Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1410

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xxii 1NDEx. Bermuda, Y¤8**· Biological Survey Bureau, Department of P¤K€· appropriation for Weather Service cx- Agriculture—C0ntinucd. _ pauses in ____,____.. 436, 825 appropriation for administrative cx- 842 B ne Switzerland PEDSBS - .--. 451, egpnropriation fo} International Bureau for acquisition of land, expenses, etc., of Telegraphic Union at 213, 1022 Upper Mississippi River Refuge- 842 for Industrial Property Bureau at- - - 1023 for salaries, additional, 192§ 705 deficiency appropriation for Intcrna- for general expenses, additional, 1925 705 tional Bureau at _. 48 deficiency appropriation for general ex-97 759 Bethesda Md., pauses .. 55, 6 , appropriation for animal experiment for executing Alaska game law; restation at .. 439, 828 appropriation 1326 Bethlehem Steel Company, representahve of, ·1n Alaska, made extime extended for bridging Humphreys ccutive ofHcqr,_ etc., of Alaska Creek, at Sparrows Point, Md-- 1184 Game Commission; duties, etc-, 740 Beveragcs,fTax1on, Title VI, Revenue Act 3,;,-d and Animal preserves, <>192 *11 tr h¢‘,¢k1 repeal ofc scctiéns relating t<> Soft drinks, 352 puma il1§;al1;I:>;1¥.-j-.IE.i§%S; 98 . ° ° ··‘·‘·‘··· . ‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ B ird Preserves Bzble, The (see Holy Scnptures). · · ’ · Bicentennial Cdebmuon of Birthday of appropriation for protection, ctc A451, 841 George Washington, B"`d·’v , , , , commission established to make ar- 671 &PPT°P§a;1§gg3§>;§5&‘§¤;;28 ¤h1Pm611g51 841 * ran ements 0 -- . ¤ ----·- —— ¤ Biebcr Buildgng, D. C'., r Birds and Animals, N qrth Aqacrigan, ten-yealxiclease authorized foiii; etc., for 853 appropgagxgn {gr investigating {00350 841 partment of Agricu ure . 8. i S, 0 . , Big Muddy River, Ill., Birds, Migratory Game, etc., preliminary examination, ctc., of, to be 1195 approptrgagion for enforcing law pro;51 841 made c ing ... - , Big Stone Gap, Va., Birmingham, Ala., terms of court at _..,__.. 114 app1·0pri1?icE1 i;c0r public building .. 777 Billiard Rooms Bismarck . a . speciagzzzlegn proprietors of; description 326 app1·0?i·§stion fg; gndiaéxtschcnl iagaé - 406, Bills of e , for n ian sc 00 ad iiona. , 5--- consular, not required of vessels trading Black Death, , Bda Mbetwccn northern frontier ports- 809 appropriation for prevention of epi-7 77 ` xi, iss. demic ---------.--..---.--.- 6, 5 preliminary; examination, etc.,0f, harbor Black Lake, Mich., tc t;;> bcugiacéc .-.---.-.--.-----.- preliminarg examination, atc., of, to be 1196 rms 0 co a -.------...-.-.--..- ma c ------..-.-.-.--...---- Binoculars, Black River, excise duty tqn, sold, etc., by dealers; 324 bridge giéhodzed across, Black Rock, 888 excep 10n .-----.---..--..-. -- --.-------..--.-----.---. Biographical Congressional Directory, Black Rock, Ark., deficiency appropriation for preparation bridge authorized across Black River at- 888 B la EL3 -.---...-...---...-.-.--- 1314 State ma);cacqui;·c rights, ctc., and 889 io gic ro ucts, opera as a ree ridge .-.. appropriation for regulating sale, ctc., tolls allowed for five years -.--.-. 889 of -..-----.--.---.-...----.- 76, 775 Black Rock Canal, N. Y., for control bf, additional, 1925 ---.-- 710 bridge authorized across Niagara River, deticicncyappropriation forc0ntr01,ctc- 58 and, at Buffalo ---.----------- 355 Biolopical Survey Bureau, Department of tunnel in lieu permitted -.-.-------- 355 .»1gricul¢ure, consent of Canada required --.----- 355 appropriation for chief of Bureau, and improvement of, authorized -..--- ;--- 1189 office and field personnel ----- 450, 840 Black Warrior River, fOr general expenses ..--.---...-- 450, 841 portion of, named Lake Bankhead, for maintenance of game preserves, Ala -----_-,_________________ 1197 _ bird preserves, etc -.-----..- 450, 841 Blackfect Agency, Mont., luguwgy through Sullys National 841 appmpgationtfor support, etc., of Inar ..-. * 'ans a ..--.. 408, 1159 for investigating, etc., food habits of for support, ctc., of Indians, at, from birds and other animals-; .--. 450, 841 tribal fundg_ ______________ 411, 1151 for rearing,ctc.,fur bearing animals 450, 841 for support, etc., Indians at, addidestroying wolves, coyotes, etc- - 450, 841 tional, 1925 __________________ 708 protecting stock by suppressing Blackfect Indian Hospital, Mani., rabies in wild animals .---.-- 450, 841 appropriation for maintenance, etc., for investigating migration, etc., of of _______________________ 408, 1159 animals and plants --...-..-- 450, 841 Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Mont., for enforcing migratory bird 1aw--- 451, 841 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of for preventing shipments of illegally irrigation systems on; rapav· _ killed birds and game ------.. 451, 841 ment ----------------..--. 402, 1153 for in1provi11;% etc., reindeer industrim 841 for r§ac€.s,n3:ci; tllirough to Glacier 7 · m Alas .. aio ar . 423, 11 6 for enforcing law for protecting land I for irrigation systems on, addifur bearing animals in Alaska- 451, 841 mma], 1925 __________________ 707