Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/861

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2402 INDEX. District of Columbia—C0ntinued. Pan. District of 0oZumln21—Continued. Pan deiicienc appro riation for temporary joint Congresional committee; powers to puglic comiort stations, etc 15 secure testimony, etc .. . . . . 670 emergency appropriation for public schools, punishment for refusing to answer 670 1922 .. 59 employment of accountants and stenogfor site for branch of free Public Library raphers authorized . . _ . . 670 in southeastern section. 60 qualsniications of accountants; restnoall above to be paid sixty per cent tion ... . . . 670 from District revenues . 60 attorney to represent United States Q1 be expenses of, payable annuallfy, 60dper cent assigned y Attomey General ... 671 from revenues thereo , an 40 per appropriation for expenses ... .. 671 cent from the United States 668 additional allotment for_ care of children at tax levied for fis%\l1Hears 1923 to 1927, sectarian institutmns ... . . 2. 1533 inclusive, on value of District elevated siding by Baltimore and Oluo real and personal property, to meet Railroad,authorized; location .. 1327 share of - . 668 grand authorized to meet public other revenues included; tax on intan— e ncy . . ~. _. 543 gible personal property, rate . . . . 668 alley d restrictionspostponed until to produce surplus fund m addition to. 668 June 1 , 1923 ... : . - - 837 real and nal mx payable m two m- American Bed Cross allowed to continue

, November and May,. .- 668 use of teiiporary buildings m

penalty for deligguency. ..-.- 668 grounds of emonal to Women of _ mw of, to be iix by Commmnoners. . 669 the Civil War .. 1218 advances from the Treasury allowed until banking corporations not permitted t0 July 1, 1927 .. . ... 669 commence business, or establish unlawful thereafter . . .. , . . 669 ·branches in, without consent of tax to be levied after June 30, 1927, W1th Comptroller of the Currency 500 other revenues, sufficient for all ap- bread standard loaf; pound and a half propriations to be paid by the Dis- weight allowed . ... 201 trict . . 669 certified public accountants authorized to rate to be determined annually by the practice, by board of accountancy. . 1261 Commissioners . -.·..----- · 669 classification of positions in mucollections from all sources to be daily de- nicipal government of . . 1488 posited in the Treasury 669 cl ’ authorized of Piney Branch Road detailed accounts of receipts and disburse- i*lW., between Sixteenth and Sevenments to be kept y Treasury Do- teenth Streets., . .. 1280 partment . 669 upper Water Street NW. , between Twenrevenue from property not owned by the ty-first and 'l‘wenty-second Streets, District declared www 0 fha added to park system .. 836 United States , 669 conveyance of certain land in, to abutdivision of revenue from jointly improved property owners . . 1587 roperty on land owned by the filled mil manufacture, sale, etc., in, un- {Tmted States . 669 lawful 1487 ground rent to United States  : .-··-· 669 punishment for . ... 1487 remainder in proportion to oonmbution equitable defenses admitted in actions at toimprovements . , . 669 law, etc., in Munici >al Court .. 1506 appraisement of value of ._ ..-·· , · 669 incorporations; authorized under China receipts from other revenues divided m Trade Act .. . .. 850 proportion to contributions thereto. 669 dimolution of Colored Union Benevolent excess of revenues after June 30, 1927, Association 1504 available for succeeding year ... 670 General Federation of Women’s Clubs, to meet expenses thereof ... 670 property holdings increased 491 to reducet e tax rate .. 670 Gonzaga College, urposes extended revenues due llnited States to be c0|]€Ct6d and property hoYdings not limited . . 324 by District agencies. .. , ... 670 Masonic Mutual Relief Association, de t of, as miscellaneous receipts . 670 name changed to Acacia Mutual Life gum Center Mgrket ex(;eptgd_ __,, , , . 670 Association _______________________ , 1020 estimates of needs of District to be sub- Prospect Hill Cemetery, lot owners to mitted by Commigigners ______,,, , 670 coustimtg ggrpomtjgn _____ _ _ _ _,_,_, 36] to be. fixed pmportiongtg con- sale of part, authorized ,___,___,, , ,,,. 361 _ _ tnbutwns ... . ._ ... 670 Potomac Insurance Company, charter pmt Qongressional comm1ttee created to amended by grant of additional 1‘[[\’?9I;]t_U3{@ Escal Iglgtloug between c13,§€B of iugujgucg _____ _ ______ _ _ _ 417 United States and,smce.lulyl , 187}. 670 interment of bodies in White’s‘Tabemac1e amount expended respectivelyfor Drs- Cemetery, unlawful hereafter; retngt to bg·35(;er[3med by_ 670 movgl, gt(;_ ____________ _ ____ _ ___,, 348 _ Federal buildings not mcluded ... 670 issuing checks, etc. , without credit at bank if money found due from one to the other, for payment, a misdemeanor .. . 820 interest to be paid ,,,_ . ... 670 punishment for ,,_,,,,. 820 to ascertain if surplus from taxes and limitation on carfares, 1921, increased 30 licenses exists to the credit of the temporary services on sewers, streets, Plstnct ~-··-·-·--- - —---·—--·-··-- 670 etc., 1922, increased ...,.,..,,,,,,. 329 findings to be reported by lst of Febru- temporary technical, etc., em loyees, ary: 1923- ····-·· - -···-··-··-· · · · · 670 water department, incrwsecft .. 1534