Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1562

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clxxiwg mnnx. Northern Pacific Railroad Company—Con. PMB- Oaths, Pm, issue to be withheld, etc.; inhibition to designated Agricultural Department terminate March 1, 1926, unless officers, etc., authorized to adcourt proceedings pending for minister, in matters relating adjudication .. 461 thereto .. 803 status of loud zronts, and rooommoodw Obeewacmy, Naval (see Naval Observations for adjustment to be made t0,·y)_ _ _ by Secretary of the Interior 461 Ocgohannock Cyegkl Van 10ml? commltme of C0¤€!`6$¤ crootod preliminary examination, etc., of, to be to make complete investigation made ___________ _ ____________ 1193 of t’h° land grants °f• sto --··· .· 462 Ocean and Lake Surveys Navy p°w°rS °°“f°n`°d t° mkc t°Su' appropriation for hydi·ograp,hic 187 866 mony, administer oaths, etc 462 O R. G '’`' ’ assistance of courts to subpoenas is- cmulgcq w°T* °‘*. . Sued by__"______________"__ 462 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be punishment as contempt of court {m*d° ···—············‘······· 1194 on refusal to obey, etc . 462 Oomoo Rwor, _ , punishment for winmx demon in an- brrdso outhorwod ooroso, Thompson ¤ wm, sec ____________________ 462 Ferry, Go ..-.-----.-.-...---. 665 amount authorized to be appro- Oconee River, Ga., priated .,.._ ,, _,,,_...,,__,... 462 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Norway, ma e 1194 appropriation for minister to .. 206, 1015 Oconto, Wis., deficiency appropriation for indemnity preliminary examination, etc., of harto, on account of vessel "Hassel 1339 bor to be made ... 1195 payment to, as indemnity for collision Officers, Army, damages to steamship "Hassel," appropriation for pay . 481, 895 authorized- .. 955 for warrant 481, 896 Notaries Public, D. C., for aviation increase - 481, 896 appointment of residents as, by the for longevity ... 481, 896 President-· _.,.__._...______,. 821 time at Military or Naval Academy may represent clients before depart- after August 24, 1912, not ments, etc- Q ..,.. 821 counted ... - . 896 restriction if in Government employ- S21 for retired -...--..- - ... 481, 896 if interested in case, can not take for retired, on active duty .-.----. 481, 896 acknowledgments, etc., for ----. 821 for rental allowances ... - 482, 897 N uisances, D. C., for subsistence allowances .--- 482, 897 appropriation for abatement of ..-..--. 562 for additional pay to, furnishing Nurse Corps, Army (female), their own mounts ..-.- - . 482, 897 disability compensation, etc., to mem- for mileage; limitation if on Govbers of, by Veterans’ Bureau, to ernment vessels .--. - 482, 897 be in lieu of that for injuries to for transportation of dependents Government employees -----.-- 623 of ..-.-.. - . 486, 901 Nurse Corps, Navy (female), for disposition of remains of, etc-- 511, 926 appropriation for pay, etc., of -...-- 193, 872 for disposition of remains of, addi- _ for rent of quarters for --.--- ---- 193, 872 tional, 1925 -..-.---.. 712 for transporting, etc., remains of-- 197, 875 deficiency appropriation for mileage--- 58, disability compensation, etc., to mem- 62, 699, 762, 1350, 1352, 1353 bers of, by Veterans’ Bureau to for disposition of remains of -... 59, be in lieu of that for injuries to 63, 699, 701, 762, 1350 Government employees -...---. 623 advances on promotion list for world Nurseries, Plant and Tree, flight achievement, of Air Servappropriation for cooperative investiga- ice, Captain Lowell Herbert tions, etc -.-.---..------,---. 442 Smith, and First Lieutenants Nursery Plants, Leigh Wade, Leslie Philip Arappropriation for cooperative studies in nold, and Erick Henning Nelson- 979 propagating, etc -.---------- 442, 832 to remain as extra numbers .- 979 N uraery Stock, other promotions not retarded 979 appropriation for enforcing quarantine, balances of appropriations for paying etc .------.------------.--- 456, 847 claims of, for losses fighting Nurses, Army, fires, national forests, covered in- 935 Napprggiglation for pay -----.-----.-- 482, 896 Chief o$vFilnfanceS:nd Chief of Chemical uts, i e, a are rvice o ave ran , appropriation for investigating, etc., etc., of major generals ..--.-.-- 970 growing, marketing, etc., of-- 442, 832 commissions authorized for world flight for investigating insects affecting- 448, 839 acl1iei;;me§nlts,Seas seco1;dHlieutenan , 'r rvice o en 0. Herbert Ogden and john Harld); Oakland, Calif., ing, jr -.-..--.-.------.------ 979 harbor improvement, conditions modi- number of officers not increased--- 979 hed .-.-. - --.---...-----.---- 1189 detail of not more than seven, allowed preliminary examination etc., to be for administration of World War made of outer harbor at ---.--- 1196 Adjusted Compensation Act--- 131 Oakwood Cemetery, Ill., detail of retired, to educational instituappropriation for Confederate Mound, tions extended to Philippine Chicago-» --.. - ----.-.--..-- 512, 927 Scouts ---...-.. - -.-.- 1099