Statutes, pages 1008-1009), so far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby amended so as to authorize and empower the sale of the land herein= before provided. ‘ Approved, January 31, 1922. CHAP. 44.-Joint Resolution To prohibit the exportation of arms or munitions Jgllhlgsglillzll of war from the United States to certain countries, an for other purposes. [W5- §¤S·» No 37-] Resolved by the Senate and House 3/ Representatives tg the United N tc States if America in Congress assemble , That whenever e President llnx3i$dii°s¤¤TiL°¢6 Ends t at in any American country, or in any country in which the ;},‘§,{,’§‘,,’{,,f,$?,},’g'{_,g,f United States exercises extratemtorial jurisdiction, conditions of g¤¤1¤r¤¤i$i¢j§>:a=x;é•;h¤s domestic violence exist, which are or may be promoted by the use of im. °` arms or munitions of war procured from the United States, and makes _ proclamation thereof it shall be unlawful to export, excepgunder E‘°°*’°‘°"‘ such limitations and, exceptions as the President , any arms or munitions of war from anly place in the Umte States to suc country until otherwise ordered y the President or by Congress. Sec. 2. Whoever exports any arms or munitions of war in violation ,a§g_§¤*j¤¤¤¤¤¢ fw Weof section 1 shall, on conviction, be punished by fine not exceeding ` $10,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both. Sec. 3. The joint resolution entitled ".loint resolution to prohibit F¤¤¤¤ ¤¤>1¤¤¤¤¤ the export of coal or other material used in war from any seaport of m%hsgQp.139. the United States, " approved April 22, 1898, and the joint resolution v°"°7’P‘ °°°‘ entitled "Joint resolution to amend the gomt resolution to prohibit