Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1626

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OGXXXVIII INDEX. Standards Bureau, Department of Com- P¤8¤· Standing Rock Agency, N. Dak.—Coutd. Pm merce—Continucd. deficiency appropriation for civilian appropriation for investigating fire ro- employees at .. 1329 sisting qualities of building ma- Standing Rack ndian Reservation, N. and torigls, etc_ __.. - .. - 231,1040 S. Dak., for investigating standards of meas- homestead entrymen, ctc., in former, urcment of public utilities, ctc-- 231, allowed extension of time if un- 1040 able to gay money due - 1184 for testing miscellaneous Govern- interest in a. vancc to be paid ... 1184 mont materials, ctc . 231, 1040 further extension allowed; limit . 1184 for standardizing radio communica- Stanislaus National Forest, Calif., tion methods, etc _____._.__ _ 231, 1040 exchange of lands with private owners for developing color standards, etc-- 231, or addition to- ... 953 1040 Stanley County, S. Dalc., for study of clay products, processes, bridge authorized across Missouri River etc _,,,,,.______ - ,.._.. 231, 1040 between Hughes County and"- 101 for standardizing mechanical equip- Star Routes, Postal Service, ment _..._______,_._.. 231, 1040 appropriation for mail transportation for aeronautical, etc., engineering by, in Alaska ... - 86, 785 investigations __,.,____. 231, 1040 emergency service ... - .. 86, 785 for investigating optical glass pro- for inland transportation by, except duction ..____.,.._. 231, 1041 in Alaska 89, 787 for standardizing quality, measure- deficiency appropriation for, in Alaska- 60 ment, etc., of textiles, paper, "Star Spangled Ba1mcr," leather, and rubber . 231, 1041 restoration of Fort McHenry, Md., to for sugar standardization .,.. 231, 1041 become a national park, as the for cooperative standardizing, etc., birthplace of the - .. 1109 of ga.uges,scrcwthrea.ds,etc- 232, 1041 State Homes for Disabled Soldiers and for investigating, ctc., mine scales, Sailors, and cars at coal mines .. 232, 1041 appropriation for uid to 519, 933 for metallurgical research, railway State Laws, National Conference of Comequipment, etc . 232, 1041 missianers on Uniform, for investigating methods of high appropriation for aidto --- 545, 1222 temperature measurements, ctc- 232, State, War and Navy Department Building 1042 dommmum, for applying principles of sound to abolished, and all powers conferred upon military and industrial pur- Director of Public Buildings, poses .. 232, 1042 etc ._..._ - .,.. 983 for investigating problems in indus- personnel, records, etc., transferred trial development, ctc ... 232, 1042 to newly created office - 983 for investigating, etc., track scales, State, War, and Navy Department Buildetc . --- 232, 1042 ings, for establishing standards, atc., of appropriation for deputy superintendindustrial evices ... 232, 1042 ent, and office personnel 529, 1207 ` for standards for checking chemical for operating expenses .. 529, 1207 analyses .. - 233, 1042 for heating plant for Munitions and for investigating radioactive sub- Navy buildings __________, 529 stances 233, 1042 for printing and binding for- 529, 1208 for determining tensile strength of deficiency appropriation for fuel, lights, ropes, cables, etc- . 233 etc ._.__.. - ._ 55, 759 for automotive engine investiga- for elevator repairs, ctc., main buildtions .. - ... 233, 1043 ing ._..._.. -- 680 cooperative work for departments, for installing electric elevators, etc., etc., from their appropriations- 233, main building _ 1316 _ 1043 additional rented buildings for Internal for togtmgstructural materials, addi- Revenue Service, in the Dis- $$}0¤&1, }925 . - . 706 trict, placed under - 693 for 111dustrm.1 research, additional, funds, Btcq tm,¤gfer;·gd_ ________.,. - 693 _ 1925 - 706 0{licc of superintendent cf, ab01ishcd-- 983 deficiency appropriation for replace- duties conferred upon Director of ment of altitude chambers .. 40 Public Buildings, etc .. 983 for prompting, ctc., economy in auto- Statement of Appropriations, motive transportation ____ _ _____ 41 appropriation for pre ariug, first sesfor paying damages claim .. 41 sion, Sixty-e ghtlh Congress . 586 for gauge standardization ... 55 for preparin , second session, Sixty- for mgdpstrial research ..._. 55, 61, 759 eighth gauges; ____________ _,_ 1294 for mxhtary reqearch- .. 697 Scam, for sta11da.rd1zing mechanical appli- additional yearly allotments to, for ng- _ ¤·¤°€$;·--; ------ Z--_ -. 759 1'icultuml experiment stationsu 970 fq1‘_¢¤h¤‘g1¤g s1tcofbuildmgfor----- 1328 access to corporation income tax renddxtional lgmds_ in the Distnct for ex- turns allowed to officers of, on rc· _ SWB of&¢0 be l0q\1l1'0d-- 950 guest of governors ____ __ ______ 293 S*md‘\¤0 QGMII, · Dah., authorizations of a propristions for ru- •·P1¤·¤1>r¤9*¤¤¤ f¤r wppqrt, etc., of 1¤· négcst roadg in, mz fiscal years dum at, from tribal funds,- 411, 1161 1 gud 1937 ________________ 339