Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1596

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CGV11l INDEX. Quebral, Isabelc, Pm- Railroad Administration, United States, Pmreimbursement to, for stolen Victory balance of appropriation "Federal Connotes 1277 trol of Transportation Systems," Queens Borough, N. Y., covered in ,.. 1316 bridge authorized across, Newtown Railroad Cars, Creek, between Brooklyn and-- 18 punishment for breaking seals of, con- Queen’s Chapel Road, D. C., taining interstate or foreign closing of, directed between Bladens- shipments .._.. - . 793 burg Road and Irving Street"- 799 Railroad Grant Lands, Quillayute River, Wash., relinquishment of, to Indians in Aripreliminary examination, etc., of, to zona extended; condition . 795 be made ___,. - _,_ _ 1196 Railroad Labor Board, Quinaielt Agency, Wash., appropriation for members and secreappropriation for support, etc., of tary .. 527, 1206 Indians at, from tribal funds- 411, 1161 for all other expenses rent, etc,- 527, 1206 Quinaielt Indian Reservation, Mont., for printing and binding for -..- 528, 1206 lands in, set aside for lighthouse pur- deiimency appropriation for salaries poses -.-_ _ __-. - --.._---.-...-- 247 and expenses ..--.------- 55, 700 payment for; deposited to credit of Railroad Routes, Postal Service, Indians of _--.- - .------.- 247 appropriation for mail transportation minerals reserved to Indians in com- by ..-...-...---..--..-.---. 87, 785 mon -...,___- - ---.-_---...-... 248 special arrangement for mail by Quincy, M ass., l freight trains, etc ... - 87, 785 memorial tablets to John and John messenger service accounts ..---.. 87 Quincy Adams authorized to be deficiency appropriation for .--..----. 60, erected at .-.- ; .-.-_----.-... I 1302 63, 691, 699, 701, 763, 1337, 1350 Quincy Street NW., D. C., Railroad Track Scales, appropriation for paving, Tenth Street appropriation for testing, etc --.--- 232, 1042 to Kansas Avenue -._-..---.-- 546 Railroads (see also Interstate Commerce Quemochontaug Inlet, R. I., Commission), preliminary examination, etc., of, to appropriation for establishing, etc., be made --.. - .--...-. 1192 uniform system of accmmting by ---.-...-,,.-.- -..__ 5 6, 1205 R. for enforcing use of safety appliances by -____,--,__,..--___ 526, 1205 R Street NW., D. C'., for securing reports of accidents appropriation for paving, Thirty- from ----.-..---..-.-- 526, 1205 seventh to Thirty-eighth Streets- 1223 for investigating block signal and for paving, etc., Thirtieth Street to train control systems,etc., by- 526, 1205 Wisconsin Avenue; from gas- for compelling use of safe locomotive oline-tax fund- ..-..-. 1226 boilers, etc., by .-.--... 526, 1205 Rabies, for ascertaining physical valuation appropriation for suppressing, by de- of property of .-... 527,1205 stroying certam predatory ani- for securing information of stocks, mals ..-.. - . 450, 841 bonds, etc., of -..-...-. 527, 1205 Radio Communication, deficiency appropriation for ascertain- , appropriation for enforcing laws regu- ing physical valuation of ... 680 lating,on ocean steamers,etc- 229, 1039 for compelling use of safe locomofor standardizing, etc., instruments five boilers, etc., by -.-...,_,.. 755 used in -.. 231, 1040 operation of locomotive unless in for enforcing laws regulating, on Exper and safe condition, unocean steamersmdditional, 1925- 706 ul .-..----... 659 Radio Laboratory, Naval, inspection tests of all parts required- 659 appropriation for research work, etc., time established for actions by, or at ...-. - ..-...--... 191, 869 claims against ..-...-. 633 Radio Stations Naval, Railway Congress, International, use of, authorized for press messages appropriation for quota ..-.-.--..- 213, 1021 by American newspapers, etc-- 1091 deficiency appropriation for pay of private commercial messages between guota ___.. - .--____----__ _ _ _ _ 48 ships, and between ship and Railway mployees Controversies, Shore ------...----...---- 1092 appellate jurisdiction of circuit courts rates, other than Paciiic coast, etc., of appeals over .______,__ _ ____ 936 not less than at privately oper- Railway Equipment Materials, ated stations ..,.. 1092 appropriation for investigation, etc_ 232, 1042 termination of, when private sta- Railway Mail Service, Postal Service, tions capable of meeting normal appropriation for division superintendl§l1S1{1€SS . - - .. 1092 €¤tS, assistants, clerks, eta", 87, 785 termination, except in China, June for travel allowances for clerks,- 87, 785 _ _30, 1927 , 1092 for traveling expenses, etc., gway Radwadwg Substanws, from headquarters ... 87, 785 appropriation for investigating, testing, for miscellaneous expenses 87, 786 _ ctc--, -...---. - ... 233, 1042 for rent, etc., for terminal offices 87, 786 Radwtelegojaphu: Convention, Intema- deiclency appropriation for s&laries--- 60, tw"] _ » 691 763

tion for expenses ,,.. 231, 1022 for travel alIowances,-_; .,... 60; 699

I Appropriation for expenses 48, 1340 for luperintendents, postal eler1;;,gt¤_ 1338