Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1033

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1002 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 355. 1925. Vi°*°` ¤*l°¤ °‘ Sec. 9. That it shall be unlawful for an rson to -knowin ly iiiiml tgg°°r’ mw violate the rules promulgated by the said hegltheoflicer for the piievention of the spread of venereal disease by persons sudering from such dispase. Said rules shall remain in force until terminated by said hea th officer. ,’f¤¤>¤¤¤¤¤ by rmi- Sec. 10. That an erson found, under the provisions of this Act, iiii¢i]w$.g°°d smug to be aliiicted withyaiiy of said diseases may consult any physician authorized to practice medicine in the District of Columbia, or any physician in good standing with the State board of health of the ,¤H°“j °m°°' ’°°°‘ State wherein said physician lives, and said health officer shall act in conjunction wit said physician to assure the provision of adequate treatmeig in acccér afnce gitgr approved medical standards and to revent the s rea o suc iseases. d;*c§"}f,**’(},§,g ’“§$’ Sec. lll. That it shiill be unlawful for any person, Erm, or cormnawrui- ' poration to advertise within the District of Columbia any medicine or remedy, by means of a prescription or otherwise, for the treat-

; ml °d,_ ment, cure, or prevention of syphilis, gonorrhea, or chancroid: Prounempgeu. Pm vided, This section shall not apply to a vertising of drugs in medical

trade periodicals or scientific, medical or dental journals, or literature mailed direct to Physicians, dentists, hospitals or for those en ged in the sale o drugs and medicinal appliances. ,,§f,’,,',‘§,§‘§;,§‘°‘§;j Size. 12. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or cor- ¤¤¤¤*f¤L poration to sell any drug or medicine to any person other than a dealer, druggist, hospital, or physician for the cure or alleviation of syphilis, gonorrhea, or chancroid without a written order or prescripg tion written for the erson for whom the drugs or medicine are to delivergd and signédi by G physician authorized to practice medicine in the istrict o o um 1a. ,dI$§{’°§g°§°,z,§3iL’§ Sec. 13. That any physician who professionally attends any perv¤Y=*·=i¤¤— son having syphilis, gonorrhea, or chancroid shall, in addition to treating these diseases in such persons, advise said person as to the • pro r means to prevent the spread of said disease, and if necessary shalieorder him to be so isolated as to prevent spread of such disease, ,,,,IQ`,‘{,L,i‘}'° "’ °° "' and it shall be the duty of said physician, upon the willful failure or refusal of such patient to comply with the directions of said physician to prevent the spread of said disease._to report said person to R lm ts, h _ the health officer as herein prescribed by this Act. s¤cn°»ii en»ii°§:a riuliiiig Sec. 14. That any person who is under the treatment of any "°°°‘”°“‘· physician for syphilis, gonorrhea, or chancroid may from time to time change physicians, but before any physician treating any patient for any of said diseases shall be relieved of the responsibilities imposed in this Act, he shall be furnished with a written acceptance by another physician authorized to practice medicine in the District of Columbia certif ·ing that he will from thereon accept, for treatment, said patient undyer the provisions of this Act and therefrom Said first physician will be relieved of any further responsibility for said patient and the responsibility over said patient shall from that time P m hm Hmmm on be imposed upon the said accepting physician. ¢ave°1¤iimmii¤¤, eee., Sec. 15. That there shall be prepared by the chief health officer '° "°*"°¥’“’°"· a circular stating in a general way the nature of said diseases, the dangers therefrom, their communicable character, and the proper care to be taken to prevent their spread; and said pamphlet shall also advise that the health officer will from time to time examine any person so aiilicted, both for the purpose of determining the _ _ ex1stence of any of the said diseases and whether or not such person D‘“""’““°”· may still be a source of infection to others. Said health officer shall so distribute said pamphlets or circulars as to disseminate the knowledge therein contained_ to the public. and it shall be the duty of every practicing physician in charge of any person being treated for