Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/848

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INDEX. 2389 Dfmw', CQZOZ, _ P¤8¤· Department of A¥ricuZturc—Coutinued. Pate. ¤PP!‘9P¤¤·U0¤ for {111-lt 813 -...··-.-... 381, 1103 appropriation orBureauof Plant Industry; deliicxency appropriation for mint building. 1550 cereal improvement, etc. ; soil and seed purchaqc of railroad rght of way to Ifitz- .. 515, 1300 mmmops ospntal, authonzed 1029 tobacco production; drought resistant Dmzm Kwmm (¤¤<!$<;•¤>. crops . 2 . 515, 1300 P€¤¤1¤H ·~----- - - ·_ -------··-··----·--~·... 1629 sugar plant mvestigations, cbc . 515, 1300 Deparcwqz qi Aiqnudmre. _ _ dry md crops, ctc . : . ., .. 515, 1300 appropriation or $ecrgta.ry, Assnstant, d1- edible nuts, growmg_, slnppmg, etc 516, 100 rectors of scwuizniic, ctc., work and fruit growin , shipping, etc ... 516, 1300 eirwnsion ¤¢¤'i¢0, S0li¢i¤01', ¢l¤r?){7 1289 §xper:]1i1ent€\ gardens, etc 516, 1301 8 ¢ ·····-··.·- - ··-··.-----.-. , rt' t ° t' f bc, tree, for mechanical shops and power plant 0et§,p t:i’:;.l?. 5..,.. 516, 1301 employees .--. . .. 508, 1290 Arlington, a., experimental mm. 516, 1301 reumbgid b¥ bureaus, etc., for shop- 508 ioreiégg se;-xls and plants; new and rare wor ere or . , , tc _,,__,,_,_____ 516 1301 for contingent expenses . 508, 1290 Csiigregiozzlgemgd distribution .. 516 automobile for the Secretary ... 508 biophygicgl investigations; adminisfol‘ CODSlZfuCtil1g vault for i.D· trative expenses ,,,,,,,...,.,. . , _ , 517, 1301 H¤m¤¤}bl<§ maiéfials. . . : ···---- 508 for Forest Service .. 518, 1301 f¤f 1’€¤§,tEd1¤¢{é€t of C01l1H;b1B·· - 508, 1290 gagonalfforestsiirrgaintenance, etc. 513, 1302 c— ge no a e 111 ting orest etc ... 51 , 1303 G9V€{¤m6I1TJ%_lld{11gB ... . 508, 1290 sigrvey, etc., of Ianils valuable for agrifor editorial and dnstnbution w0rk 1290 culture ,,,,_,_,,___,,,,,,,_,_,_ 520, 1303 miscellaneous expenditures . . . . 1291 camp grounds, sanitary facilities. . 520, 1304 for priutiulgeand building ... 535, 1921 equipment supplies. . - ... 520,1304 Annual port;farmem’ bulletins. 535, 1291 mms; products, etc.; tree planting, for officergf Fxpgacrlg-lu;g:1:;lStati011s ... 1291 etc ... ... 520, 1304 suppo o agn experiment sta- mods, mu']; ridge; etc ,.. 520 1304 tions . . 1291 ®DB€l’V8ti0I;0fD8Vié8bl6BtI®m8,8tC. , administrative expense;. . . .: .. 1292 wmmimiou expenses ...,... 521, 1305 extending statiops to Terntomas and for Bureau 0{Chemistry. 521, 1305 insulqrpomcsgtous.; . .. 1292 biological mvcstigatmns of food and for extension service ...,... 1292 drug products, etc . . 522, 1305 farmer; cooperative demonstration wlomuts, medicimls, ctc., {mm raggg 305 wor .. . matedala . . . 1 ¤dg§§;;•;*la;%Pt:¤'*“·*V° °¤°¤¤*°¤ *0**9 I Eg H memufpcture of ta¥le;irig>, etc. . _ 522; mos for ¤¥g;sc¤1¤¤¤.1 exhibits at smw, em., 1293 °°{§’{;‘,}‘,?ac§Q;‘§,_ ____ Y; _ _’_°_'_‘““‘g_ 522,13w aus .. . · pcm · for p¤bli<>¤¢i¤¤ ¤f P¤>¢<=<><ii¤g¤ ¤f W<>r1d’¤ $’§ffE»?5;‘?`¤$;u@u2$§. Z I ZZ six Dm-'ZY $~`°“g€°°s ······ · ·-········· ;·· 1293 insecticides, etc., investi tion¤-.. 522,1306 for xigstmtivo expenses extension 1293 dchydmting foam pamhg etc ____ gg, 1306 for We»=hei‘i3‘··><-»¤- - ----··--- wg, 1293 $’v‘§§i‘s‘2;‘;'}i§’§‘$v3'g‘t‘;“iai?8‘§;ig;ei;;:; . .. "§°£ ggming Omcel limitations '````` for Bureau of Soils 523 1306 st wamiu etc ... . . ‘···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘ * for Animal Ingétry Bureau 510: 1295 f°Ym*Z°fi°; 9***5 iq · ····· gg? mspection and quarantine work. . . 511, 1296 f ¢*§’P°'° ‘ $1%* to m$¤¤8° -—···· 52:; 1307 ·=¤··*;3¤¤g· ¢t¤—· *··*-¤*¤··· 0* =g;; 12% °‘;,rJ$2°;‘i‘§n€g¤p$¤.i$2%ii.; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 524,1308 ID ... .. . . .. ... ••··••· r eradication of southern cattle ticks- 512; 1297 §’m.b°"°‘r ····· · • il ······•'•··•··’ 525· dairy industryinvestigations: . 512,1297 { °¤°°° of B. l°°.;i és ············ és 1309 animal husbandry investigations. . 512, 1297 0* Bmmg, ,“r;§Y -··•• · 526· 1310 iuves‘ti<·a.ting animal diseases; cou- fwd h? **8 9 U » ¤;mm » °tc·· » mginfm abortion _______ _ _ ________ 512, 1297 enforcing migratory bird law, etc. . 526, 1310 hog cholera emdimtion etc . dOu_ reindeer industry, etc., m Alaslca. . 526, 1310 rim? ________________ ____ 512, 1297 for Divisxou of Accounts and Dmburso; ¤·*di*i¤¤=·¤ *0* mm i·~¤¢¢*i·>·=; *=¤g¤·g 12,,8 forI§1$i;§:•l1-oil.§1ll1li·caiio11é "‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "‘“*‘2é2 meat ... . ... 1 , . . . '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ for Bureau of Plant Industry _ 5 13, 1298 “·¤°';*?um"°l exhibma at Smt°¤ etf.;7 1293 plant diseases, etc., iuvesbxgatiorgig 1298 { l_:u° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘' 337* 1311 ' ""'°"""""""""" V) Or1ra`!-y""':"‘°""':"°"""" O"! inggsoggtin citrus canker; chestnut for Spares Relations §€fV1C€...· .. 528 trce bark giseose, etc ... 514, 1299 agncultqml experiment statmns, etg:. . 528 eradicating whim pine blister rust. 514, 1299 cooperative agricultural extension _ crop plzmt,etc.,d1seases .. 514, 1299 work. .. _ ... ;.. 528 soil bi-1cteri0logy*;fertility·, etc . 514, 1299 famxers’ cooperative demonstration acclimaiizatiou, ctc; cothouseed inter; work ...,. _  : ... 528 breeding . . . 515, 1299 additional coogemuve agncultuml physiological, technological, etc., in- extensmn wor_·. . ,_ .. I. . 1 ,... . . 529 vcstigations .. . .. . 515, 1300 egpenment; stationg m Temtoneg and _ commercial seeds, grasses, etc.; im- _ lB12.QdS.· . . ... . 529 porting adulterated seed grains, mvestxgaung economy, etc., of home etc .. . . . 515, 1300 use of agricultural products ...,. 529