Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1614

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ccxxvi INDEX. Second Street NE., D. C., Pazv- Secretary_of Agriculture——Continued. Passappropriation for paving, Bryant to authority of, for procuring forest-tree Channing Streets _... - 546 seeds and plants, for timber for paving Channing Street to Crom- growing on denuded or nonforestwell 'llerrace . - 1224 ed lan s . 654 Second Shoot NW_, D_ gn amount not to exceed State exappropriation for paving, Upshur to Peudlture--—;—q --------·- _ -—-- 6 54 “’°"S‘°' $***5 ·············· 5*6 .r$2€}§§‘o“$?riZr%p§}“}&?§r°ciE*§r‘Z$§i°L‘ 65* Secondary etc. Education, - ’ appropriatidn for investigations, etc--- 1180 ,_,,;g<_g;_g·=;,=,§·;*,gr¤g;,;,;,E “§{gté’ 1,; 654 Secret SETUIIICZJ TTCGSUTM D0pGT{m·C'{It, penditul-c____________________ ¤PPFoP1'1¤510¤ for 0111*11 of d1V1$1°¤» and annual appropriations authorized- 654 Omcc P61`$0¤11€1-—-q ——---———-— 74, 773 for cooperation with State system of f°1' °{P?nS°S» ¤11PP1’°88m8 °°1ml7€1" forest fire protection .. - 1127 19111118, etc --——-·-— _ —---·—-—-- 74, 774 considerationofforestlands,furnishprotect? of the Pr¢¤¤d¢¤t. etc-- 74, gf]; mg wotcr ror domestic usc or pay res nc ion ... --- · · { ____________________ 1128 ‘°" 2‘,fd*i£?3tgr‘a‘;‘;“““°‘“‘““· °*°·· oc ·**·**¤ ?`g*ga;>,,*i·Q)§;5;*;·,,,·;“g,g·:¤¤· 1 ····· ··•·· ···· ID , 8 IOID 9 Secretaries in Diplomatic Service (see also Governor to .. 668 Foreign Service Officers), duties of, relating to additional allotappropriation for salaries .. - . 206 ments for agricultural experidciciency appropriation for . 57, 760 d ment gtgonsnig Secretary o Agriculture, un sr Sm? . °Y···: ····· .·· appropriation for sccrcrory, Aoocrorr, ¤¤<1¢r.Uvr>¢r M·¤¤¤¤¤·vv· RW WM Life and Fish Refuge Act .. 650 for g1g I)if¥1rS(;nn&eg££Ec.Qi-gi]Bp§32, 822 to ascertain location of public lands, ood power but ___ _ 433 822 chied¥va1uableforstreamilow,etc- 655 sor automobile Err; ---221111-;- use ¤=rg*.¢<> . ¤5<>¤ 0<>m¤¤i¤Si¤¤—— 555 ror Editorial and Distribution Work <11¤®¤· 1* f¤V¤1‘¤b1¤ *5 be ¤¤¤’¤ *¤ Omoo _____________________ __ 823 Congress by the President"-? 655 for printing and binding; Annual re- t° r°S°rY° £Y° ve °°°t imm th° d’S' rt __________ ;_ ________ ___ 434, 823 trlbutxon of ma1.e.nals, etc., for for &eriment Stations Office 434, 823 ¤>·;1¤·H¤?¢·· m °°’t*°°“l r°r°stS· for Extension Service 435, 824 ‘m er f ’ghw“·X A°t» Sud transfer for agricultural exhibits at State, etc., them or “S" m mtroml Perks {aim ________ __ _____________ 435, 825 and monuments .. 90 for operation and management of Secretary of Qommerce, _ Center Market, D. C., under- 459, 846 appropriation for, Assistant, and oino;4 1033 Gam personne . . , ams °g_C]g:t;¥ E3? be orgogggftssorg authorized to acquire additional land rooommoodogion of ____________ 632 for sitlex of Standards Bureau 950 authorized to make advances to farmers c0nvg,;(£·h·g¥S]§:§kQbIQl§gg:;c(I? in drought stricken areas of New · . house reservations on Long Melg'? r°1’Pm'°b¤·S° 07 5*26. ¢5¢·; 110 Island, N, Y _________________ 635 _ con ions -- -_ · · - - . . —--·- · ·-·---·-- prepare exhibits of fisheries industry ¤1>i>r¤i>¤¤t¤¤¤; for ----- T --~------ 110 ood commerce of Umm States establish experiment stations to de for Seville Exposition __ ______ 1257 F:£‘§;§2m‘;‘:€ €t§L‘;2‘1;§§c£2§§$* ¤5;,·;;,f,,,*;;, ··=;¤¤3¤;¤>g 5 5;·5l§3· » » n o ugues - GW .. . 1108 ’ 1257 P’°1’?’° °**;i'°**¤ d 5* t8¤§*1*=¤1*¤¥¤1 Md actor-mir$igir`6r`§oo{£ io? Qoiriicriéri 2,2 ° .6 pr° “° °r Sgvme Er' aliens based on ratio of nation- P°*“ °“·--1,2: -—-- E ---· ak--- 1257 ality in United States in 1920, to momuqm ws “ sum rds 1257 be made jointly by Secretaries of ········ · ········--— State, Labor and . - 159 what md mm pr°d“"°dv ““°“¤ duties etc of under Upper Mississippi Md m°'k°* ¤*¤¤d¤’d5 --—---——— 1257 ,River was mrc coo rash acm c character of American animal Act g 650 P*°d°€*~° -————--·—- r ——·---—--- 1257 powcrc coriscrréri 1I;$6rr"rE»}`{rro£ééii6i§ tostgezligicziotted in Elgglish, Spanish, of Alaska salmon fisheries .. 464 _ nifuesc nggmsos 7- 1257 gtaternent or number of individuals of waiv§5o;g;1{1f Oftsqwglg fees ln 1259 various nationalities resident in h · · ores , . T ...----- United States, as shown by aut ongy of, in cooperation with States, census of 1890, to be iixparcd by t9u1;lfg> :u[;1£?:;ntgo§ systems, 653 of State, bor, aud, 160 _ _ _ ..,. J<>1¤ Y ··----------- - --------- with emsnng stage sysdcmo etc _____ 653 mcthod of determining 160 Sniggztb expended not to exceed with Secretary of State established as , _ _ Y the 8178%. etc . 653 National Sesquicentennia.1 Exhidc . . in tax laws to encourage lation Commission for celebrat- Produfitwnr *576 ·-·-- ---- 653 mg the one hundred and iiftieth moore authorized to be appro- m¤iv¢r¤¤ry¤f¤iz¤i¤s1h¢D¤¢1¤· prxated annually ,____, _ _____,. 653 · ration of Independence 1253