Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1652

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oolxiv mnnx. Western Shoshone Agency, Nev., PW- White River Ute I ndians,_Utah—Contd. Page appropriation for support, etc., of In- appropriation for irrigating allotted dians at, from tribal funds-- 411, 1161 _ lands of, additional, 1925 .. 707 Western Shoshong Nlndian Reservation, White1_River, West Forlc£_Ind.,t th Id h an ev., pre iminary examina ion, e c., au orapproprialtign for irrigation projeggo 1151 Wh] St izelgl for {/ioodycolntgol of ._. 249 Ol] _____ _ _______ __ ________ 7 16 · (LT 1/]],6, 1 ellt 1)7"` ,Ly, Western State College of Colorado, deficiency appropriation for refund of granted lands for biological station 477 _ _ immigration fine to-? .. 1335 Westmoreland County, Pa., Whiterzver, Ariz., _ _ bridge authorized across Allegheny amount authorized for Indian Agency River by Allegheny County ‘ _ building, etc., at .__.,..._.,... 93 and __._________________,____ 892 Whiteside County, Ill., I · I · Westport, Battle of, bridge authorized across Mississippi investigation of feasibility, plans, etc., Ihver, begween Clinton County, 15 f 'lit p k to commemo- 0Wa, BH .-.-------- rgltefliln I?a5i1sa;rCity, M0 .. 801 Whitman National Forest, Oreg., commission authorized to assist 801 exchange of lands Wlth private owners, expenses to be paid from Army con- 801 ggd (glfizsglgnated public lands,1;?9 1282 tingencies a_ e to .. , Weymouth Fore River, Mass., Wichita, etc.,_Indians, Okla., preliminary examination, etc., of, Hing- appropriation for support, etc . 409, 1159 ham Bay to Quincy, to be made- 1191 for support, etc., of, additional, 1925- 708 White Earth Agency, Minn., deficiency appropriation for counsel, appropriation for support, etc., of In- Caddo band_ of 1 .. 1330 dians at, from tribal funds . 411 all claims of, against United States, White Earth Indian School, Minn., under treaties, etc., to be adjuhigh school teachers at, to be paid from 819 décated giy Court of Claims tribal funds .,,___ proce ure, e c White House (see also Executive Office), Wick, ames R., _ _ _ donations of early American furniture, deiic1ency_appropr1ation for services--.. 33 etc., mgbe accepted for use in- 1091 Wicomico River, M d:, _ to become vemment property"- 1091 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be ‘ temporary committee authorized to made-T--1 .. T . 1 .. 1192 pass on, and recommend accept- 1091 Wide Ruinstlrnggotzon Préoject, Ani., f 400 ance __________ _ _____________ · appropria ion or mam enance, e c., o - White House Police, 1151 appropriation for salaries- .--- ---- 521, 1199 Wilds Landing, Fla., for uniforms and equipment . 521, 1199 bridge authorized across Saint Marys for salaries, additional, 1925 705 River at - 472 deficiency apprcfpriation for additional 674 Wilkes-Barie, 5%, f b d _ N th personne ,_...__,.,._,___ 11118 ex en e or ri ging or for uniforms, etc .. 674 Branch of Susquehanna River, White Pine Blister Rust, to Dorranceton from .. 173 appropriation for study, etc., of 440, 830 Wilkesboro, N. C., for expenses of eradicating, etc--- 440, 830 terms of court at .. 1 . 662 local, etc., cooperation . 441, 830 Willamette Falls Canal, Oreg., paying for trees destroyed, etc., time extended for bridging, at Lock forbidden .. 441, 831 No. 4 998 White River, Willamette River, bridge lagiéhodzed across, at Augusta, 1131 bridge Oiuthorized across, Portland, 18 , ·-——-—----——- _ ------------ 08 ---- - ---·--------·--—--- Arkansas may acquire to operate at Burnside Street .__._.._ 9 as a free bridge - .. 1131 at Ross Island ... - 9 B itollslalloxxeld for five years ... lg; Willamette River, Lower, BBBVIQ .. - ... - l` `uary. f t.,ft0b D<~=.V¤·11¤ noo, or ... on "'° "“‘m8deF`i·“(f?ti2,€i&?‘}sri§.-K; _... F noo Newport, Ark ,... 1131 Willapa Harbor, Wash., Arkansas may acquire and operate. 1132 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Saint Charles, Ark ___,____,_______ 999 mgdg ________________________ 1197 Arkansas may acquire te 0P0T¤t° William and Mary College Va t E; *’·gr€€BgY§dS*E -—-··~ - ~—————· 1000 two cannon surrendered by.’British at . 0. 0 0W .0*. V0 Year ¤——— 1000 Yorktown, 1781, to beloaned to- 115 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Wm. . made _________________ _ ______ 1195 mmsr H"a'm¤ of we-it fork or _,___________ _ _____ nos my <=¤mi>i<=i¤ hqmestead i>¤t¤rxt,=·¤d preliminary lpermit fgr power plant on, 323; riligiggagggsfor gddltmual 811 may e exten ed ___________ ___ 96 _ _ ——·- - —·—···· time exgrelrgded for bridging, Batesville, Wdlwga JOM Igiigiiags, St 1 v_ t ...___ _ ______________ 789 YGHH ursemen , or o en ic ory White River Ute Indians, Utah, notes ,__,________,... 1277 appropriation for irrigating allotted Williston irrigation Project, N. Dak., lands of ·—----————· _ ——-—--·- 403, 1154 8PPY'0Dl'!&t10D for maintenance, etc., of- 418, for pgygifzrét tcgcgrom S·1bi_lI§unds of 1168 BF8 _ s 0 tes- 412, 1162 appraisal of buildings etc. and {Wm eecrued 1¤t¢1‘<=Sf -·.. - 412, 1162 sale or lease authorizedui 1168