Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/118

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SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 84. 1924. 87 tions, in such manner as he may think advisable, without advertising therefor. _ For inland transportation by steamboat or other power-boat b0§Q°§;{*,§gSat€€; ¤°W¤*· routes, including ship, steamboat, and way letters, $1,550,000. _ ’ ` Fer inland transportation by railroad routes and for mail m£§°§li§Z§iS§$.$ii,Zi md messenger service, $10-1,450,000: Provided, That not to exceed §{g{$’- mm com $1,500,000 of this appropriation may be expended for pay of freight vevanwand incidental charges for the transportation of mails conve ed under special arrangement in freight trains or otherwise: gud · pmvided further, That separate accounts be kept of the amount ,,,,,1‘,§‘§§‘,‘j,‘fg°’$""'i°°°‘* expended for mail messenger service. _ For the operation and maintenance of the airplane mail service N§§’§,§,§{“§nS§"g‘,§; between New York, New York, and San Francisco, California, F¤¤¤¤iS¤>- via Chicago, Illinois, and Omaha, Nebraska, including necessary incidental expenses and employment of necessary personnel, $1 500 000. _ _ lforian additional amount for the installation, equipment, and mglusairpaiigi sliiéiiiieiiyl operation of the airplane mail service by night fl ng, and to enable the department to make the additional charges fdr both night and day service on first-class mail matter, in accordance with existing law, $1,250,000. _ _ _ Railway Mail Service: For fifteen division superintendents, fifteen ,¤,1?°°w'”' Mm S°"' assistant division superintendents, two assistant superintendents. wg;§’·,;°¤;,c S¤v¤¤'l¤· one assistant superintendent in charge of car construction, one ` hundred and twenty-one chief clerks, one hundred and twenty-one assistant chief clerks, clerks in charge of sections in the offices of division superintendents, railway postal clerks, substitute railway postal clerks, joint employees, and laborers in the Railway Mail Services $4774001000 Travel allowance to For travel allowance to railway postal clerks and substitute rail- oaks. way postal clerks $2,775,000. _ For actual and necessary expenses, general superintendent and e¢g?°;$l§i$ge¤i¤X?ii¥ei.°$i assistant general superintendent, division superintendents, assist- ‘1“‘*'°°”· ant division superintendents, assistant superintendents, and chief clerks, and assistant chief clerks, Railway Mail Service, and railway postal clerks, while actually trave ing on business of the Post Office Department and away from their several designated headquarters, $62,000. M , For rent, light, heat, fuel, telegraph, miscellaneous and office pauses. °x` expenses, telephone service, and badges for railway postal clerks, Rm M , , and rental of space for terminal railway post offices for the dis- cam. tribution of mails when the furnishing of space for such distribution can not, under the Postal Laws and Regulations, properly be reqluired of railroad companies without ad itional compensation, an for equipment émil miscellaneous items necessary to terminal railwa ost offices 1, 50,000. ’ For lelgctric and table car service, $625,000. aim ahh For transportation of forei mails by steamship, aircraft, or otherwise, $7,500,000: Providediin That not to exceed $150,000 of this xiwmnkuewsnee. sum may be expended for carrying foreign mail by aircraft: Pro- _ vided further, That the Postmaster General shall be authorized to Sm "°°"°"‘°“‘ expend such sums as may be necessary, not to exceed $150,000, to cover the cost to the United States for maintaining sea post service gn ocean steamships conveying the mails to and from the United tates. . For balances due foreign countries, $1,500,000. miinaiiigis t° me For Assistant Superintendent Division of Foreign Mails, with ,,, ,,w §‘},‘§,‘§i"‘ headquarters at New York, New York, $2,500. Coiggggszsal Post!} For expenses of delegates to the Universal Postal Coniress at nmuéa or an- Stockholm to be appointed by the Postmaster General in the Post ”‘°°‘°·