Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1608

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ccxx INDEX. Road Construction, etc., Pm- Rockford, Ill., Pam. deficiency appropriation for, national bridge authorized across Rock River at- 1354 axarks, etc 686 time extended for bridging Rock River Road M ing Materials, by __ 814 appropriation for investigations and Rockport, nd., experiments 452, 843 bridge authorized across Ohio River, Road M anagcmml, nic., between, and Owensboro, Ky--- 103 ap}>1·0pria.tion for investigations, ctc- 452, 843 Rocky Boy Agency, Mont., or determining best materials, appropriation or support, etc., of Inotc - ... 452, 843 dians at, from tribal funds-, 411, 1161 Roads and Trails, N alional Forests and Rocky Boy Band of Chippewa I ndians, ctc., M onuments, M ont., appropriation for constructing, ctc 1179 appropriation for support, and maintecontracts for approved projects nance of .. 408, 1159 deemed Government oblgations- 1179 for support, etc., of, additional, 1925- 708 Roads, €’ublic (see Federal ighway Rocky M0ur¥ainfNaliongg Park, Cola., . appropria ion or pro ction, etc--- 424, 1177 Roads, Trails, etc., N atidnal Forests, Hu: protection, additional, 1925 . 709 spprcxriation for construction, etc". 446, 836 dciicnency appropriation for repairs of Roads, alks, etc., at Military Pons, flood damages , 686, 1331 appropriation for construction, repairs,88 903 exchaugctialf Iu1;gsfvviE£1d(§:r£ivate owner ctc 4 , au oriz or ion to . 973 for, additional, 1925 ... 711 lands transferred to Colorado National deficiency appropriation for ...,. 62, 762 Forest from ... -__ 252 Rocnofce River, N. C.,_ _ Rocky Mountgin Spotted Fever! ' preliminary examination, ctc., of appropriation for preventnon of epnmouth, to be made ... - 1193 dem1c . , 76, 775 Roanoke, Ya., Rodman Stregt NW., D._ C., mm or wm .,1 _______,_______,____ 114 ¤ppr¤priTg;<z¤ gr pnvmg, Reno Road to R°:iM1g1;YnI;$1$l$; g" · id ¤: F ad R‘”’“· "“'”· y- th t--umm-- 1223 pp 1- aymg, w ow r · . . . K R¤°*¤·¤¤· ¤ ¤¤¤¤·¤ ·*¥*¤¢ i¤ 1 °"‘°’°"£3Z`°§ X”·g&tf1T`Z€°” I”“E`iz 1021 °°"‘°° ·-·-·----—-····-·---——- 2**9 for Inmmsigsx om Biiiibu ’ Robinson, Samuel, _ _ Health °° ° 1021 defic1er;gg*sappmpnation for extra se1g;3’ 1315 deicientgy §p1iuj(%%]g€iB;jf(;!_‘ ·fI;t§_;13; °`'`'°`` "' °```°`° '°°` 0118. DS 1 U ` Rock C'reek_agu1 Potomac Parkway Com- Romero, Guadalupe, D?cd(;f gncultm-eu 48 mwuvn. issue of homestead atent t ,,___ gppropriaticn for land 6011- Roof Gardens, P 0 810 ¤¤¤1Pi¤8 P0t01¤¤¤1 Z¤0l08i¤¤I» internal revenue tax on admission to '“‘d,R°°k C*’°°k P¤rk¤ -—-———·—- 574 entertainments at . 321 for sqqqmition of additional land by; Roosevelt Mmmm: Amczamm, , lm-ut —--- -—; —-—--—-----—- ;·;·— 574 may procure plans, ctc., for memorial deiicwncy nppwpmtivp f¤r acqumns to Theodore Roosevelt 935 lands _ connecting Potomac, site dggign/ated ____________________ 935 gggivslvai, and Rock Creek 1323 cogsiderazsom meeting ____________ 935 8 —---—----·--—----—----- su °ect to u. ____ Rock cme Rm. D. c., _ zzmmz}, T1.0d0F§’°"°l °f °°“"°“ 935 ¤PP1'¤P¤¤t¤0¤ for <>¤1’¢ ¤¤d ¤mP¥`°V€· plans, ctc., for memorial to, may be m°¤t °f ·-——------—----—··- —-— 573 p and, etc ... 935 for land for parkway connecting, Ropes andrggbles, H with Z¤<>1¤gic¤1 and Pctomac appropriation for studying intemm P¤¤‘k¤ --·-———·--—·—-—-—-—·—-— 574 strains of, etc ..., 233 fo1·_shelter and comfort station . 1247 Rosa, Henry M., RMB HW, $· U-. appropriation for, as assistant secretarv

  • ¢¤¤¤ °f ¤¤¤1‘¢ ¤¢ -------------.---.-. 801 of the Senate ______________ 5*19, 1236

Rvwk hlwid 4*86%% IU-. ’ position and pay established of, as asovgprognatnon for bridges expenses- - 499, 914 sistunt Secretary of the Senate 147 R J9 nd. fu-, Rosebud Agency, S. Dak., U appropriation for care, ctc., Confeder- gpproprigtigu for support, gtcq of In. , ,'**° °°m°*°"Y —~-~——·-~--···- 512 927 dians st, from tribal funds-, 411 1161 prchmmary examination, etc., of, Roswell, N_ Mem, ’ _ harbor t° be m¤d°-· -·-—-——--- 1195 officcs of register and receiver, land R¤¤k RW", _ _ office at, consolidated .. 395 bridge ;}lth0!'lZ8d across, at Belmt, tm-mn of court at ____________________ 642 W —-———-— — --·----- - -------- 949 Rotunda o the Ca ‘¢ol Pt R°°kf°"d» m ——-—--—·—--—-—----- 1354 re¤t0rat{0¤ and1;l0n;pletion of the frieze . m W`m°°b'*8° C°¤¤*Y -—----------- 13 in the, authorized ..._.,.,_____ 1252 txme extended for bridging, Rockford, selection of design, artists, etc ,. 1252 IU -————-— - ——·—-——- - --------- 814 amount authorized far ...,_.,,_____ 1252 R¤¤F¤¤e¤¤y MM-. N . _Y., _E¤¤¢, Round Valley Agency, 04111;., P1'°hmmm’Y °X¤¤¤¤8t1<>¤, ¢t¢·, Of, to be appropriation for su orb ctc. of Inmade _ PP 1 » ——·—·—---· - -·----------. 1192 dma At, from tribal muah 411, 1161