Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1431

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INDEX. xlm Coaatwise Waterways, Inland and—Con. Pm- Collectors of C'usloms—·C0ntinued. Pwoperation of , transferred to the Inland duties of, as to shipments of game, etc., Waterways Corporation ... 362 under Alaska. Game Law --- 746 Coberly, Pete, _ Collectors of Internal Revenue, money received from sale of allotment appropriation for salaries and expenses to, to. be deposited to grgdit of of, deputies, etc ________.. -..- 71, 770 Navajo II}d18HS ... 91 for salaries, ctc., additional, 1925--- 710 Coca Leavesa Cocaine, etc. (sec also Nar- deficiency appropriation for salaries, comp Drugs), _ etc .-.-.-...-...-.-- 58, 62, 761, 1349 appropriation for expenses, enforcing coucurrentjurisdiction of district courts laws restricting sale, etc., of-- 72, 771 with Court of Claims for recovrestrictions on trading, etc,, in ... 328 ery of erroneously collected taxes stamp tax on, compounds, etc -...-... 329 if, dead or not in office ..-. 972 preparations, etc., not uifected .- 330 Collector’s Office, D. C., Cochiti I ndians, N. Mex., appropriation for salaries --.. - 541, 1218 appropriation for constructing bridges, Ear special equipment for .. ---- 545 Rio Grande within lands of--- 413 Colleges, etc., Cockrells Creek, Va., appropriation for Army supplies, etc., preliminary examination, etc., of, to to military, other than with be mudé . 1193 units of Reserve OEcers’ Train- Caco Sola Naval Air Station, Canal Zone, ing Corps ,..,.. 508, 923 appropriation for buildings .-..------- 199 Collision Damages, for submarine base, improvementsn 877 suits in sdmiralty allowed for, caused Cocoanut Scale, by public vessels ._,,,_,, , ,___, 1112 deficiency appropriation for egmnses Colombia, eradicating, on Island of nam- 682 appropriation for minister to -- 206, 1015 available until June 30, 1926 -.-..- 1326 or payment to, under treaty ..-. 214, 1023 Codeine (see Narcotics). Colon, Panama, Coeur d’Alene Agency, Idaho, appropriation for operating watcrworks, appropriation for support, etc., of etc., for -.- 520, 934 Indians at, from tribal funds- 411, 1161 Colorado, for civilian employees at ---... 1329 appropriation for surveyor general, Coeur d’Ale·ne Indians, Idaho, _ clerks, etc ...-..--.-- 394 appropriation for fulfilling treaty with- 406, compact of New Mexico and, for use of 1160 La Plata. River approved by for support, etc, of, additional, 1925- 708 Congress .-... 796 Coin Operated Machines, etc., Rocky Mountain National Park; exexeise tax on -..--.-. .. .--..-.-.. 323 change of lands with private Coins, owners for addition to -...-..-. 973 appropriation for recoinuge of g0ld-.. 68, 767 "C'0lomdo," Battleship, for reeoinage of minor ..---..-.-.- 68, 767 appropriation for fire control apparatus for freight, etc., on bullion and ---- 76, 776 for -..-...--.--..--.. 881 deficiency appropriation for recoinage Colorado Judicial District, of minor -...--..--.- - -... 49 constitution of ...- - -..-.--.. 243 coinage of silver 50·cent pieces au- terms of court, at Denver 243 thm-ized to commemorate Battle Durango ...-...,...-... - . 243 of Bennington, etc - -- 965 Gund Junction ..---..---. 243 centennial of founding of Fort Van- Pueblo ...-.-..-...-.-. - - -.-. 243 couver, Wu,sh ------ - -..-.- .. - - 966 Starling; -l.--.. r. . 243 commencement of carving Stone sdjournmemts at Grand Junction, Mountain Monument, Ga ...-. 23 Durango, and Sterling - 243 sesquicentennial of Battle of Lexing- offices of marshal and clerk -- 243 ton and Concord ____,._., 749 to be furnished for court at Sterling- 243 seventy-fifth anniversary of admis— Colorado Labor Strike, 1914, sion of California into the deficiency appropriation for paying U¤i0n_ ______________________ 965 clgims for IQSS of §re3rm5' etc_ 63, 762 Coker, James lVilliam, Colorado Nalianul Forest, reimbursement to, for stolen bonds--- 1277 lands transferred from Rocky Moun- Cold Spring Inlet, N. J ., tain National Park to - 252 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Colorado River, made ________ _ ____,,, - ,..,.._ 1192 amount authorized for bridging, near Colfax Street, D. C-, _ Lee Ferry, Am -..--.~--- V ---1- 994 closing of, directed through square 712- 799 reimbursable from funds of Navajo gogggcg On Dglivgry Mail, Postal Service, Reservation Indians ---..-. 994 appropriation for indemnity for lost, subject to guaranties from Arizona domestic _________ _ __________ 88, 786 to pay half of cost, and to main- Collector of Taxes, D. C., tain cornpleted bridge . 994 tax on sales of motor—vehicle fuel to be bridge authorized across, near Blythe, paid tg, ngonthly __..._ 107 Calif . ·- - - T --·--- 1130 retention of portion, for refund of claim of Southern lfamiic Company {or amount paid for other than cost of closing break, etc., in, mom, vehicle use ___,,____,.__ 108 190§—1907, referred to Court of Cviiecfvrs of Customs. ‘ _ _C1¤¤¤¤s---,--1 .----..··.- 171 deficiency appropriation for payment of E prehmmary examination, etc., of, to be judgments against ... -- 698 mdé ~---·------·----—----· - 1195 _