Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/501

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 117. 1922. 473 That not more than $25,000 of the foregoing sum ma be used for personal services in Washington, District of Columbia: Provided . A,§_§*g§rtm¤¤*S *0 duty further, That not more than four trade commissioners employed under m P mmm this ap(propriation may be recalled from their foreign posts and assigne to duty in the Department of Commerce. To further promote and develop the commerce of the United mP’°m5gj‘§¤ t,g°¤¤· States with South and Central America, including the employent of ceigiiaivlamsnocii. md experts and special agents in the District of Columbia and egilwhere, ‘A‘""’p‘ m' purchase of books of reference and periodicals, re orts, traveling and subsistence expenses of officers and em loyees, ang all other necessary incidental expenses not included in the lioregoing, to be expended under _ the direction of the Secretary of Commerce, $170,650: Provided, That _{§§,'§,°,;,,,m to duty not more than two trade commissioners employed under this ap ro- *¤D°P¤¤m¤¤*· priation may be recalled from their foreign posts and assigned to d)uty in the Deplartment of Commerce. _ To furt er ripomote and develop the commerce of the United States m§§m,,‘}§f,“§_b,°°,?,§; with the Far ast, including the employment of experts and s ecial E¤j*,;u m agents in the District of Co umbia and elsewhere, purchase of books ’p` ' 0 reference and periodicals, reports, traveling and subsistence expenses of officers and employees, and all other necessary incidental _ expenses not included in the foregoing, to be expended under the _ direction of the Secretary of Commerce, $166,150: Provided, That _{Sg,"”;{·';nm,swduw not more than two trade commissioners employed under this appro- i¤D¤p¤r¤¤¤¤¢· priation mag be recalled from their foreign posts and assigne to urpy in the eplartment of Commerce. _ _ 0 enable the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce to ,,,,I,'{ °’ °" investigate and re ort on domestic as well as foreign problems M¢¢.r>· 471- relatinéato the production, distribution, and marketinlg in so far as thely r te to the important export industries of the nited States, inc uding personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and all necessary incidental ex enses connected therewith, $450,000. Total, Bureau of Foreign anti) Domestic Commerce, $1,598,410. BUREAU or rms cmrsns. 0¤¤¤¤¤B¤r¤¤¤- Salaries: Director, $6,000; Eve chief statisticians, at $3,300 each; ¤a»£i:°:i;;}¤,¤8tilw¤- chief clerk, $3,300; geogiiapher, $2,400; fourteen expert chiefs of divisions, at $2,250 eac ; private secretary and stenographer to Director, $2,100; clerks—sixty of class four, seventy of c ass three, one hundred of class two, two hundred of class one, eighty at $1,000 each, fifty at $900 each; skilled laborers-three at $1,000 each, one $900; three messengers at $840 each; five assistant messengers at i720 each; five lpnskigxdsggpgazm, at $720 each; four messenger o s,at$480eac ; m , , · _ _ Collecting statistics: For securing information for census reports, ,, f‘°""“‘ provided for by law, semimonthlly reports of cotton production, perrodical reports of stocks of bale cotton m the United States and of the domestic and foreign consumption of cotton; quarterly reports of tobacco; per diem compensation of sppcral agents and expenses of same and of detailed employees, whet er employed m Washington, T District of Columbia, or elsewhere; not to exceed $100,000 for the °_,,_°;§f°’°'Y °mP‘°Y‘ temporary employment of clerlgs, stenographers, and machine 0 erators in the District of Columbia to be selected from the registers oi, the Civil Service Commission, and to be paid at the rate of not to exceed $100 per month, the same person to e employed for not more vm mma than six consecutive months; the cost of transom mg State, mun1cr 1 · pal, and other records; temporaryrental of quarters outside of the District of Columbia; for supervising special agents, and employmentby them of such temporary service as may be necessariy in collecting Toummumg the statistics required by law, including $15,000 for co ecting tobacco statistics authorized by law m addition to any other fund available