Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1451

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mnmx. lx111 Department of J ustice—Continued. Pose- Department of ,State—Continued. Posedeficiency appropriation for National appropriation for Secretary, etc; trans- Training School for Boys, D. C- 1334 fers to another position without for Federal ndustrial Institution for reduction , ,. _.____ 1014 Women .. 1334 payments under higher rates perlnndg added to McNeil Island peniten- mitted _________________ ___ 205, 1014 tiary, Wash., by exchange with for contingent and miscellaneous ex- Washington .. 537 penses ..,_..__,___ 205, 1014 part of Fort Leavenworth, Kans., res- for stationery, furniture, etc . 205, 1014 ervation transferred to, for for books, periodicals, etc., for the Leavenworth penitentiary farm- 248 library ________________ ___ 205, 1015 Department of Labor, for printing and binding for . 205, 1015 appropriation for Secretary, Assistants, for passport bureaus _______ ____ 206, 1015 and office personnel ---- 238, 1048 Boston, Mass., added ___________ . 1015 for commissioners of conciliation-- 239, 1048 for Diplomatic and Consular Service- 206 for contingent expenses . 239, 1048 for Foreign Service ________________ 1015 for rent ... 239, 1048 for expenses, enforcing immigration for rinting and binding- ... 239, 1048 laws ._________ _ __________ 1017 for Tiabor tatistics Bureau .. 239, 1048 for bringing home criminals . 216, 1025 for Immigration Bureau 239, 1049 rent restriction ___________ ___ 216, 1025 for enforcing laws regulating immi- for Solicitor of the---L . 216, 1025 gration .,. 240, 1049 for investigations under control of _ __ 1026 contract labor .. - 240, 1049 for passport bureau, New York City, Chinese exclusion 240, 1049 additional pay 1925 __________ 710 refunding head tax ... 240, 1049 for Inter-American liigh Commission, additioxial coast and land bordggo 1049 additional, 1925 _____,________ 710 palm -—-— - ---·---——·--—-· , » deficienc appropri n Di ' vehicles, etc-, outside the De- adrd 3gnnil1nit§’nr§§re--Eglnagi 57 61 trict ---·----·-------- d, ---, 2,,40, 1049 rm- min-ies _______ ’ ,57 arrests b employees in ega a . `` . `'' wmptsym este; . 1049 fg; "}f,Q°,;’,§j{’,fc§,§’,f:,§°“(§f,*‘°“r{, ······ 57 for immigrant stations .. 240,1050 Electrical Commuuimmg, °° °“ 170 for Naturalization Bureau- ---... 240, 1050 fo,_Fo,_ci Service °° ee ····· 691 for Chi1dren’s Bureau ---.-.---. 241, 1050 se 698 §66·%6·i§§é·i§,i9 135i for promoting maternity and infancy for Mexican Géwrai aid S 1 .,,1 · hygiene -——·---—-——-—--—--· 241, 1051 Chims Commission pcm 691 for Wome¤’s Bureau ... 241, 1051 ‘‘‘‘ i" for Employment Service -...-..- 242, 1051 fm 0¥P0¤§9S 0% u11d€1' 13-WS 1’€§11l¤·t1¤K for srmcnnr Or, and office pem¤;,,, ,,,25 , ,,¤¤§¤;1¤gret¤o¤ of eheng,-7.,,,-- 691 nel -..--.. , or o1n ommission on se 0 atfor Immigration Bureau, additional, ers of Rio Grande below Fort 1925 ...--...---..-...--. 709 Quitman, Tex --.---..-.-.-... 692 for Naturalization Bureau, addi- for International Fisheries Commisf tiona1,_1925 .. { - T ,},1,,,.-- 709 sion ...---.---...------.- 756 01‘ ¤0m1¤1SS10¤0f$ 0 °°¤°* °“» for ublishin electoral votes, a · 8dd1tl0¤¤l, 1925 ---—-·-—- ; -·-- 700 gble frog "printing and blindfor Employment Service, additional, 7,,,, ing, 1gg5·· ___________________ 755 1925 -.--.-.-.. - . · · deficiency agpropriation for Immigra- 45 fee u3g,?Yi_°?fEti ??f1_i1iiI5iu°; 760 tum ureaugféiffggg: 1349, 135é additional Assistant Secretary of State for damages claims .. 45, 1334 ?°t°bh’h°d ----—-—·-—-··—--—-- 146

0, Employment smite ...--.. 45 ¤1>r•c¤¤t¤;¤e¤t {wd eelerye ------ ;- -- 146

mr judgments, United States courts, solery o ebolished position of Direclmdcr _________________ 53, 696, 1347 for of the Consular Service made for increase of compensation --- 57, 760 _ *’·‘{“‘l“b1°; —-··-—-··—· · -·--·——- 140 for War Emergency Employment Chmese indemnity payments remitted Service ________ _ _,--.-_____- 57, 700 from October 1, 1917 .--.--..__ 135 for national S€¤111'11?Y and defense customs officers for foreign service to be 11¤<l€1‘ ------- - ----··---- 57» 700 attached to diplomatic missions for gatuiralizatiéon Bureau- - 61 6;; through _____________________ 743 for hil rcn’s ureau ... - -... , - · for Ellis, Island, N. Y., immigrant fm f°;,,;}f:;O§f..§,‘§,§;,§;,,§§j?P,§,’;; gg etecoc ········‘‘‘ ‘ ‘"’‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ 760 modified etc' condition 976 for paying judgments of Court of _ , ’ _ _ '’`‘‘‘‘‘ Claims unda,. _________________ 1347 Foreign Service Act prownsions ----____ 140 1 omcial papers of Territories, to be ar- Department of State, . . appropriation for Secretary, Undersec- 1011800 bY» fo1’ P¤b11¤8l>1011 011 1'¢· rotary, and office personnel- - 205, 1014 qglest of 80V01`¤0T of State fo1’m¢d Salaries limited to average rates ,t °*`°f{°m— -—-----·-—·-- ; —---- 1104 unda,. Classmcation Act ____ 205, 1014 clerical assistance, etc., authorized-- 1104 provision if only one position in 3 8I1l1U8l_ 8·¤10\1l11iS Buthorlzcd for solgrade -- - ...-. 1014 , mee ——-——- - q ---—-——--·------ 1104 restriction not applicable to clerical- copies to States without charge . 1104 mechanical service ...------ 205, 1014 temporary details permitted of Foreign no reduction in fixed salaries--- 205, 1014 Service officers for duty in .--.- 143