Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1399

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INDEX. xi Appropr·iations—C0ntinued. P¤¤°- Arbitration Act, United States-Continued. Pageauthoqzili fgr Xfnamntine station, Sand 950 provisions not gppgablehto employ- s n , a. ... ment con rac k ' for indemnity to Norway on account commerce .. iv:--.T?1; iis. T 883 collision damages to "Hasse1"-- 955 written contracts providing for arbitrafor comgnissiou on selecting sites for tion of controversies in mariuagcgrlilal p§ks, Qu southern Ap- 959 time! or commerce transactions, pa 'an oun aius .. vali etc: exception .. 883 for lgsudp, etc., _ Tokyo, Japan, for 961 trials of suite reféagae tofarbitration on orcxgn scrvxcc agreemen ere or, be for additional lands, Fort Bliss, Tex- 964 stayed, until arbitratxggxy has for care, etc., of burial grounds of been had ,,,_.___,,___ 883 fOl"l;1lg` Presieéent iackigry Taylor 970 petition fc; order ogcgouxgsddigecting arbiin c erson 0uu y y- .. tra ionmay m c yaggrieved for increased allotments 120 State, etc., party on failure, etc.,0f the other- 883 agricultural experiment stations- 970 if the making of the agreement, etc., for coustgluigicijn of Arlington Me- 974 notfig issue, oréicr to be made-, 883 mori ri ge -.-. - venue 0 caring e c -_ 884 for examinat§;>‘;1s,h¢;tc., of summtzry trial, itz making agreement, esignat rivers in as 'ngton 0 ...-.--- - -.--.-.-..----.- , 884 for flood control .-...- - 1000 by judge ..----. - ...--.- 884 for topogra. hical survey of the by jury, except admiralty cases,- 884 United gates 1011 action on finciangs of jury --.----- 884 for egiedit to Chippewa Indians of 1052 ¤uui:ig0farbitra.1E0r%1etc.t.;; ..-.-- 884 innesota --...-. - --..--...-- proc ure on app ca 'on court . 884 for expenses of eliminating grade arbitrators may issue summons; fees--- 884 crossing of Van Buren Street, service of summons ., 884 District of Columbia, over mil- court may compel attendance ou road tracks, by construction of 1097 zgnsal; punishment for cousubway ... - .. pt .- - 884 for travel ex uses of Bunker Hill ifactioninadmiralty vesscl,etc.,t0be Ses ge uis.1 Commission 1099 seincd and heid until award in qmcc 11 --- for participating in celebration of arbitration -.- 885 150th anniversary of Battle of order of court couirming award to be Bunker Hill .. 2 ... 1099 entered, if agreed in arbitration 88 for per capita psymen to am agrccmcn ..-. 5 _ Indians, Wash .- .. - 1102 service of notice of application {01---- 885 for editing, etc., archives of the 1104 grounds {mib order rggdcgurg; vacating Territories .. - awa: · procu y mu etc- 885 for expenses of forest experiment pqrtiality ot! arbitrator, etc .-.. 1 ...- 885 stations in California, ctc .. 1109 mxsconduct, etc., of arbntmtor -...-. 885 for establisbiugugort giclggnry, Md., 1109 exceeding or imperfect execution of 885 as 3 natio pur , e .-... Wars ... for further hospital facilities for v¤c•,g>d award may be reheard by Veterans} Bureau beneficiaries,- 1212 direction of court . 885 for cognpéeting frieze in Rctuuda of 1252 sword may beumcgdiiiexk etcxcgygleourt, t e gpitol- _ - -..- on app ca. ion me mia- > for gu expenses at Seville Interns- take, ctc., in--; ... 886 tional Exposition ,.,.. ---- 1257 if upon A matter not submitted; exim- expenses of Mecklenburg Sesqui- _ neption .. 885 centennial Commission 1267 if xmperfect in form, etc 7-- 885 {0,- %ahyg.c;p¤u;§ gg t¢:1e;>5r3:g¤g gt effecttof order, to promote justice, 885 1 ste, . . e num- e c .. versm?y of the, declaration of procedure on motion to vacate, etc., independence in Mecklenburg 8W9·|'d ..-· I -----.-- - . 885 Cgunty _____ _ __,...,... - --..- 1267 stay of proceedings may be made by for tablets in memory of John and same court - t .--..-... 886 John Quincy Adams at Quincy, papers to be tiled pn moving for gu Mass ... - . I; -- 1302 _ d orde:·€0r&rx(§1mlE,te‘;(¢;., an award- I nges f delegates to an 311 gmen 0 oc e ..- or §ricnn ilighways Congress,- 1355 HJ fire; gud effect of --.. --- ’ Arm · gd I 8 O 0 - -··---· -·-·· balancgaj . { f ig-, 934 i¤¤gE¤¤i¤*~¤¢tL£w; repglvd ------- R--- gig Arapahoe etc. Agency, Okla., m .°°t °° ° st ° mm "° ···· . appropiiatien for support, etc., of AfMg_:l‘z1f°°g:‘°i$;;Tn:gi°c:;°§y;;éJ;&·· 88*) Indians at, frpng tribal fuuc}sT _411, 1161 Chim rv deficieing lgggprogzxntnon for civilian 1329 aHpmpriation»fm_ expcnsesnnnu 213, 1022 ° P _ }°°s ‘ R;'°};'"6'" Arburation Bureau of I nterparliamentary AT¤P¤h0€ ft M”"‘·» °"‘ ""‘ hel" for Promotion of Interna- ° tiona ¤ppr<>pri¤1=i:>¤ fo;S¤1>p¤¤= _¤§<=-. <>f-· 409. 1160 appmprmioiz ro: contribution , 212, wzo for support, crc-, of, ¤d<$¤¢¤¤¤¤1. 1925- 708 Arwmmm, Inlamalional Bureau of P". Arbitration Act, United States, _ nymfent Court of, _ meaning of "maritime t!‘8DS&Ct1OIlB" appropnatnon for annual eontnbumd * wmmgme" as used herein 883 tion .. 212, 1020