Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/993

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2534 INDEX. Oakville, Calaf, P¤¤e» Ojioera, A1‘177,y·—CODt1:I1l1Bd. _ Pagedeiiciency appropriation for purchase of de6c1encyappropnation for mileage. 196, 341, 458, experiment vineyard near . 46 781, 785, 1056, 1167, 1170, 1555, 1556 Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago, Ill., authorized strength oi, modified . 840 O appropriation or Confederate Mound. . 757, 1418 numlberdpgéhbe ov; hegtenant colonel ego ats, e arge_ an reeommmsgon , appropriation for purchasing, to supply _ _ to be determuied by the Presxdent. 840 d seed to farmers for crop of 1922 . 43:7 l1m1t8t1?¤ onaproxggmoxirlzaeilher grade 1384 utyo;1 __,,_______,_,,,_______,,_,,,_ ,__, 3 0 cap in, H1 mo on .,,., und _,____________,____ _ ____________ 393 maximum number provided for, during gholls, t ,,,__ _ ,,,.,,.,,,,_,,_,,.,,,,__ 393 tiscal year 1923- ... 721 ostme§1fm11ed, grits, etc _____,,_,_____ 893 number authorized after January 1, 1923 . . 721 provisions governing contracts for future May 1ical_ Department and chaplains . 722 dehvepr of . . 187, 998 Phihpplne oouts mcluded ... . 722 Obligations of o1-eign diooanvmnw, promotmns, etc . 722 provisions for refun g converting etc. 15 be] byjgadj em] held b&,U¤i¢ed $¢e*e¤, evmiz evi no PmI;ligr(fc£I§'anu;)1?yv 1, 1923-f. 722 eggge erid Wer ------------~ 1333; Magical Department and chaplains 722 amen . . ted __________________________ 0 ?;";¢»uA"”** M (wid°w)» 1729 ther increasing authorized number 722 0 ------··-··----··-··----·-·-·--·-· grad . Oéeww Bepke, P=e¢w·¤·•,_¤¢g=-. oolonels ee; be oameo as additional unportatnon of,_dprohib1ted .. 936 numbers ____ _ ____________________ 722 €¤¤'}’ °Y» f°1'b1 d°PL¤¤1¤¤1’€, GW ··-·· _· · - 937 vacancies in authorized colonels not pumshment for a1d1ng, etc., by omcmls 937 ,5ec;0d_ _ ________________________ 722 Pmcedum fo1‘ ¤€1Zu¥6» GW ·-·--··-·~···- 937 disposal of excess of authorized number Owen Mi Dyke Surveys New, prior to January 1, 1923- ... 722 ¤p1>¤>1>¤¤¤<>¤ fer hwiregnpbie- - 125, 791,1137 Medical Depamaem; aaa ohapnaias . 722 °°$3'€}¤¤ . . so °°““§;“3‘2,?? .‘f*T.?f‘f’?T‘T‘{‘f’T‘. .‘}E*f‘}1’?T?.?‘} 72 Oeweee €eu¤¢y» S- C'-, _ below ueuteoaar colonels, to be anbridge authorized across Tugaloo Rwer be- chgyggd and rggjiugnjicngd in , tween Stephen County, Ga., and. . . 1440 lower grada _______ _ _______________ 722 0g€°$£;gj_£r°u’ 1750 with leg than ten oomngmionetlcg Omnts, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘····‘‘‘‘‘‘···· servwe, 7may e dnscharg wx duwee ---—-~-- - —--——-----—-·----—-—----- ee w1o.°.‘;?,,’L°7“11'£,,‘21%;emn,;,;m.;z;;.;,;e,> m Odom, Nancy Miller (widow), ears’ mmisioned service ma pension ... . ... . .. 1634 Ke ,.86,;.3, nm ’ y 722 0 ’v»¤~7, Pewk 7. dsamaaao z L ‘‘``‘‘° se 1;,; Kai nsion . . 1721 n 0 ·m}m em to a' I QQ) or recomuussioued upon reoommen· O° ,{{0E?,;’,;a”d 1.,20 dation of board . .. 722 gif", ,1,,,,,, ‘·‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘'‘`‘`‘° ‘°"Y3, °i‘“‘“‘5$°*°'}°" °°"’i‘¥° ‘*°"’""‘*‘°",;,; ”“ • riahon for y, line and sun. vs 721 1883 ‘" """ °“ °“ Y"°” °°““"““?‘°‘¥ . ppzelduction in Krimbrg, elimination, eh:. 721 zgigcghm tw°°W y°°'° mu" 728 ' 'tau to • .•·•.a·.:.·.•·.·••¤••... l?f18:eg£;:éed zo (grisdgn mayotgriecereappoxntcd addmonal warrant 723 G tm, _____ _ _‘___________ _ ______ 1333 , I ‘‘'` ‘'‘`°`’’‘`‘``'°‘'’' ° ' for pay or Nauoaan Guard ... vs, 723, 1:784 remed me vg of w¤¤e¤¢ emeew --·- 723 for pay or Othr-em' Reserve Corps . 73, 723 b°°’d of 8°¤°'§*l 9 °P” ¤e¤1ed °° '°°°m· for wgngut °m(·el·B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 723, m0Ild €l.\ID1D8¤0DB,' 0tC. ... . . . . . . . . . foraviauon increase . 74,7%,1384 Pe$ee¤¤¤ze<>1¤1¤¤2be¤s¤¤¤¤z¤ed¢ebre¤ehe¤ 723 for hqgmty my _____ _ __________ 7,,, 721, 138., moveese ¤r_<i¤mm¤¢¤¤¤ by the Preeniem, formqmdl-U-.:u."___•______ 74;,724,1384 auth9¤‘zed' '' ‘ " °' "'_" forretznred, on acuve duty .,,,,,, . , 74, 724, 1334 Pay ¤Sf8}>I1§1ed of, below grade of brig. fm, mpmumdou of qmnm, etc ________ 75 °d}°' €°¤°*`¤r ··-—·-·-~·----·-····~ 625 form11%g8·-.--Qh.--.··_.·~-'-. 75,725, m·t¤'Btcuceau0w&¤c€·••·*"'*'*•••·· ,,,,,_,,,,_,, momcw ___________ _ ______ -,24, 1335 yew! ¤¤¤we·¤¤e -·—·- - ----·--~--·---- 628 me 0, `,,€a,_ md ugh, in kind ,,0, 1>¤sed¤e1 se¤e¤¤ ---·—---- - ------—-·---- 629 authorized lf receiving rental allow. d gd ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘ '’‘'‘•' auc€"“__"__"____"____ _______ _ 1385 °w¤·¤¢€¤ -·--- -~ ,0, summw allowance _____ _ _____ 724, 1385 peymeme of <1ee¤¤,e§¤¤zi*·Y fe ¤e¤<1e for ten per cent increase of pay, foreign gfiudent Umm eluld, €¢¢·, of, fm'-

 ____   76 1dde¤ ---.. . . 1385

for adchtional pay to, furnidiing their Oficers, Karim Corps, own mounts . . ... 76, 725, 1385 appropriation for pay, active and Fleet for paying claims of, for damages to Marine Corps reserve _,__,___ 136, 808, 1150 prpvate ,,,0,,,,,1}., em _______ _ _ _ 725, 1336 for subsistence allowance. . . 808, 1150 for pzgjngclmms fat pay and auowgncgg, for rental allowance ~ - · ··--- · · - • · - . · 8(B, I 0,1. Wa, ________ · __________ 726, 1386 for retired . . ... 136,84%,1150 for_d1Sp0s1¤0u oi remains of, . . . r .: . 757, 1417 for mxleage, without troops .. 136, 808,1151 deiiciepecy appgzgpnauon for disposition og; 197 ger commutation oi quarters. . . ... 136 ____________________ _ _ , or mug remm.1 , ‘ 342. 346, 781, 1057, 1168, 1555 am? ... . (i . . . 1146