Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1642

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ccliv INDEX. United States Reports, Pm Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and P¤K¤- appropriatiou for purchase cf, for Fish Refuge-Continued. judicial officers - ... 221, 1031 summary seizures of articles, etc.; re- United States Securities, POT1? tf) diSt!'i¤t 8tt0T¤¤Y ------- 652 appropriation for distinctive paper for 68, 768 Pi'0¢€d\11`Q|¤ Fedeml court .. r - -- 652 for distinctive paper, additional, 1*16580 lf P}’°¤¢¢dm8§ f91’ fo!'f€¤t¤¤‘¤ 1925 _________ _ _______________ 7;() not instituted withm a. reasonaccepted as penal bond in lieu of fble tim0--; -~------------ _-- 652 pgrsgnal Surgfigg ______________ 349 expcncz1tures_auth0r1zed by Secretaries exemptions allowed after January 1, Of A§¤`1¤¤{t¤1”€ and C<>111m01‘¤§ f¤1' 1921, from graduated acgditioual ¢>fG’¤SlFi‘¤0t10¤, P*i_YS0¤¤l S€;{'V¤0¤$; income taxes on intcres from 4 6 C-, ¤€0€S¤¤!`Y OT 8X6¢‘·1 10¤ 0 anéi 4%t5e; cént Liberty; g>¤m1¤-- 349 mo lg- I H- :-.01 -%.1; --...-- 652 amoun un wo years a er pro- , U _S U 0¤Z¤ ¤PP¤'°· claimed end of World War . · 349 P¤`18t§d fo1' ----------- 1 ------- 652 for three years more ..__. - ._, 349 Sum ¤·\1th01'}Z§d to be 8·PP1'0Pl’1¤t¢·>d fo1' additional t0rt;;xg0;}Zxemptic;n§6 tind 349 d§$q¤11'1¤g 8·1‘68S, etc --..- - ----- on conve per cen 11 s- GQ!} 1 10¤¤ ---- ;---_ --------------- ·¤ in lieu of exemptions during the War _ 349 P\1ms§1meut‘for v10la;tions, etc 652 notes or ccrtiiicates of indebtedness ¥{1€¤¤1¤8 of ‘P¢1”¤0¤’ ;-_ -------------- 652 accepted in payment of interna] mvcr and harbq1·_prov1sions not affected revenue taxes otherthan stamps 347 _ _ PY P1‘0V1S¤0¤S of Avtr ...------ 652 umd stm shim? Board (M Ship- **m¤t¤*¤·;¤ <}¤ ¤¤¤=h¤¤¤ vm <=·f *¤¤d· , ping Board, nited States). ° °‘* °r· ··············—·····- 1354 U {ud St t S C rt S Upshur Street NW., D. C'., ” a “ "7""””° ‘Z“ (see “Pr°m° appropriation for paving, Second to Court of the United States). Ipourth Streets 546 United States Veterans’ Bureau (see Uruguay, _"--`unn-u Veterau¤' Bureau United a priatb { ' tg to ______ 206, 1015 States)- . Umggzro 1 n or mmm r Univgrgal Pogml Cqngmm, · appropriation for surveyor general, appropriation for expenses of delegates - 87 clérk, etc -...-.-. 394 vw ¤{,·=e~,·3g¤y# RM WM M M1 §3;;?3;*;,‘;,"1’ °§3m‘%;;·.;d3i"°· “"° 1,8 Q We _ I '7 Y — appropriation for ,acquiring land, ex- . ¤°ml» 1925;-; —--—-—·——---—·- 708 pauses cm of ____________ 842 dciicmncy appropnatmn for reimburseadditional contracts for aniégsc la ds .m°nt t°> f°r land su"?Ys··· $@4* 1328 authorized ___________________ 842 n 11;, reserved as school sxte for Ute '°* °;*“°?“°“¤¤ °““d*¤¤¤· ¤°¤·’¤· mSm‘;‘§‘“?§;‘;.;et1.;.;];;1"l;;";;,;i112g 2*6 c c. or __ 1047 , me or Aci ...______ 650 U I¤d1¤¤¤ —---—-—----- _ ---------- 2 46 areas to be acquired on tha Mississippi tab National Park, established .. 593 bvgtvgeeg Rgfk Island, Ill., and 6 0 "(g¤g,;’ Buiikvhip, ti f ddm 1 a as s, inn ._...,____ 5 e cency nppmpria ons ora om astsblished as a rcfu e . - ... 650 submarine, etc. pr tection . 1335 for migratory birgs ..,.._____ 650 alteration of, authorizgd an protection for other wild birds, animals, against submarine and aircraft ilowcrs, aquatic plants, ctc .. 650 attack ... 719 for Esh and aquatic animal life . 650 converting to oil burning ... --- 719 auusept of legislatures, satisfactory Utah National pam, _ {Sts? 5;;, r;1S1;§e%é--é{c--h B E-; 650 pubuc lands set gpm for _... ssa bar to acquisition, ,if not Ut: Indimiwi-C°T;f6deqgeg0Ba1g%1§ °f’h ls interfered with, etc, ----------- 651 "*"°*’;‘,‘,“I}";;,‘m§’,’ :;,1 D,,*;‘;e,§,,°2;0‘i§’n- j°“’* °f_f{§lQ‘m °;D§°&’*“;‘1°“ °* Ag"; ms, Um}, rl-om mas or 408, 1158 ‘“ °’°° '°° Pm ro S on t 410 1160 scribe regulations, etc ____,. 651 r upp * ° ° ···‘‘‘‘··‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘' . ’ actsforbidden Specijed-___-_-__`--_- for BHppOrt, Etc., SOII§h€r'D Ut€S ID commercial fishing allowed under regu- f C°l°m1t°’ {Rm tgbal glands} 411* 1161 lation by Secretary of Commerce- 651 or iguméo · ’ gd" d tc f Ougkgg powers conferred on authorized cm- f 3% m °"' °* mm U 61 ployees of Departments of f UP 8*}*} ······ t··.··“. ···· 4fu* u Agriculture and Commerce . 651 °' pg; I3? Mmn; P““§‘p" .‘mg';)§’ · sumxinalfy arr§st, etc., of otfauder mdo 8 mm um and m giz 1162 Keen;  :§;;&&·l;r{jj ···· gg} Umm, cnc., Bandgly?1 651}:: 412; uuz much, with authority of wmjrgli; Southern Utes in Colorado 412, 1162 of competent court _________ ___ 651 for sg-elf support, etc., from accrued ¤·¤¤ of w==¤~·a¢~— by F··=¤m¤ cm or .¤p"$*fe'€3‘ca;g;;;:;:;;:;::;:-‘f}”‘ H2? $§*:*;”‘°“°r °“ ¥“`°b“bl° °*“°° 651 Indian labor on road construction- 412, _‘ ‘‘‘·············· · ···· 1163 nmmsiuythisenguuss of articles, etc., 651 me {01- guppoétéitc., of, additional, 1925- 708 med-- . - ... na, sutudy uproscrihed by regulations - 651 land: mssrvcd {s school site for ... 248