Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1140

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, INDEX. 2681 Wood and Manu acturea o , Pace- Wool, Steel p Schedule 4, fl'/ariff of 1g22 .,,, 889 duty on; _____________________ _ __________ § Wood Dutyllotwn, etc., _ _ Wool: and Woolens, approp1·;ation for mvestigating methog;0 1304 duty on, carpet, and hair of camo] in the 0 -···—~···--····--··----·---··- , ease ... . . , flax straw for manufacture of pulp and marked __,_______ _ _________ _ ________ wl PGPGT -·-·· · --· 1304 scoured. ._ .,,, , .,,,,,_,__ 904 WoodFLyu,r ontheskin . .,...,.,_ 004 duty on, iilter mama orgwck of ..,.,., 909 Iemlttéd If Gllteféd 1.11 bond, and used Wood, Hon-kg A_ $0,540,,,), for manufacture of carpet, etc., in Wpéusiou in ... . 1651 Y69·N-- · 2 --···--..-·-- · ·. 904 ood, Kari; (uyfdgw), additional duty if not so used 904 wpension ... . 1692 other, and angora gent, alpaca, etc., in ood, Louie (widow), the greese or washed ... . sos Wazéimgn . .., 1655 ---- · ·---------- - -··--... deficien 0, a ro tion for credit in 111811661 nw ¤ 1i¢¤1>1¢ if bales Con-

   ____________,______ 41 tain yvools ofpdifierent classes. ., 905

Wood Pozp (ooo also Pulp Wood one repo]-, resolenens re be prescribed for preogo_)_ vision; as to rates, etc. . 905 duty on manufactures oi, not specially pro- 9dV=m€9<1 1¤ ¤·¤Y mi-¤¤¢1‘ b¢Y¤¤d washed vided for ________ _ _________________ 000 or scoured, but not beyond roving. . 905 mg ____ _ ,____ _ ________________ _ ____ 000 blankets, carnage robes, etc 905 ODIIQHIL- . . . .. 929 (nl?) s _ rem--- •···-- · ··-·· •---··- 906 wood, Sooo;. p_ (widow), fabrics www edges. . . 906 w?:“;·“““°;’“·=r··; ················· lm dtrainze; ‘··‘‘‘‘·‘‘················ % , mum . wi ow , ·· -·-----·-·- _ -·----·--- _ ---- mon increased ________________________ 1000 manufactures, not specially provided Wgcodard, Lillian M. (unklow), _ Y0! -·--··-~-··---··-—-··-·-···--~·· 907 nsion ... . 1698 none -·-··--· - -·~· · - ·_ -····-—·-·-·-—·-··- 905 Wggdmu, outerwear, etc., knit or crocheted, not on noo unt, unbound, hand printed .. esa , zeenllv provnled for -------- - ---·-- 906 Woodk, Fredmbk E. (son), 1663 E1; ····- - -·---~···-···----· m

Ii§ood, 1$_` dy sersples of. mmm  . ... oo?

appropriation for paving Twenty-seventh eh dy ---·- · · -, -···-···-·-··--· · ······· 905 to Twenty-eighth étreet --·-------·· 1336 ";“d°1'W°“'· but- ·······-·--·--········ $2 W00dgr_(·g’aud8(1”ldmU)$ w P¤re]_______________________· M Wpenm ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'°‘’''‘’' ''''‘' woven nm . 905 °°d,fgi0a;,"§n"”‘c,,,Ms€‘g ________________________ 1751 aggtm cement lengths ·-·--·- - --·----· xg Wggdsom, .!oseph·i·ne K (w»id0»w), WMM -- - -.. . . , ,,__ pension increased -.. . ...- 1698 mméu incmmgd _____ _ __________________ 1722 Woodward, Okla., _ _ _ Wgrkhouec, D. C., 9·PP1'0P1’l¤li10§1 fo¥ €¤'01b11¤11m8 lwe stock appropriation for salaries of administrabreeding svmon at --·· - --·----·· 536. 1317 tion . . .. 699, 1356 Wool (see also Wools end Woolensb for operation and maintenance . . . 699, mov ¢e111P01’¤1’Y <1¤tY °¤ ¢1°¢111¤8· 60% ‘m‘ for fuel . 699, 1357 wnshedg W¤¤11€<1; ¤€0¤¥°‘1 -··~·- - ·-·- 10 for construction, repairs, etc  : 699, 1357 classincauou .-----------·--- 10 tonpnymenmmabandoned 699, 1357 addmoual, if sorted. etc ·-·-·-·· - -···--· 10 deficiency appropriation for maintenance. 34 advanced beyond washed or scoured.- . . 10 for fue] ,,.. . ,.. 1533 !¤$¤\1f$¢011l’@ Of; 8d<11¤¤¤9·1 fe Pmsent W0rkmen’s Comxpauativn Law: of States, etc., rates ... . . · -····---···-- l0 jurisdiction o district courts for iniunes to WWZ Md M-m1¢f¢1v¢w'¢8 of. other than master or crew o vemels Schedule 11, TariE of 1922 ..· 904 wider ,,,.,. , ,,..,_,,.,..., 534 Wool Clip_o_/11918. ‘ exclusive when such rights conferred appropriation for completing Work of thereby - .. 634

€tc____,-..··-·••~-··.. 533,1314 _W0rk80f-Arc,

distribution of receipts among ¤W1r duty on, etchings and engravings- ..-. 920 ers _,,,,.. .···"°" ``·'-° U-"°"·533»1315 paintings, pastels, pen andink drawdgficigncy gpp1’0Pri8ti0u for °°mpl°““8 ings, etc ______,,______,____,.,__,, 920 handling,0t°"°f""··_-H.--°"" 445 st,ai;ugry,scuIpt1ua,etc .,_,, . ... -., 920 distribution of receipts among growers- 445 on free hst, by States, educational socie- Wool Exo-act., ties, etc., not for sale; condition- . . 934 duty on ___,, __ ______________, , _,_________ 905 fgr temporary exhibition, gm, not for Wool Grease, sale; conditions". .. t . I. I . . 933 duty 0n ____,___ _ _,_________,., , .,,_,_,__, 865 of American artists temporarily residing Wool Indusbyv , _3·bm°‘d·: · ·; · ····*····· ; ····•······ 934 appropriation for investigating problems of, . original pamtmgs, engravings, sculpon western farms.,_ . 512, 1297 tures, etc . . 934 Wool Soouring Waatc, produced more than 100 years before 8 riaiion for dev meihodn of im rfntion -------·-·--·----·-·-.-. 934 ppmputilizing. . . . ,... 522 rugs gd carpets excepted 904