Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/627

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2184 PARCEL POST CONVENTION——S·mArrs Snrrnnmnnrs. Article III. Letters must not ac- 1. A letter or communication of the nature of [iersonal corre- °°mp°°y p“”°°l" spomience must not accompany, be written on, or inc osed with any arce . egieiwtiw if *¤¤¤d· P 2. If such be found, the letter be placed in the mails if sep- ` arable, or, if the communication be inseparably attached, the who e package will be rejected. If, however, any such parcel should inadvertently be forwarded, the coimtrjy of estination will collect on the letter or letters double rates of postage, according to the Con- _ vention of the Universal Postal Union. “f§§fl°S‘”°‘°‘°’h“ 3. No parcel may contain packages intended for delivery] at an address other than that borne by the parcel itself. If such closed packages be detected, they must be sent forward singly, charged with new and distinct parcel post rates. Article IV. R“’°’°'p°‘°“‘°· 1. The followin rates of postage shall in all cases be required to be FULLY PREI§AID with postage stamps of the country of origin, viz: "’U“*“"’ S“‘“"· 2. In the United States, for a arcel not exceeding one pound in weight, twelve cents, and for eaclli additional pound or fraction of a _ pound, twelve cents. mLit¤?"°m S°m°' 3. In the Straits Settlements, one dollar for each parcel up to three pounds in weight, one dollar and forty cents for each (parcel exceeding three pounds up to seven pounds in weight, and one ollar and eighty cent? or each parcel exceeding seven pounds up to eleven poun s in wei t. g Article V. C"S°°“" d°°l‘*'°“°“· 1. The sender of each parcel shall prepare a customs declaration ,,,,_,,’p_,,,,,_ to be securely attached to the parcel, upon a special form provided for the puripose (see Form 1 annexed hereto), giving a general description o the parcel, an accurate statement of its contents and value, date of mailing, the sender’s signature and address, as well as Md t { the name and address of the addressee. D ° p°'°m" 2. The sender will, on request at the time of mailing the parcel ,,,,,,’ p_ 2,,,, receive a certificate of mailing from the post office where the parcel _ is mailed, on a form like Form 2 annexed hereto. D°*"°'Y· 3. The parcels shall be promptly delivered to addressees at the post offices of address in the country of destination, free of charge for C¤$*°’¤$ d¤¤·¤°°~ postage. They shall be subject to all customs duties and all customs regulations in force in the country of destination for the rotection of its customs revenues, and the customs duties properly dhargeable thereon shall be collected on delivery in accordance with the customs ,,ml;§‘;g{*°*°¤ '*°¤¤ relgulations of the country of destination; but neither sender nor ’ a dressee shaH be subject to the payment of any charge for Hnes or penalties on account of failure to comply with any customs regulation. Article VI. m§;§§f’°’ *’Y °°"“ The Post Office Department of the United States shall pay to the Post Office Department of the Straits Settlements 1 franc (20 cents) for each Iparce forwarded from its offices to the Straits Settlements,

 the ost Office Department of the Straits Settlements shall ay a

similar amount to the Post Office Department of the United States for each parcel forwarded from its offices to the United States. The accounts shall be balanced every quarter and a general balance of