Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1090

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 368. 1925. 1059 Src. 4. That clerks in first and second class post offices and letter mghx %sgg°;’;"i;*$ carriers in the City Delive Service shall be divided into five grades cme-5. ° as follows: First grade—-saillary $1,700; second grade—salary, $1,800; G ms d third grade—~salary, $1,900; fourth grade——salary, $2,000; fifth I im my ade—sala1y, $2,100: Provided, That in the readjustment of grades {'cj'j,·?g;;mm Mm fdr clerks at first and second class post offices and letter carriers presentsmdes. in the City Deliverry Service to conform to the grades herein rovided, grade 1 shal include present grade 1, grade 2 shall incliide present grade 2, grade 3 shall include present de 3 grade 4 shall inc ude present grade 4, and grade 5 shagrinclude present grade 5: Provided further, That hereafter substitute clerks in first , Sg*>¤¤¢¤¤¤:d mdiwd and second class post offices and substitute letter carriers in the °r lmmmv ` Cit Delivery Service when appointed regular clerks or carriers shall have credit for actual time served on a basis of one year for each three hundred and six days of eight hours served as substitute, and appointed to the grade to which such clerk or carrier would have progressed had his original appointment as substitute been to grade 1: And provided further, That clerks in first and yegtade ¤¢<>¤<>¤•>¤¤ second c ass pgst offices and letter carriers in the City Delivery y` Service shall promoted successively after one year’s satisfactory service in each lgrade to the next hig er grade until they reach the fifth grade. A promotions shall be ma e at the beginnin of the quarter following one year’s satisfactory service in the grade: And §,¤><>¢¤·¤,, ¤¤g:;i [mm provided further, That there shall be two grades of special clerks, present mace. as follows: First grade——sa1ary, $2,200; second grade-—salary, $2,300: Provekled, That in the adjustment of grades for special clerks to conform to the grades herein provided special cler grade 1 shall include present grade 1, and s ial clerk grade2shal1 include present grade 2: Provided further, llgat in all special clerk promotions S°"‘°'*"’°'°'°“°"· the senior competent employee shall have preference: Provided _ further, That rinters, mechanics, and skilled laborers, emploiees ,,,§',,‘}}§§{’¥0$§_*d“m°° of the United States Stamped Envelope Agency at Dayton, O io, shall for the purpose of promotion and compensation be deemed a part of the clerical force. That the pay of substitute, temporary, or auxiliary clerks at first $3 °',§‘f“S§f“‘f§;,,,, and second class post offices an substitutesletter carriers in the ¤m~¤¤¤¤· City Delivery Service shall be at the rate of 65 cents per hour: Provided, That marine carriers assigned to the Detroit River Marine ,§'_•{;•‘fg°i,,“r”',“ Service shall be paid annual salary of $300 in excess of the highest ° salary paid carriers in the City Delivery Service: Provided hfurther slam nom ii day': That hereafter special clerks, clerks, and laborers, in the rst and `°°"" second class post offices and carriers in the City Delivery Service Shall be re uired to work not more than eight hours a day: Provided Period restricted no further, '1`iliat the eight hours of service shall not extend over a °°"°°°"“ long,-er period than ten consecutive hours, and the schedules of duty , of the employees shall be regulated accordingly: Provided further, _ That in cases of emer ency, or if the needs of the service re¢}uire, mf;§;;‘§fe,g§{,cg§ and it is not practicabi to employ substitutes, special clerks, c erks, workand laborers, in first and second class post offices and carriers in the City Delivery Service can be required to work in excess of eight hours per day and for such overtime service they shall be paid C mu ( 0n the basis of the annual pay received by such employees: And °m° °°° °°y' provided further, That in computing the compensation or such overtime the annual salary or compensation for such employees shall be divided b three hundred and six, the number of working da s in the year lyess all Sundays and legal holidays enumerated in tlie Act of July 28, 1916; the quotient thus obtained will be the daily compensation which divided by eight will give the hourl com- _ pensation for such overtime service :, And provided farther, ,0§`g’,j*g‘;,S§;‘§{§,l}g’§§ That when the needs of the service require the employment employmen-