Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1392

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IV INDEX. Air Mail Act—C0ntinued. Paw- Air Service, Chief of, War Department, P¤·E¤· contracts authorized for transporting appropriation for civilian personnel, air mail; rates 805 Office of _..._.. 493, 908 other first class mail by aircraft , 805 legal assistant, technical, etc., rules, Gtc., lg) be made ... 806 services _._ 493, 908 postage on overnment operated routes · · · · _ _ not interfered with _._.________ 806 ;*,;;,§;;;W» New ee Awami New Air Mail Se""';°e> contracts authorized for carrying air amount authorized for, from appro- med by. besed en revenues ____ 805 priation for railroad transporta- other nest class mail by. terms _____ 805 tiony ---———— - -—--—--- —--- Aircraft Fagfgry Nayy ’ gggggggsazggggigig-,;;%-,26;];,; ---··-- 9pproon9aoo’ror m9a999o9¤o9 .. 199, 877 personal services in the District etc- 1337 A"°"°ft* Navy (See Aviation! Navi" and Air Service, Army, ’ Aircraft gfvgeronautics, Navy). appropriation f r i ti n in ion • . . ’ . pp ".9xo9¤999f’soi?Xoi9, Z9o--ill`{‘Z”_ 491, 906 ¤PP*°P§¤*l;>¤ fgrS¤¤¤g*¤¤¤l etc-» NWS, ,85 for maintenance, storage, etc., of air- f . ({11;; nag an mumsco ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 87’ 785 Ships, 6tC _______.._.________ 491, 906 °’ Dgg Qing-Y--E-?--1 ----—-- .1 · landing, etc., runways . 491, 336 exsgjviieargc or rs C ass mm 785 aerial photographic supplies, etc- 491, 6 . ‘ ‘ T ‘‘'‘'‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘"‘‘“’‘ for helium gas production, etc 492, 906 fm: fmelgn mallebgir "tr ······· ig.-- 87* 786 for investigating, etc., new types of dchclemiy aplgropns? liu for S°p€¤i.1°n’ airships __________._._._____ 492,906 €.°·· GW °’ ° an ’**¤g9 1 0 purchase, manufacture, etc., of _ °§°°i)··;1 ··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘ * 35 aerial machines, etc . 492, 906 A"`p1“'“’ , °’?‘ 8* f ""y* of t marking military airways ______ 492, 907 8·ppI’0pl‘18·tion Or {man ac ure, purl;9 special clothing, etc ... 492, 907 , chess, °t°KI.° ·‘·‘······‘‘‘·· 8* 913 for expenses, disposal of surplus, etc., A"`p1“"e q“"T“”`8¤ “"y• . tl equipment _________________ 492, 907 apprepglslggznsfpgtg0¤V¢1‘1¤¤¤8 tW¤ bat 6 881 consulting engineers at experi- _ , . ···· · ·······r·· t" mental stations ___..._______ 492, 907 bums ¤f msi ¤¤¤*$3¤S<·>d f°*,,¤°¤V*=**¤¤§ ” special scientific medical re- 2 9 gggxlugtou and S“mt°g°’ 882 p9?.‘i$§;9;ee;ts;,i;e;;14;;:;;; 239; 93l Airplane rmi in Nmnal F ores 9. salvaging wrecked aircraft, etch 492, 907 8PP!'0PUet10¤ for ePeTetm8» 10 Prevent for allotments for designated ob-92 90 A _ I ne8fe1`e§;s§$eSSé;v;ge—Ygeé- - ;_gjt· 835 jects __________,,,, _ _______ 4 , 7 WP 0 » _ r civilian employees . 492, 907 _ _ P0Ste1 Se1`V1°e)· helium production _.__._,_____ 492, 907 Aztkw Comfy, Mme-, _ _ aircraft research work . 492, 907 m¤Y_b!`ldge M¤SS1SS1PP1_R1Ve1`-; ·---—·- 814 balloon production 492, 907 Ak Uhm 'ldfen Re$_e"'{el'·°f”» Anzp improving stations, hangars, etc- 492, 907 ¤·PP1'0P¥'ietl0¤ fe? imgetlen Pmleet en- 400» new airplane production ... 492, 907 1151 paying damage claims; restric-92 907 Alabama, d Ch tt h h tion ... 4 , Gem- hand me bri ge a a ooc ee resgrieltion on giving exhibitiongz 908 glRiver: at Klaga, Ala ...,... 663 ig ts . 4 , Eufaula, Ala ... - . 16 incurred obligations payable from mgy acquire bridge across Tennessee former appropriation until June River at Decatur, to operate as 30, 1925; additional use- --.. 493 _ ii fr-ee bridge _____ _ __,,_______ 815 bombing tests on moving vessels; tolls allowed for reimbursing cost, transfer of obsolete craft for, etc __________________________ 815 from Navy and Shipping Board- 907 bridge Coosa River at Gadsden 891 reestablighii;§ testing plant near nt Leegbur _ _______________ _____ 723 M9C9¤k i€1dl_Qhl0--- T ------- 907 purchase of pub%c land in, by Y. Charles restrietion on exhibition iligl·itg__7_ 908 Em-], authorized ______________ 812 ¤dd{”°¤¤1 :°¤*”;?¤ .*22 MW ¤¤‘· 908 Alabama and Coushazza Indians, Polk €h*m?S·t*i °•# *;*1 {T? ··--—-·- Qauinty, Tex., . eu 01'Em mee or e mm SeeNP1’e‘ appropriation for education, etc--- 404, 1155

1)uction, etc., granted to avy 908 Alaga Ala

epartment ._.,..,___,, _-- . ’ " · incurred obligations p4y9n9 from ¤¤d¤¤ ·;gt¤¤¤g·=d m¤¤= e¤¤**¤¤·>¤¤h¢<= former appropriation until Jung Iver 3 °'‘‘‘' ‘ ‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ 663 BQ, 1926 _____________________ 908 Alamo Altv, Twg., _ for lending neldy F,-ance Field, bridge authorized across R10 Grande at- 662 Pennine Canal ________________ 493 consent of Mexico required _________ 663 for civilian personnel, Office of Chief Alaska, of, War Department . 493, 908 appropriation for salary of Govertechnical services _,... - 493, 908 nor .___.._._____._,___ 427, 1181 for sslgries and expenses, additional, 711 gor continigent expenses . 42;, 1181 5 or care 0 insane ,___________ __ 42 , 1181 deficiency appropriation for . { d1..i6258i£26 for railxfgd, river boats, etc ._._ 428, 1182 , , conso ation of all amounts into for, production . - 58, 698 Alaska railroads fund, available for military ,_,,,,,,.,___ , __,. 62 until expended _____ _ __________ 1132