Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/348

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INTERNATIONAL SANITARY CONVENTION. JAN. 17,1912. 1905 And Whereas the said Convention was duly ratified by the Gov- R=¤¢i¤¤d with reserernment of the United States of America, by and with the advice vsii1iii;p.1sa4. and consent of the Senate thereof, subjlect to the understanding that POWS mmm- "nothing contained in Article 9 of the said Convention shall be deemed to prevent the United States from carrying out any special quarantine measures against the infection of its ports which might be demanded by unusual sanitary conditions ;" and b the Governments of Belgium, Denmark, Ecuador, Sgain, France, Great Britain, Italy, Norway, Panama, The Netherlan s, Persia, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and Egypt, and their ratiications were, in 1u·- Suance of Article 160 of the said Convention, deposited with the (government of the French Republic on October 7, 1920; And Whereas the ratification of the United States of America was R¤ti¤¤·ti<>¤ <1¤i>¤¤i¤· so deposited subject to the understanding hereinbefore recited; °d‘ · N ow, therefore, be it known that I, Woodrow Wilson, President of Pr¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and eve article and clause thereo may be observed and fulfilled with goodriraith by the United States and the citizens thereof, subject to the aforesaid understanding. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of America to be aihxed. Done in the District of Columbia this eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [sun.] twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and fort%fifth. oomzow Wmsou By the President: Norman H. Davis Acting Secretary of S tate. [Translation.] _ Pnocks-Vmmai. my Dnpor uns Pnocns-Vnnnai. or rim Dnrosrr m{*,,§§•;*t'{°g*__d¤¤¤¤* ¤¢ RATIFIOATIONS stm LA CoN- or mn RATIHCATIONS or rm: vmrriou Samrnmn INTEBNA— Inrnnnarromu. Samranr Con- TIONALE Sienna A Pains LE 17 vnN·r1oN siennn AT Pams, JAN- Jmvmn 1912. uanr 17, 1912. EH execution de Particle 160 In execution of Article 160 of S°°°°°°°°°m°°°”‘ de Convention Sanitaire Inter- the International Sanitary Con- ‘ nationals signée a Paris le 17 vention signed at Paris, January janvier 1912, par l’Allemagne, les 17, 1912, by Germany, the United Etats-Unis d’Amérique, la Ré u·· States of America, the Argentine bl{q116Ax§entine,l’Autriche-Hl>)n- Republic, Austria—Hun.gary, Bel- §'¤¤._18 elgique, La Bolivie, le 'um, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, résil, la Bulgarie, le Chili, la €hile,Colombia,Costa Rica, uba, Colombie, Costa—Rica, Cuba, le Denmark, Ecuador,Spain, France, Danemark, l’Equateur, l’Es agne, the United Kindgom of Great Brila France, le Royaume-Iiiii de tain and Irelan , Greece, Guate- Grande-Bretagne et d’IrLande, la mala, Haiti, Honduras, Italy, Grece, le Guatemala, Haiti, le Luxemburg, Mexico, Montenegro, H0¤du{as,l’Ita1ie,1(.;Liixembo , Norwa , anama, the Net erle Mexique, le Monténégrourga lands,1;ersia, Portugal, Roumania, Norvege, Panama, les Pays-l3a.s, Russia, Salvador, Servia, Siam, laPerse, 1ePortu al, la Roumanie, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, 18 Russia, le Safvador, la Serbie, Egypt and Uruguay, the underle Siam, la Suede, la Suisse, la signed met at the Ministry of For- Turquie, l’E;y‘pte et l’Uruguay, eign Affairs at Paris to proceed les soussign se sont éums au under the conditions hereinbelow Ministers des AEaires {trangeres stated with the deposit into the