Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1638

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col INDEX. Tuberculosis Hospital, D. C.—·Continued. Pm- Twitch Cove, Md., P¤8•· appropriation for repairs, etc.; admit- preliminary examination, etc., of, to tance of pay patients; limitation- 568 be made .. --- 1193 deficiency appropriation for main- Two Rivers, Wis., tenance _______________,____.. 679 preliminary examination, etc., of, har- Tug Fork of Big Sandy River, bor to be made ... 1195 bridge authorized across, between Typewriting Machines (see General Supply ciountil? of Mingo, W. Va., and 11 Conrniittee, Treasury Departike, ..,. men . Nolan, W. V};. .. - . 247 Typhus Fever, Tule River Agency, Calif., appropriation for prevention of appropriation for support, etc., of epidemic ... - 76, 775 T I Oklndians at, from tribal funds- 411, 1161 Tyson, J6 R., late a Representative in u sa, a., ongress, T telzms of court at .. 388, 945 deficiezwyd appgopriation for pay to 34 ur ey, ow 0 - appro riation for ambassador to 206, 1015 allowance available for envoy U. extraordinar and minister plenipotentiary appointment made U Street SE., D. C., to that grade . 1015 appropriation for paving, Nichols for Turkish secretary of embassy . 206 Avenue to Shannon Place .. 1223 assistant secretary .. 206 for paving, etc., Nichols Avenue for student interpreters ... ----- 207 to Fourteenth Street; from for quarters for student interpreters- 207 gasoline-tax fund ..---. 1225 for tuition of officers assigned for Ugashik iver, Alaska, language study in ..--. 1016 salmon Hshinipermitt ed in -.--.-.-... 465 for rent of quarters ..---.-..-...-.. 1016 Uniform State ws, National Conference for launch for embassy, Constanti- of Commissioners on, nople -.-.-..----..-.-.. 207, 1016 appropriation for support, etc- . 545, 1222 for expenses of American prisoners, Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah, etc., in ...--..-.-...-.. 215, 1025 appropriation for support, etc., of Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians at from tribal funds- 411, 1116 Indians, N. Dalc., Uintah County, Utah, appropriation for support, etc ..-... 409, 1159 appropriation for aid to public schools or support, etc., additional, 1925 .-.- 708 in, from Indian funds- .--.. 408, 1158 Turtle Mountain Indian Hospital, N. Dak., Uintah Indian Reservation, Utah, appropriation for maintenance, etc. unexpended balance of appropriation of .----- - ..---.-...-.- 468, 1159 for irrifation system, 1918, Tutuila, Samoa, covered n -.-...--.-..--.. 1155 appropriation for naval station, public Uintah Ute Indians, Utah, works --.--..-..--. 198, 876 appropriation for irrigating allotted Twelfth Street NE., D. C., lands of; repayment ..-..--- 403, 1154 appropriation for paving, C to D Streets 548 for payment to, from tribal funds of or paving, Otis Street to Michigan Confederated Bands of Utes- 412, 1162 Avenue .-.-..-..--... 548 from accrued interest . 412, 1162 Twentieth Street NE., D. C., for irrigatin allotted lands of, addiappropriation for paving, Lawrence to tional, 19g5 .,__,,__,,,.,_., 707 Monroe Streets ..-...---.. 1224 Ukiah, Calif., Twentieth Street N W., D. C., appropriation for expenses, Internaappropriation for paving, E Street to tional Observatory at .--..- 235, 1045 Virginia Avenue; from gasoline- Umatilla Agency, Oreg., Pix fund . 549 appropriation for support, etc., of Twenty-eighjtmilour Law, Animal Trane- des Indians at, from triibal fuplds- 411, 1161 ‘ po ion, cienc appropriation or civi 'an emsppropriation for executing- 437, 827 plivgygeg gi;) ____________________ 1329 Twenty-first Street NW., D. C., Umatilla Irrigation Project, Oreg., appropriation for asphalt covering, appropriation for maintenance, etc., §’ennsylva1nia.i;\ve;_1uedtoKStreet; of ________________________ 418, 1],68 Iomgwo •¤€‘ 8X un -—-——-·—— 1225 Umatilla National Forest Ore . Tw°”ty'”'i"th.Sl'“t¤ Nwu · Cv exchange of lands withlprivgte owners

    • PP’°P“**“°¤ for P=*“¤S» W°¤<11¢Y sud designated public lands té

Road to Cathedral Avenue --.--- 1224 be added to ’ 1279 Twenty-second Strieet N.W., D. C., C Umpqua Omg ``'‘'`‘'` appropriation or paving, etc., B to . z A ·· . . Streets; from gasoline·tax fund-- 1226 vrskmmev i°x°‘mm*m°”· °l'°‘* °f h8‘rb°r rzmzy-menu. scm xw., o. o, ¤¤<1 ¤v<=r» to be made --------- 1196 appropriation sozpsvxng, K misc-een- 548 Unwmrahgrq Irrigetivn Project Utah. Twin Ports Bridge ompqnyr appropriation or maintenance, etc., may bridge Saint Louis River, Superior, of ..-.-...- - -..--.----.-.- 416, 1166 Wis., and Duluth, Minn ----.--. 1095 Unoompahgre Ute Indians, Utah, purchase of, by Duluth and Superior appropriation for irrigating allotted ¤¤t¤<>:¤¤ed . - . ‘ mes ¤r.£6-f ,,__ ____ _,____ 403,1154 _ . p c---._ . , or payment , rom tribal funds of Tmne 0Bd_TQUI§ Devices, Postal Seranee, Confederated Bands of Utes- 412, 1162 •ppropr¤atxon for .-... --- .--.-. 88, 787 from accrued interest ..-.. 412, 1162