Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/914

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INDEX. 2455 Hmmby, Ja'm»;38 H., Pun- Hospital Facilitahs for ex-Soldiers, etc., Pun P€¤¤10¤} ---·------·-----»-·-·-·-·-·-- . l727 limitation; on amount for remodeling ex- Hm`8¢, D'w§¢1-$68 Of, _ _ isting plants for, repealed ...,,,,,,, 37 appropnauon for publicatxon, etc., work 1316 trzmsfeged to control, etc., of Ve1:em.ns’ OH ..··-----... ureau ..,,,_,,,,,_,__ _ _______ 150 Horse Meat (see Equine Meat). Hospital for the Imam, D. C'. (see Saint Eliza- Horsehmr, baths Hospital, D. G.). duty on, cloths and_mauufact.m·es of, not Hospital Stewards, Army, _ syecially prov1ded for .. - .. 917 appro riation for quarters for ... 84, 734, 1394 on free ist, unmauufachued, not specially H`0sp1ItaE)Ute*n.s·£ls, provided for L .. 928 duty 011, iron or steel enameled, etc., hpl- Hcrsehair, Artificial or Imitation, low ware ... . . . 880 duty 011, kmt ggods, ribbons, etc ..,.. 908 Hospitals, Army, yarns, thrca , filaments, and lame . 908 appropriation for construction and repair H0rserakes,_ of pqst and gizqeral. . 84, 734, 1394 Hon free lust .., 922 &1t§l’3»t10I;S, wd HOKE, temporary laddvrsea, mgs, e c ,734, 1394 dut ou. . .. 892 - new construction forbidden ,,., 84, 734, 1394 011 gee list, pads for. ... . .. . . 930 deficiency appropriation for construction straying across boundary line, ctc., ad- and repair. 52, 342, 458, 463, 781, 1056, 1555 mitted free; regulations . .. 923 Hospitals, etc., for World War Service Pambnts, team and saddle, bro ht in tempomrigf apprggriatiou for roviding 507 by nouresidentsugor races, etc., - ditioual obggutions mag be incurred 507 H mitted free of duty nmder bond . 938 additixéml, to be provided y Vcte¤ms’ ones, Army ureau ... 4 496 appropriatiém for Trrchase of 82, 731, 1391 by purchsgsc, ctc., of existing plants- 496 allowance for 82, 731, 1391 coustsructgng 0{1 Government owned and limit; contracts; purc at posts- lggi acgugrsled sxtsgg ... gg recrca 0 can . standard required ... c . 82, 731; 1391 accommodations for medical, etc., per- 110 polo ponies except for Military sqnuel . 496 Academy ... 82, 731, 1392 douatwnq may be sqccpted. . . .. _. . . 496 donations accepted of breeding ani- constructxon, 10cat.1o11, etc., reqmremals, prizes, ctc .. 83, 731, 1892 _ _ ngmnts- .4 ... _. . . 496 rc rt on means, etc., for e11c0urg§ utmhzapou of Government-owned bruld- Eorcediug of riding horses , 731, 1392 111gB, GTK! -·---·.---.--·-- _ .-··.-. · · - 496 deficiency a propriatiou for . . 196, 458, 1555 transfer to Bureau_by Exccnmve order. . 496 Henle gectefof, not in actual use .,... 78 techmgal, ctc Zrgegnces from departments 496 1-3 N `lg orcons c on ___________,_,_ ,,____ (slug: 0¤_ Ti _ _’ ____________________,_______ 880 employment of outside services ..,,,____ 496 Hcgweshoes, etc., I 880 ummm}; aut(1i1ic;1;iz1ed Q5 appropriated; 497 utyon,iron0r¤tee . lmme cyav a 9 ---..-- , -.. Horsley, O1-lo W, allowauccfrom for technical assistance issue of additional homestead entry to . 1759 BIQPPIIOB, pgq .. . . . ._ . , 497 Horticultural Board (see Federal Horticul- all hogpxtal {;c1l1t1esf oé Buycguvgvmaglc t IB d. orve ra.r1s0» aren, Hmticulzulzg, etgirlgzvesteymwm, suffering from mental or tubércular appropriation for .. $16, 1301 dmeqscs . _ ... _ ... 497 studies of condition of vegetables m condemnation proceedings authorxzcd for transporting, storage, ctc 516, 1301 lanqs to be gjwen for, at Dawson Homkyultural Organizations, Sgrmgs, Ky., 1f donor unable to ob- Hexempt from income mx .. 253 tam ¤}21e;g>K6p;$g¤§;,;w. } . . . Q2 -m·t(m, Hgnyy, exgenses 0 , _ ono ’ _____,_,_____________,__ , ,,_______ 1640 ond required to secure payment ,.,,, 819 Hgfgffgoglary O. (widow), Hosp€£alsjor_Indiam, _ pension increased 1615 approptximtxon for mamtemmce and opergaél 1182 fh-se OB ·-»··- · --·.-.·---·-··--..--· , d ’ bl be f l' 'd v . 902 Has ° ls, Naval _ H¤s;“gn?1u}}:zi§"e}t}ame? H I, Or lqm Sorbms a riation_E0r care of patgenm. . . 131, 803, 1146 duty on, mczgn, eta.} kbnit Hosp: 13 flvifggg ggggrd ~g‘€e3·vwe (see also Pubmade of nitte 2. ric . . _ _ » k ‘ ’ ___________________ _ _________ _ 903 d fidgm; appro n3t;10nforexpeuses,,- 341, 457 Wg1(3k2l%(_· __________________ _ __________ 906 Hggegimls, ggatg, J[l;7;ig·ipal, gr Private, Hose, Flexilgle Metal, contracts, authorized yviph, for service to duty on _______________________ _ __________ 879 war nsk beneiicmnes, etc: _,,__, ·, . _ 150 Hoaking, Qlark P., 1722 Hostess ggmvugwirfglrrgy (see Recreauon Bmld- PBDSL ,,,..,. - _ ::1* ‘

 { b ”‘:‘tip*·"g*gm’  Leo N M Memorial

pm made.? .. . .5) ... 1044 Hcspxtal d.#§§s0c1a.t1un for hospmgl 506 Hos Z d M di ZS ly Depot.; Navy, pses; CGD 1 10115 .. T baipzigcgncf cf;¤¤gr1ui1;gpapI;§0pria:tion for, Hot Sprmgs _AJ·my and Navy Hqspual, Arjk., made available for avy deficieu- approprmtzxons for cumstructxon, mgm, cies, 1922 ..,, , ,,,,,,_,,_,,_,,,,__, 450 etc ,,,,,,________ _ _ _ _ , . ,..., , 734, 1394