SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 364. 1925. _ 1025 of additional land adjoining the site now owned by the United V°‘·*’·P- 15*8- States upon which the embassy building (formerly the exposition building) is situated. JUDICIAL mvrmn sryrns oomrr ron CHINA Judge, $8,000; district attorney, $4,000; marshal, $3,000; clerk, mU,_§*h'gg Sum °°“'° $3,000; assistant clerk, $2,400; stenographer and court re orter, Salaméetc. $2,400; stenographer, $1,800; court expenses, including reference law books, $8,500; in all, $33,100. The judge of the said court and the district attorney shall, when S,,"§,f;‘,@*f°"‘°""““°‘ the sessions of the court are held at other cities than Shanghai, receive in addition to their salaries their necessary actual expenses during such session, not to exceed $8 per day each, and so much as may e necessary for said purposes during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, is appropriated. PRISONS ron AMERICAN coNv1crs _F or expenses of maintaining in China, the former Ottoman Em- °°'“““1’“"’"‘°"’· p1re,_ Egypt, and Persia institutions for incarcerating American convicts and persons declared insane by the United tates Court for China or any consular court, including salaries of not exceeding $1,800 for the deputy marshal and $1,200 each for three assistant deputy marshals at Shanghai; wages of prison keepers; rent of .,&§°°"°”* "““"°"' quarters for prisons; and or the expenses of keeping, feeding, and transportation of prisoners and persons declared insane by the United States Court for China or any consular court in China, the former Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia, so much as may be necessary; in all, $20,000. BRINGING Hour: ciuuiiuns For actual expenses incurred in bringing home from foreign ,¤fh¤¤¢i¤¢ ¤¤¤=¤<¤‘¤¤· countries persons charged with crime, $2,000. _ ` No portion of the sums appropriated in Title I of this Act shall, Ugg: s¤:;;*°**°¤ *¤ unless expressly authorized, be expended for rent in the District ` of Columbia or elsewhere in the United States. TITLE II.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ,,£f¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢ ¤* ’•¤· orricm or rua A·i·rom~u·:Y onnmxu. Salaries: For Attorney General, $12,000; Solicitor General, soiiii°$?°ir1e(¤i¤ii11?rXi· $10,000; Assistant to the Attorney General,_$9,000; and other per- §,*§é*g*;;m§‘j}jg:g’f’· °”‘* sonal services in the District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923. including the Solicitors of the State, Val-42·v·¤*“— Treasury, Interior, Commerce, and Labor Departments, the Solicitor of Internal Revenue, and the office forces of the Solicitors of the greasury, Commerce, and Labor Departments, $549,000; in all, 580 000. Fdr the purchase of law books, books of reference, and periodicals, D"' b°°“‘ including the exchange thereof, for the Department of Justice, $6 700. 7 coxrrxcnxr rxrmxsrzs, nnraanmm or Jusricn For stationery. furniture, and repairs, floor coverings not exceed- ing $500, file holders and cases; miscellaneous expenditures, including telegraphing and telephones, foreign postage, labor, typewriters