Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1540

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clii INDEX. M ima and Assay Oj‘ices——C0ntinued. Y¤8°· M ississippi River-Continued. Pm. issue authorized of silver 50—cent pieces preliminary examination, ctc., of, waterto commemorate centennial of way from Green Bay .. 1195 gaunging of Fort Vancouver, 966 time exteudlgg for tggdging, Iggnnepin ’as ... - and msey uuties, inn- -- 1312 eommeucipg carving of Stone Minneapolis, Minn _.______ 816 Mouutam Monument, Ga. . 23 by Minneapolis and Saint Paul, sesquicenteunial of Battle of Bur- Minn ._..________ 29 lingtgm and independence of Ver- 965 at Saint Louis, M0 S: ... 7 mon water carriage on above aint Loui. to sesquiceutennial of Battle of Lex- be initiated by Inland Wager iugton and Concord .. 749 ways Corporation when channel seventy-fifth anniversary of ad- available __..___.__,,,____ 361 xgigsion of California into the 965 Mississippi Rive, Valley, mon —----—-—-—-—~—--·—·---- . t' f ii h _-- medal to. be prepared at Philadelphia approprxa 101] or s rescue statxon 238, Mmt _ to commeugomtc Norse- Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Ref·- American Centenmal .. 1096 uga, Uppe,3 Misbranded Foods Drugs etc. appropriation for acquiring land etc. appropriation fer expenses, preventing for ._.,, , ____ J 842 _ S3-ie, etc-, <>f ---------------- 447, 837 Mimmppz Southern Juaaciaz mana, Mnccllanepug Items, counties constituting Jackson division- 882 appropnatnoq for House of Bepre- western division ____ _ _____________ 332 f Sieutélétlves . eastern division ._,.,.,. --- 882 Of B8 . - ... , southern division ___.,... - 882 Misgimmy-ies terms of court at Biloxi , --..- 882 dying in éervice abroad, not deemed JSMSIQSQD -·.. 2 -...----. 882 uouresidents of United States"- 307 Mefldliil ---.-...--------...---·- 882 Misgguippi, Vicksburg ...-..-... - ---.. 882 bridge authorized across Pearl River, office of <=}€\‘k Bild m9·1‘Sh9J ---~... ---- 883 by Louisiana and ---.---...-.. 19 Missouri, 00l18ti‘h1ti0l1 of two judicial diSt!'ictS--- 882 Illinois, Kgntuck gud, may bridge issue of Army stores for relief of suffer- Ohio and glyississippi Rivers, at ers from cyclone in northwestern, Cairo, In _____ _ ______________ 999 1923, approved; credits allowed Missouri Rim., _ _ _ m_“°°°“ntS f°r·j·_ ···· j··_ ····· 1286 bridge authorized across, Arrow Rock, Mwusmppz Northern J udzcml Dnstnct, 1\*I0 _________________________ 79Q counties ¤0¤§t§t}1ti¤8 €¤St¢1`¤ diViSi°¤-- 882 between Brule and Lyman Counties, v]5e§terg1d1v1sion ..-. - ..-.. S_ Dgk ______________________ 3 ta °Vi¤i0¤ -------·--------—--- bt H h dSta.l C · terms of court, at Aberdeen- - 882 8 wg:] S_uB,$_ il? _____ ?_?__ ?§1jl_ 10] ggligdale- - -—-·-·—--—--—··—-—·—— betw§exbP§tter and Dewey Counties, 30 Omm of &ic}&'&£&}5L§6a1`.11jKijiji ssa gmt 1-;},2,1.;;·1p;,;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 790 Mississippi River Sanish N. Dak -.--..------.-- 816 appropriation for prosecuting work of Wiilistbn, N. Dak ..,.-. - ..,,___,-- 815 _ flood c0ntr0 ... 516, 930 dam authorized across, Broadwater, budge xplxthorized across, Aitkin County, 8 4 Mont __.-_,__,__-.-,_,__ 6 _ , _ 126 inn .-.-..-. l improvement of from mouth to uin- Cairo, H1 ...- 999 dam Bcnii, authorized --..- 1188 C]¢3l’W&t•8l', Minn ..--. 1302 Mixed Claims Commission, United States Hannibal, NIO .-.-..-...----.-.--- 790 and Germany, Henriigin and Ramsey Counties, 2 Maggmgrgstion for expenses -..-.--. 215, 1023 Hm -.-- 0 e . Minneapolis, Minn -.-..-.---..--- 14, 102 ap rgopriaéiou for public building ...-.. 777 A 100 c s n .-- e cnency appro riation or ublic N“§}1“°‘L‘:" 15% "g"b.m P ‘ P ew cans, .--..- u' ing ..-.- 1343 Sayanna, Ill. to Sabula, Iowa .. 173 new quarantine station authorized on Samt Paul, 1Vimn.,at Jackson Street- 173 Sand Island, harbor of, in place Whité§dctC0imty, Ill., and Clinton 15 of Fort Morgan ___-__,________ 950 un y, owe. relimiuarye am' f , t . fh b , construction of iutracoastal waterway P to be 1];1adeIj?.i?.Ii-if.;(2--?f-?t 1194 from, at New Orleans, La., to Mobile Artillery, Army, _ Galveston Bay, Tex., authorized 1187 aglpropriaticn for altering, etc ------ 498, 914 lmprovflzfwnmt of, authorized at Nauvoo, H 8 M o 'le Bay, Ala., ..-... - ... 8 preliminary e amin t' , t ., f, t - 8t _F¤!"¤ Mqdisvu, Ivwa 1188 way fxfvm Pgnigglac Bg,y,‘§: ie Samfiabum, Mo., to Minneapolis, 1188 M b §ade ,... ; ...,,___,__ 1194 _ _ mu . - .. o jack a , V ., prehmmsry examination, etc., of to be preliminagxr egmmination, etc., of, to made, Baton Rouge and New be mae ,,_____,,,,,_________ 1193 Orleans, La .. 1195 Models, Palent Office, headwaters, etc., of, above Bimidji, deficiency appropriation for expenses _ Mum ._ .. --._ .. 1195 of cqmmissicn on disposal of Mmnegpglg tg Lgkg Pgpm _______ __ 1],95 cgytgln _____ _________________ ]330