Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1074

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srss. II. C11. 364. 1925. · 1043 Investigation of automotive engines: For the romotion of econ- . -*“*°,,m°,Pi'° °¤¤i¤°S omy and eiiiciency in automotive transportatioili by land and by mv us' air through investigations of the basic principles underlying the design, performance, operation, and testing of automotive engines, their fuels, lubricants, accessories, and the power transmitting s stem used in connection with them, also such elements as brakes and brake linings; to promote economy in the use of liquid fuels and safety in vehicular traiiic, including personal services in the District of Colum- _ _ bia and in the field, $25,000, of which amount not to exceed $20,680 mi$Y"°°° "` tm my maly be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. _ k uring the fiscal year 1926, the head of any department or inde- wi‘€i)°ulZi>r;:€iliii¤w;?Z., pendant establishment of the Government having funds available {'{,,,,’§°”"*‘° *”"°“"““‘ or scientihc investi ations and requiring cooperative work by the Bureau of Standarci on scientific investigations within the scope of the functions of that bureau, and which the Bureau of Standards is unable to perform within the limits of its appropriations, may, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, transfer to the Bureau of Standards such sums as may be necessary to carry on { , ds to such investigations. The Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer .,,;P.§’2°$i°i,.§’”£: on the books of the Treasury Department any sums which may be authorized hereunder, and such amounts shall be placed to the credit of the Bureau of Standards for the performance of work for the department or establishment from which the transfer is made. BUREAU or LIGHTHOUSES m§{}_“h“‘°““°“ B"' Salaries: For the commissioner and other personal services in the oriigduimperslwsii md Dgsgrigg of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of , 9,880. General expenses: For supplies, reppirs, maintenance, and inci· (diiiguq dental expenses of lighthouses and other lights, beacons, buoyage, foglsignals, lighting of rivers heretofore authorized to be lig ted, lig t vessels, other aids to navigation, and lighthouse tenders, including the establishment, repair, and improvement of beacons and day marks, and purchase of land for same; establishment of post 0,, Bm hwg lights, buoys, submarine signals, and fog signals; establishment of {gw? Immun oi or carbide houses, not to exceed $10,000: Provided, That any oil °' ' or carbide house erected hereunder shall not exceed $1,000_in cost; construction of necessary outbuildings at a_ cost not exceeding $500 at any one light station in any fiscal year; improvement of grounds mmm, mm, und buildings connected with l1ght_stations and depots; restoring ew. light stations and depots and buildings connected therewith:_ Bm- L,mmum_ mded further, That such restoration shall be limited to the original purpose of the structures; wagles of persons attending post lights; temporary emplqyees and fiel force while engaged on works of eneral repair an maintenance, and laborers and mechanics at light- mmm, em liouse depots; rations and provisions or commutation thereof for working parties in the field, officers and crews of light vessels and tenders, and officials and other authorized persons of the Lighthouse Service on duty on board of such tenders or vessels, an money accruing from commutation for rations and provisions for the abovenamed persons on board of tenders and lig t vessels or in working parties in the field may be paid on proper vouchers to the person having charge of the mess of such vessel or party; purchase of rubber boots, oilskins, rubber gloves, and coats, caps, and aprons for _ stewards’ departments on vessels; reimbursement under rules prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce of keepers of hght stations and masters of light vessels and of lighthouse tenders for rations and provisions and clothing furnished s ipwrecked persons who may be temporarily provided for by them, not exceeding in all $5,000