Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1649

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INDEX. gglxj War Dgparlment—Continued. P¤8¤- War Emergency Employment Service PNN deficiency appropriation for judgments, deiciency appropriation for , 57 United States courts, under; Wa,. Finance Cm. ummm -``````` " Lever Act claims . 54, 696, 758 time extended qc maké ad t for judgments, Court of Claims, un- on notes for 8 icu¥;3_;$S’ $0%: der 54, 696, 697, 758, 1347 ucts etc togrbrovcmb P 30 for fortiications 59, 62, 699, 1352, 1353 1924 " ml ’ 14 for increase of compensation 59, to begin' iiQ];,{&g_fiQ,;1' 'g{ ';&§§S"i°5 fo, additional employees ""· *35* *323 J=·¤··=·~ I- *925 ------——·- 15 rm- contingent expenses .. 62, 1350 t° d°§’,‘;,S‘fS {§2§h° T'°’”“'y· ‘° J“““' 15 f¤r rivers ¤¤d_1¤»rb<>r¤. incrwse of mmm extension Z>?`&{£é`:B}`}é£é€v3.i °°mP"“S°“°“ —--------—-—--— 62· 762 of payments on advances 15 for registration and selection for mili— W F wk ‘‘‘‘ " tary service . 62,761 ar ra · f . . . for Military Ac8_d€my__ _____ ____ 63, 1350 8·PPl'0P1’1¤· 1011 _ OT luvesflgation und for arrears of pay, bounty, etc., Civil pr°S°€‘}t;9“ °f ‘‘‘‘‘‘·····‘‘ 218* 1027 wa, ___________________ 63,76],1350 dei pw ms rw wes-; —--~-- _ ----- T 218·1°27 for pay, etc., Wm- with Spain- 6:;, 699,761 °‘°'%°Y °PP’°P“*m¤1? f°* ¤¤*"=¤*¤8¤*· for preventing injurious deposits, _ mg and Pr°S°°“t’mg ······‘'‘‘‘ 170 New York mmm . as Wqr Mvwuir Rdwf Ach for headstones for soldiers’ graves"- 63, hmwation _0¤ amount for P¤YmB¤t of 699, 762 claims under, repealed .._, 634 for zcénnniasgréativzdupému, World War Mothers, American, ar just ompensation charter granted· urposes, etc 966 Act .. - ... 695, 1344 War Revenue, ’ P for damages claims . 695, 1344 deficiency appropriation for collect. for settling war contract claims of ing ..._., 58,62, 701,761 foreign governments 695, 1344 Wm. Risk jmumme Ad for $¤1'V€YS» 0*0-, f°¤' Hood °0¤t!'°l °f awards of allotments ypaid beneficiaries designated ¤'iV¢¤'¤ ------—--—-—-- 696 under Army allotment system ` for arbitrating rate of royalty, Ameri- not mcovemblt _ ’ 964 can Gyanamid Company, my- mpeu or as ¤.m¤¤ded-Q-Z] `````````` 630 able from balwce, N¤¢i¤¤=>1 D8- accrued ri um and uaéiitiéé `LBE feuge Act __________________ __ 757 8gect€§ by _________ 630 fol' Bl/§1:0l¢;)§Il;l0*iql$£; 'gcnnessec R-ivcrv 757 War Risk Insurance Bureaiidgec- Gl}; ,1 , ,.,-_____ -- I ' gor gicland Wzgerways C6>&>oration-- gtizgsgans Bur°au’ Ummd or jutant eneral’s ce ... - · · ’ · for omce of cme: of Finance ... 761 p’°"‘S"{,‘;j€r§;“f§3‘{ ‘“ W°"d W*‘g07_630 for national military parks . 762 rc 81 of Act 8uth0ri£{I;";l;lh ‘‘‘‘ gid for Camp Funston, Kaus., c1aims--- 1344 Pe ments thereto g' am 629 for National Guard ________... 1345, 1350 , "?` ```````````° rm- virginia name was commis- 1345 WM Surplus (M S¤¤1>¤¤¢¤, Arm>·>- sion . War Trophies and Devices, Ca tured, for burial grounds of former President apportionment and distribugon among Zachary Taylor ... 1345 the States, Territories and Disfor Washington Monument 1346 trict of Columbia, of guns, etc., for constructing hospital on Sounds taken from the enemy in the of Santa Monica Home, alif--- 1346 World War .,. 597 balances of designated Army appr0pri¤· ratio of, based on the proportion of tions covered in - .. 934 men in service ,_,,..._ 597 captured, etc., war devices and trophies excepted, if required for Army use; to be distributed to the States, 597 at national museums, cemeetc ._ - ... teries, etc .,..._.. 597 expenditures authorized from allot- compilation made of number of forces ments to, for Veterans’ Bureau credited to each State, etc., to beneficiaries ... 532, 1211 be used- ... -- 597 hospital facilities, etc., of, to be utilized notice to executives of States, etc., of by Veterans’ Bureau .. ---- 610 character and quantity apporinland, canal, and coastwise transports- tioned ... 598 tion facilities of, transferred to invitation to make designation of Inland Waterways Corporation- 361 acceptable_mater1al, etc 598 inventory of typewriters in possession shipment on notice of acceptance 598 of, to be furnished General Sup· disposal of State, etc., apportionment ply Committee ______ __ _,..._ 67, 766 if acceptance not filed in a year-- 598 to be turned over to Committee on of rejected portions .a. 598 requisition therefor ,____ _ _,.., 67, 766 charges payable by_ the Government; part of Philadelphia, Pa., national for app0rtion1ng,_ loading, etc-_ 598 cemetery granted city for street transportation to national museums, purposes _____________ _ _______ 242 _ Oémétcflésl pQ1'lLS, Etc .. 593 remission of unpaid duties on imports disposal of undistnbuted devices, atc- 598 by ______ _ __,________________ 660 rules, etc., to be prescribed . _ . 5 98 roadways to cemeteries and parks to be amount authorized t0_be appropriated- 598 conveyed to States for mainte— use for reconditioning prior to shipngnce, etc __________________,_ 1104 ment, forbgdden ________ _ ______ 598