Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1427

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INDEX. xxxix Cigars, Tobacco, and M anufactums of, Tax P¤€°· Citrus Fruits, P¤€°· on, Title IV, Revenue Act of appropriation for investigating insects 1924—C0ntim1cd. aifccting ... 449, 839 leaf tobacco provisions; punishment for City Delivery, Postal Service, unauthorized shipments ... 320 appropriation for car fare, ctc ... 86, 785 fraudulent accounts . 320 _ for carriers .. 86, 785 farmers or growers, or gr0wcrs’ c00p— for special-delivery fees ._. 86, 785 erative associations not regarded for vehicle allowance ._... --_- 86, 785 dealers of their product, ctc 320 deficiency appropriations for C8l'l'i8l'S-- 47, 59, records to be kept by cooperative as- 63, 690, 699, 701, 763, 1337, 1350, 1352 sociations 320 for temporary carriers _... 47, 60, 763, 1337 term "t0bacc0 growers cooperative for vehicle allowance . - 60 ¤S$0Ci3·ti°¤»” d€H¤€d ---——----· 320 for special delivery fees . 690, 1337 Cimarron River, N. Alex. and Okla., City Refuse, D. C'., _ Preliminary €X8·¤1i¤¤ti0¤, GW-, 3¤th0¤`· appropriation for personal scrvmcs- 551, 1228 ized for fi00d c0Ht1‘0l of .----- 249 for disposal of; night soil, ctc 551, 1228 Cincinnati, ew Orleans and Texas Pacific deficiency appropriation for disposal of- 1319 Railway C°'”p“"‘y» . Civic Leagues, _ may bridge Cumberland Rnvcr near exempt from Income mx _____________ 282 Burnside, Ky .. - .. 648 . . . . . Cincinnati, Ohio, Cwzl Service Qommzssnon, · • exterior of post 0Ecc building, may be approprxatxon for Commxssnoncrs, and cleaned without Government 135 f HGQIQG? p6!‘S0¤¤¢l;--t-;6ti6;1--- €Xp€IlS(§__ _______ _,,, __,_ ___-, Of 6 OYQQ; pay Q§ l' ___ , C it C t A als details from Departments etc. for- Iggropgtiog fofgfrcuit judges 218, 1028 bidden T .. , l 523, 1200 for pay of clerks .._..._ 220, 1030 for expert exammers 1,-- 523, 1200 appeals from interlocutory decrees in for expenses under Rctucment admiralty cas allowed to . 813 Act._---r 1 _ 523, 1201 for first circuit to hold a sitting at San ‘ for examination of presidential post; Juan, Porto Rico . _ 729 mastgrs ... 5~3, 1201 jurisdiction of, bg afngeai _01' w1?td_0f ;01' traxggling zxpcusizgé ctggé- ecmous o is- or con mgen expe s . » grr?-(3:rc?)Y1i•;s_f1§ ___..__._______ 936 for l'6l}t;.c0¤diti()l{_, :,2 _____ ___ 523, 1201 certiorari to Supreme Court, cx- for prmting and bxngiing for . 523, 1201 cepted ..,.._.,_.__... 936 for field force, add11a10na1, 1925___:__ 705 all cases in Hawaii and Porto Rico-- 936 deficiency appropriation for traveling in Alaska and Virgin Islands; cases expenses . - ... 1348 C reviegabie -.--·------ - ------- 332 cm: swim Retiriment Ad, f C_ _1 One- --··---- — -------·-— 1;,' g g lvl ¤¤p$$¢ courts M H¤W¤ii md Pom “""’°"§2-$$22 ¤2§.§?£?§§°u¤d€r- - 523, mm Rico; ¢¤S¢$ 1'°V\°W¤·b1° -—-—-———— 936 for expenses of Pension Office exi¤ United States Court for China--- 936 gguting ___________________ 414, 1164 to review specified interlocutory or- deficiency appropriation for expenses ders ctc., of district courts . 936 of pension Office executing _____ 55 awards of railway employees con- 936 Civil War Veterans, t"°"‘”`S'°S ···· ‘". ‘"‘‘‘ 1 ‘‘‘‘'‘' ointment on commission to inspect appellate and supervisory, un bunk- 9% app siege of Petersburg, vm, battleruptcy cu§€S‘T '‘'’‘ '`‘'‘ I held; of 3 member of,who gervgd distribution to circuits ... 936 in Uéitcd States Amy________ 856 nuthvrrty cf, over Federal Trade Com- 937 in C0nfed€,.,m Army ______________ 856 mission orders .. T ...o. l - f h d · U -t d orders under Clayton Antitrust Act- 9.37 “°l°°t‘°§t§€;?gr;S°ssévzngnin {Sip appeals to, on interlocutory decrees of fcdcmm States forces on c0m_ district courts on mjunctxons, 937 mission to inspect, ktcw vh._ etc ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘‘' '‘‘*'`' ' battle iigld3_ ____ _ ____ 646 ·_ -__-_—“-_--_—- glnla I , , _ tixi¤);€<iiigi:;\$?>§lt:§iIn;3rE; judgments be- Civilian Miliyrry ijwirucfwn, of _H fore, {0,- review ____________ ·___ 940 appropriation or- cxpgnscs te ri e Circuit Judges (see algo Judges, United !§£g€5;t§t0·, q¤¤ €I'm¤·¤ Y $*19509 924 St, te Courts ¤ ····• 1 ‘‘‘"°' ‘ '‘‘‘‘ 1 ’ approprigioii for salaiies _---&. {218, 1028 for ggéxgnce equipment for rrfigm 925 two a%?1g€l:?:;ii·c§t be 8;Iil¥i1i1E---?f 1116 provision authorized for construction, Citizenshipg H"- etc., of indoor and outdoor rifle 510 ) · ‘ 1‘ 1 to t ad `tt d to ranges; ---·-—-— ·-··: ······-·· ahem §;i;§:ib§tateg;I;(;ceptiox:s.i --.. 162 instructors nn markmsnship--:--:_, 510 declared of all Indians born within ter- mmnteuancc of matches, issuing ritorial limits of United States-- 253 arms,O§i.I:‘getsgr;1;}{;}:%1¢Siu€t¢;iff;:>5 Citrus Canker, _ _ _ _ Pmm 510 “""‘°"§;2§’g‘ f‘iY?i*f‘?°E'i‘f‘f‘;-`E{‘{"’Ai,i¤, 830 me 2§“.i‘§;a.;e agzgtzt, zaaqagiggm cooperation with Staycs; local, etc., RJHB AS89°é3U{¥¤b¤;1°¥1¤cb°'s$i$$“°’ 510 contributions required- .. 440, 830 c u u;§t6;iBE-g;1.- pg ing for destroyed trees, ew-. P¥‘°°u{}”$ “?°°sS”t§ · P' M0 gorbidden ____ ___ ______ _____, 440, 830 P 188, PTIZGS. ¢ —-—-- ··-··- —--· •