Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/515

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 117. 1922. 487 including exchange of typewritiu machines, alterations and re airs, . . and for all other expenses autherized by said Act; preventing the chmmexclumm unlawful entry of Chinese into the United States, by the appointment of suitable officers to enforce the laws in relation thereto; expenses of returning to China all Chinese persons found to be unlawfully m the United States, mcluding the cost of im risonment and actual expenses of conveyance of Chmeselpersons to the frontier or seaboard Remding md mx for deportation; refimding of hea tax and maintenance bills upon ` presentation of evidence showing conclusively that collection was made through error of Government officers; all to be expended Pmm, under the direction of the Secretary of Labor, $3,300,000: Prmnkled, Y·»1;i¤l<·s`¤¤¢si<1·= the That the purchase, exchange, use, maintenance, and operation of·D's"'°t‘ horse and motor vehicles re uired in the enforcement of the immigration and Chinese exclusionllaws outside of the District of Columbia may be contracted for and the cost thereof paid from the appropriation for the enforcement of those laws, under such terms ans conditions as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe: Provided further, Limit mom W That not more than $12,000 of the sum appropriated herein may be mass. expended in the opvigrchase and maintenance o such motor vehicles: Provided further, at the appropriation herein made for the enforce- arfhlgjging ¤“¤¤ =¤- ment of the immfration laws shall be available for carrying out the ` rovisions of the ct entitled "An Act to exclude and expel from the 4,V;;*§é3P·1gg§¤V°l· Ilnited States aliens who are members of the anarchistic and similar ’ ' ` classes," approved October 16, 1918, and Acts amendatory thereof. _ _ For refund of immigration fiue erroneously assessed and collected L§,',ZQ°d‘sh`Am°"°““ from the Swedish—American Line, at New York, New York, $30. Fm *°‘“¤d°**~ mmoiwrrou srarrons. m}g;{¤*¤*¤°¤ =°·· Ellis Island, New York: Em mn"' For vacuum-heating system on Island Numbered Three, including t°;=:,g|_{¤v¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ installation, $15,000; For renewal of plumbing system on Island Numbered Three, including installation, $23,000; For remodeling and renovating buildings and plant, $100,000; In all, $138,000. Total, Bureau of Immigration, $3,512,230. nunnau or NATUBALIZATION. “§&*°’°”*•“°° ”°· Salaries: Commissioner, $4,000; ·deputy commissioner, $3,250; ug°*:,§;‘;j*‘;*g:f· d°P· clerks——eight of class four, twelve of class three, sixteen of class ’ two, sixteen of class one, ten at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; messenger, $840; two assistant messengers at $720; messenger boy, $4%}:0; inalalid $97,010, F pensati to be Hxed b th Secr t ener x uses: or com on, _ y e e ary P¤y¤f¤x¤mi¤¤r¤.1¤- of Labor, of giiaminers, interpreters, clerks, and Ste11ographe1‘S,_fol‘ °°i?5i“iil’;ii°ieki];’x$i>(i the purpose of carrying on the work of the Bureau of Naturalization, @3}*- 736* V°*· *°· P- provided for by the Act approved June 29, 1906, as amended by the Act approved March 4, 1913 (Statutes at Large, volume 37, page 736), and Ma 9, 1918 (Statutes at Large, volume 40, pages 542 to 548, inclusiveli including not to exceed $50,000 for apersonal services ,,,§f'*°°° in "‘° m" in the District of Columbia, and for their actu and necessary ‘ traveling expenses while absent from their official stations, including street car fare on official business at official stations, together wi per diem in lieu of subsisten_ce,_ when allowed pursuant to section 13 §·;jf**3•g¤j*lj*j¤,_;é;*•*§§°°¤°°· of the Sundry Civil Appropriation Act approved August_1, 1914, and for such per diem together with actual necessary traveling expgnses of officers and employees of the Bureau_ of Naturaliration m ashington while absent on omcial duty outside of the District of Colum-