Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/254

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 204. 1924. 223 The appropriation of $150,000 for the fiscal year 1923, for a work- m;‘g°r;ak*g)8d;i;>g¤ ing capital fund, is reappropriated and made available for the fiscal Vo1.42Fp.1gS6. ` year 1925; and the said work1ng capital fund and all receipts cred- P··¤¢·P·§W~ 1ted thereto may be used as a revolving fund during the iiscal year 1925. In all, Atlanta, Geer ia, Penitentiary, $683,620. McNeil Island, Wasrin n, Penitentia : For subsistence in- M°N°" I°1°¤d· , YY » wm. cluding the same objects specified under this head for the peniten- submenu. tiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, and for supplies for guards, $44,500. For clothing, transportation, and trave ing expenses, including ugloxmemwm the same olijegtis speciiéed under this head for the penitentiary at ’ ` Leavenwort ansas, 31 000. For miscellaneous expenditures, including the same objects speci- M*=<>¤¤¤¤¤<>¤¤S- gidlzunder this head for the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, 9 60. lslor hospital supplies, including the same objects specified under Hmmthis head for the penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, $2,000. For the salaries of all officers and employees, including guards and S°‘°*‘°*- foremen $45 600. In all; McNeil _Island (Washington) Penitentiaréy, $172,860. _ National 'I`ra1n1ng School for Boys: Super-inten ent, $2,500; as- sc’§§g*§°,‘},§‘B'f,`;;*“‘“¤ s;stsi;nt§u(p)e(;·1ntenderg:é(%,500i: t€8Cl1Fl‘S}!:.D% asséstants, $£2&L&; chiaf same. cer , ·nurse ·marono scooan nursea eacstorekeeper and steward,$720; farmer, $660; baker, $66l); tailor, $720; parole officer, $900; office_clerk, $720; assistant office clerk, $480; physical director, $720; six matrons of families at $240 each; oremen of shop and hglpeirs, $14,200;$gssistant far-mer and assistant engineer at eac · aun ress, 60- teamster, $420- florist, $540; engineer and shoemziker, at $600 each; cook, $600; dini ing—room attendants—boys $300, officers $240; housemaid, $216; seamstress, $240; assistant cook, $300* eight watchmen, at $420 each; secreiiary and treasprer, $900; inlag $40,736; _ H feed d M i mmm M or support o inmates inc u in groceries, our meats ry “" · ‘ goods, leather, shoes, gas,’fuel, hardware, furniture; tableware, farm implements, seeds, harnem and repairs to same, fertilizers, books and periodicals, stationery, entertainments, gumbing, painting, glazing, medicines and medical attendancehstpc ,fmaintenanc3, regair, and operation of passen r-carrying ve ic es encing, roa s a repairs to buildings, and otggr necessary items, ihcluding compeinsation, not exceeding $2,032,1 for additignal aborépr ierviples, for identifying and pursuing esca inmates, or rewar s or their recapture, an _ not exceedin $500 for trans rtation and other necessary expenses incrg . . P0 . dent to securing suitable homes for discharged boys, $19,700; In all, National Training School for Boys, $60,436. _ Now mums N Approprgations in this Ap: under the Depgrtment of J usgge shall su-rem. not use for beginning the construction o any new or a itiona guilding, other than those specifically provided for herein, at any edera penitentiary. Support of prisoners: For sudpport of United States prisoners, Snppm °‘°“°°°°”' inclu mfg necessary clothing an medical aid, discharge gratuities pgovide by law and trans¥rtation to place of conviction or place of thnaUfid;> (xiesédepce in the bgitedtstategé of splch Jzzlger placéewrthifr e n1 e a es as may au or-iz y e orney nera ; support of prisoners becoming insane during imprisonment, and who continue insane after expiration of sentence who have no friends to whom they can be sent; shipping remains of deceased prisoners to their friends or relatives in the mted and interment of deceased prisoners whose remains are unclaimed; expenses incurred rn ’ identifying and pursuing mcaped prisoners and for rewards for their 45822°—-251—17 .