Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/818

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790 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 259. 1922.

  • ’°Y“¤¤'*°¤°¤· person shall be employed hereimder at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum except the followmg: One at $4,000, two at

$3,000 each, one at $2,500, and three at $1,900 each. Oggom mmugsm ormcn or NAVAL 1NT1·:LL1cnNcn. °*"***=¤°¤¤P*°Y°°$- Salaries, Navy Department: Stenographer, $1,800; clerks—one $1,800, one $1,400, one $1,300, five at $1,000 each; three trans- · lators, at $1,400 each; draftsman, $1,200; in all, $16,700. _ 'femvnry ¤m1>1¤y- For temporary employees in the Oihce of Naval Intelligence, mmm. $13,380: Provided, That no person shall be employed hereunder at a PW ’°“’l°“°”- rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum except two persons at $2,000 each. tmlaurmu or snip- BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. ’mAris1=0n·rA'r10N AND nmoxwrrme. ""““P°'*°*"’“·°°°· I .For travel allowanceof enlisted men discharged on account of expiration of enlistment; transportation of enlisted men and a prentice seamen and applicants for enlistment at home and abroad: with subsistence and transfers en route or cash in lieu thereof; trans rtation to their homes, if residents of the United States, of enlistedo men and apprentice seamen discharged on medical survey, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof; trans rtation of sick or insane enlisted men and apprentice seamen to hdspitals, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof; Nsvumesnrvnrcmc. transportation of enlisted men of the Naval Reserve Force to and from duty, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cash in lieu thereof; apprehension and delivery of deserters and stragglers, and for railway guides and other expenses incident to transportation; Raman;. expenses of recruiting for the naval service; rent of rendezvous and expenses of maintaining the same; advertising for and obtaining men and apprentice seamen· actual and necessary expenses in lieu of mi1eage_to officers on duty with traveling recriuting parties; us{’_•g·•¤y_<g¤¢¤ M ¤¤· transportation of dependents of enlisted men; in all, $4,151,775. nncnsAr10N ron rmusrsn Mm:. m§,*{°“‘~*°‘°"· °¤“$°°° For the recreation, amusement, comfort, contentment, and health of the Navy, to be expended in the discretion of the Secretary of the ggfgimion M, under such regulations as he may Hrescribe, $520,000: Pro- ' , That not more than two persons s a be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum. coxrmcnivr. °°"°""‘°“" For ferriage, continuous-service certificates, discharges, goodconduct badges, and medals for men and boys; purchase of gymnastic apparatus; transportation of effects of deceased oilticers and enlisted men of the Naviy, and of officers and enrolled men of the Naval Reserve Force w 0 die while on dut ; books for training apprentice seamen and landsmen; packing boxes and materials; books models; stationery; and other contingent e nses and emergencies arising under cognizance of the Bureau ofxlggvigation, unforeseen and impossible to classify, $16,000. u§&¤§°*¥ e¤d'§t¤gi· GUNNBRY AWD mremnnnmc nxnncrsns. Prim. Mises. ew- For prizes, trophies, and badges for excellence in giunnery, target practice, engineering exercises, and for economy in fue consumption,