Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/82

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54 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 23. 1921. For contingent expenses, United States consulates, $1,480.93. For relief and protection of American seamen, $84.66. For relief and protection of American seamen, 1919, $133.92. For relief and rotection of American seamen, 1920, $13,194.66. For Coimcil of {National Defense, $120.84. For Interstate Commerce Commission, $636.56. _ For State, War, and Navy Department bmldmgs, fuel, lights, and so forth, $199.68. _ _ L For salaries and expenses United States Shiéxping Board, $10.34. For national security and defense, United tates Shipping Board, $3 227.72. For salaries and expenses, United States Food Administration, $180.34. For national security and defense, United States Food and Fuel Administrations, educational, $125.75. For salaries, Department of Agriculture, $23.53. For library Department of Agriculture, $59.45. For general expenses, Weather Bureau, $77.42. - For general expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry, $131.78. For general expenses, Bureau of Plant Industry, $533.75. For purchase and distribution of valuable seeds, $4.53. For stimulating agriculture and facilitating distribution of products, $4 756.43. For general expenses, Forest Service, $32.90. For general expenses, B1u·eau of Chemistry, $38.62. For enforcement of the Food and Drugs Act, $7.80. For general expenses, Bureau of Soils, 43 cents. For general expenses, States Relations Service, 78 cents. . For enforcement of the United States Cotton Futures Act, $4.33. For enforcement of the United States Grain Standards Act, $2.73. · For suppressing spread of pink boll worm of cotton, $7.80. For national security and defense, Department of Commerce, $21 886.80. Flor expenses of the Thirteenth Census, $2. For promoting commerce, Department of Commerce, $1.93. For continvent expenses, Steamboat-Inspection Service, $10.96. For general expenses, Bureau of Standards, $2.01. For military research, Bureau of Standards, $506.18. For testing structural materials, Bureau of Standards, $5.43. For party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Snuvey, $716.54. For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, $43,040.36. For salaries, lighthouse vessels, $586.50. For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, $58.03. For salaries and expenses, Commissioners of Conciliation, $1. For contingent expenses, Department of Labor, $2.22. For national security and defense, Department of Labor, $258.13. For investigation of child welfare, $1.01. For expenses of regulating immigration, $656.07. For expenses of interned aliens, $36. For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Naturalization, $6.79. For enforcement of the child-labor law, 90 cents. For contingent expenses, Department of Justice: Books for offices of solicitors, $4. For increase of compensation, Department of Justice, 83 cents. For detection and prosecution of crimes, $115.02. For national securiltyyand defense, Department of Justice, $267.14. For fees of clerks, mted States courts, 1919, $252.45. ssgtg) salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts,