Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/136

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. _CnS. 129, 130. 1924. 105 Evansville, Indiana; Memphis, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee; Point Pleasant, West Virginia; J acksonville, Florida; Tampa, Florida; Louisville, Kentucky; and Cincinnati, Ohio, at the rate of $2,100 per year for each local inspector." _ Sec. 3. That this Act shall be effective on and after the date of ,,§$§f"'° °" “"' its approval. Approved, April 19, 1924. CHAP. 130.—An A To auth iz tem i o A 1-1121,192e. for hw enforcement. ct or ea porary ncrease f the Coast Guard (,3- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary §‘§·,¥ $$1*},-m to of the Navy is authorized to transfer to the Department of the b¤ ¤:;,¤¤r¤m¤’¤».":¤r Treasury, for the use of the Coast Guard, such vessels of the Navy, ew °’°°m°"t‘ with their outfits and armaments, as can be spared by the Navy and as are adapted to the use of the Coast Guard. ` Sec. 2. (a) The President is authorized to appoint, by and with b¤Ti°;i°pQ’s°L”ar.i°m°””*° _ the advice and consent of the Senate, the following temporary oiii- cme, cers of the Coast Guard: Two captains, ten commanders, twenty-five ` lieutenant commanders, fort -eig t lieutenants, and forty-two lieutenants (junior irade) ang ensigns, of the line; and five commanders, eleven `eutenant commanders, nineteen lieutenants, and forty lieutenants (junior grade) and ensigns, of the Engineer Corps. _ _ (b) Such temporary 'officers while in service shall receive the Ni>$§'§5°333_°‘“"“" same pay, allowances, and benefits as permanent commissioned officers of the Coast Guard of corresponding grade and length of service, except that no such officer shall be entitled to retirement ¤,§,‘},,,,§Y°*'°‘“°“‘ ““' because of his temporary commission. (c) Temporary a ointments shall continue until the President '1‘¤¤¤¤r¤- otherwise directs or Cldngress otherwise provides. Sec. 3. Permanent commissioned officers of the Coast Guard may P¤r¤§¤¤¤¤t umm be given temporary promotion, in order of seniority and without glliibinotiliig, °°m°°"‘” examination, to fil any such temporar% grades. Notwithstandin ugeglular mtu: rosuch temporary promotion, any such officer shall continue to hold ° ` his permanent commission and shall be advanced in lineal rank, promoted, and retired in the same manner as though this Act had nc. . a ori `na tempora appointmen un er t is ct n¤.mimu¤¤S, ea., ¤°;b€°‘;mz’*·Wi.. . .. . . A Shall be mad)e in gracgs not above that of lieutenant, in the line or i$.`Q¤§Ym”°1 °°°°i"°` the Engineer Corps, and shall be made only after the candidate has satisfactorily passed such examinations as the President may pre- mum, scribe. No person shall be given an original temporary appoint- ` ment who is more than forty years of age. G (bI)d Any pvarrant officer or eplisted man of the permaneng Coast 0,§<@’Q‘,“““,f,§‘,§ Y,,‘Qu""‘,.g,,,§ ua ma e `ven an ori a temporary appointment un er t is men susyai umm- Act, undeii such! regulatioiém as the President may prescribe, and m;:;°;mm,°` t without reduction in pay or allowances. Notwithstanding such memes. temporary appointment, any such warrant officer or enlisted man shall be entitled to retirement in the same manner as though he had continued to hold his permanent grade or rating; and upon the termination of such temporary appointment shall entitled to revert Swim mmm in to such grade or rating. Service under any such temporary ap- umgevny. pointment shall be included in determining length of service as a _ warrant oiHcer or enlisted man. Spam us, R up (c) The names of all persons appointed under this section shall penryomems. be placed upon a special ist of temporary officers, as distinguished _ from the list of permanent officers, of the Coast Guard. The Prem- '°°""°` dent is authorized, without regard to length of service or seniority,