Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/234

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 203. 1924. 203 For provisions, subsistence, board, and lodging of enlisted men, P*°"iS*°¤¤·°*°- recruits, and recruiting parties, and applicants for enlistment, cash allowance for lodging and subsistence to enlisted men traveling on duty; ice, ice mac `nes and their maintenance, $3,619,000; For clothing} for enlisted men, $1,385,000; C’°“‘i”“· $6l··g>g00fuel, eat, light, and power, including sales to officers, Fueketc- 7 7 For military supplies and equipment, includin their purchase, l{,§;g$_¤gcS*§;P'*,j§ S repair, preservation, and handlinig; recreational, sciool, educational, ctc. ’ D I ' library, musical, amusement, fic d sport and gymnasium supplies, equipment, services, and incidental expenses; purchase and marking of rizes for excellence in gunne and rifle practice, good—conduct baxges, medals, and buttons awaiidled to officers and enhsted men by the Government for conspicuous, gallant, and special service; rental iapd mgéilpfenaénce of target ranges and entrance fees for competions, ,00 ; For transportation of troops and applicants for enlistment, in- "°‘*°¤ and cluding cash in lieu of flerriwnd transfers eg roplig; toilet kits for ` issue to recruits upon their enlistment an ot incidental expenses of the recruif service· and transportation for de ndents Gfdevendwwof officers and enlisteilngxen, $625,000; PG For repairs and improvements to barracks, quarters and other mkevmte Mmmpublic buildings at posts and stations; for the renting, leasin , and y imprzlvexpegg gil SE1 in tha District of Céwlumbia with the aprov o t 'c n1 in ommission an at such other laces gs the public exigencies and the erection of templdrary buildings upon the approval of the Secretary of the Navy at a total cost of not to exceed $10,000 during the year, $375,000; F» _ For forage and stabling of public animals and the authorized mg°’°t°' number of officers’ horses, $60,000; Cmmm ` For miscellaneous supplies, material, equipment, personal and ` other services, and for other incidental expenses for the Marine Corps not otherwise provided for; purchase, repair, and exchange of . . » . typewriteiés gpg calculatinlg machhnes; purchpse and repauilpg fur; niture an ures; nrc ase an re air o motor-pro an horse~drawn passen rgcarrying and odher vehicles; veteri)ri3ary services and medicines gr public animals and the authorized number of H oiIicers’ horses; purchase of mounts and horse equipment for all umm officers below the grade of major required to be mounted; shoeing icgigkpublic animals anél the iilutlaorized 1zi1mberdo£_ofi§<;prs’ horses; new a rs an perio 1ca s; prin mg an in g; packing and ciatingp oiw 0£CB1'S’ allowance of baggage; funeral expenses o officers and enlisted men and accepted app xcants for enlistment and retired officers on active duty and retire enlisted men of the Marine Corps, including the transportation_of their bodies, arms, and wearing apparel from the place of demise to the homes of the deceased L**'md¥*¤¤· in the United States; construction, operation, and maintenance of laundries; and for all emergencies and extraordinary expenses, , $1,876,800: Provided, That there may be expended out of this ap- rmmie of mm propriation for the purchase of motor·prope led passenger-carrying www "°*“=°‘°“~ vehicles not more than $33,000, as follows: One vehicle to cost not more than $2,500, four vehicles to cost not more than $1,500 each, ten vehicles to cost not more than $1,200 each, and twenty-five ve— hicles to cost not more than $500 each; . Amman; In all, $8,911,800, to be accounted for as one fund. nwcnnnsn or THE Navy. “’°'°°“°°""°""’· The Secretary of the Navy may use the uuexpended balancw on •vti$°d°d the date of the approval of this Act under appropriations hereto-