Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/784

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INDEX. 2325 Asses Pass- Atdf T ka and Santa F Rail P · stnlying_across boundary_ line, etc., ad- wm’C'om0p1acvB;, G way me 11112:3 . 923 may bliidge es Moines River, Dumas, _ _ (),,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,__ appropriation for streets, etc. . ..’--._.- . 679, 1336 Aten, R. (dau hter), 28 orptaew;-rngroadways under permit sys- 6 9 Ammon mcrw 1624

. . 7 mi¤Gmu te., Mum Amdgpw

for sewers . , ~ ; -..---.. 681, 1339 use of funds ag proprisvey fer, for iddeu deficiency approtpnatron for sewers 440 unless azlmimion chaifd for con- Assesmwnt of Ad alorem Dutmi _ tests which cadets e part. 1416 imports not to be aaesaed on ess than sx- Athletw Sporting Goods, pmt value _,,__,__,,,,________,,,, 15 duty 011, , ...,.. 912 exportslrlalue determined by usual Ebola; Atkinson, Eliza F. (widow), e prrce m princi mar et 0 nsion ... . 1672 country of export gt (figs thereof. . . 15 Ailrlimon, Julia A. (widow), - Fchng etc. costsin u 6 pension ,,,, 1738 nited ktates import duties, shipment Atlanta, Ga., gpensesgggga deducted ... .. .. 16 appropriation for penitentiary, mainteexpc taxes 16 nance ... . ., 618, 1085 value, inkappraising importsglcplo mean reah;;£:·1opriat.ion of working capital 1 mar et or export w er is ... 6 9 higher., . .. ’ il . 16 deficiency appropriation for penitentiary, forferture sales, drawbacks, etc., ex- maintenance,. 41,194,448,1054,1159,1554 oepted 16 for penitentiary, water tank . 194 of component material, determined by for penrtentiary, warehouse for textile -T“'¥“TAa.-?¤°i‘°‘i·1taa ··········‘·· {S mi §$‘“ ‘‘‘‘‘ · rum ‘=‘‘‘‘ gm ‘‘‘‘ .. ni., ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ *5*3 meamng o ct o .. . . p m pem gran visions f re ed - . 990 Fulton Countytowidenpu lxcroad. 1065 Assrrazments, Cgeal Atlantrh Quart, rates for laying water mains and service 710 appropuatrgln forsurveys of, and outlyin4§0 1121

 0.,   1328 A¢l¤¢   llm

3 f lar1es` - . . ymen .._,,. pid: rc2>ies ofwills, etc., to. 677; 1335 Aggrmy Gengral, _ _ Asiroigisemmu 0_[Patc1ttts, 391 apggopriatrontfegg, Solrcitorg $11, 1078 made in wu ters, void against innlggeent purchaser unless torneys, eth .. I.: 611,1078 recorded in Patent Office, etc .. 391 for pnyatesecretary ass1stantto.._611, 1078 acknowledgment before proper official, for amrstangs to, in special cases; forer§p6 1083 to., . ?T?i‘?€‘T.‘i . TT? .‘???E‘i 391 mp°2cei 655; 12.50 Assistant Attorney General in Gustorns Cases, deficiency appropriation for automobile for. 40 appropriation for, special counsel, attor- for amstantsw; foreign counsel: . 40,448 _ ngys, etc. . ...·-·.. 612,1079 for {g;+iK=;;ng%6s;¤0p§»ée%?’n;la1on;1;i%wt of 40 tant tto . . -·~~·· appmpiiatiei-in‘ly0'i· .. ..l . 611, 1078 Appendix to rgport of, rzelatrye to disorders

 ri 'Z§$i;.,,, tt and ;°,£{2l S"*°”"“f‘fi*i?"”* f’f"?f?€‘ mm

rgegglgyx, _______,___,_______,_ 62 authonzgd to ggcgpt gervicg, gm, in con- Assixtant to Attorney General, demnation of Qovernment owned appropriation fo1- ,,,..,.,.. . . . . . . , . 611, 1078 real estate by Chicago, Ill., for street 357 Avwlunl Tfvasu , purppsee ···--··-···--····---·-·-- _- internal reverigg stamps to be sold by; grant strip of land, Atlanta, Ga., penibond, etc 303 tentmry to Fulton County for public 1065 A ,· · g,.,·,_.,, _ _________________ _ ____________ 19,7;;,;%. A umd uw', mp- clerks of district courtsto have pay iixed by, loans etc authorized to based on mar- based on busineatrausacted; limita- ’ ketahis products and live stock. by ti¤¤¤» ew ----- - ·----·--··--------- 500 credit banks- collateral required 1455 contracts for empérgyment of attorneys by A¤cdati<;)m0dl;>f Proiluczrs of Ag·r1k.·ult·ural §;1;)}g>;1;¥0f ard, ew., subject to 648 r ta . . ························ authorized fdr inarketing, etc. their prod- drstnbunon of Supreme Court Reports, Aslan]; P t.ri.ct0fegegumbiaRentst1Act}tl§> be :,51 ' · i · · tin y termina'ono ct.. " appmprgapgiig. .. t fg 384 to applggruiqr ilerniinattlilon of Supreme Court ""'é"°""”""*‘!·°"‘2"'”“‘""";.,,.t.,,c., 643 1235 B°°‘di§$“;p °‘ °“ ““‘* g" '““"“ “‘ 14ao ro . , _ .. : . _ . A pfgr giiiantiirg for .. . .. 644 to nig: attggigzyguto _3SS1Sl§'glg1tI;g

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