Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/259

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Ch. 204. 1924. mass. SESS- I- _ _ - · d` and comp? d ents P ansv P""§;,;"£§2'»€$t<?%?¤?ge¤?·1$%’¤¤d(,P·=,§*$,*,i*g‘;‘:‘i;u'v§‘£§.vT"€?é¤s‘Z°$?¢ ¤¤€S1;··;gF mp iflciltions, m;1u\1SCI’1BtSs an in and Subsistencc GXWHSQS (iuded Ouudomtl :£€cDistI’i¢t of C°]umbm" travgh gincidélltal BXPBHSBS not IPCC 0 1‘ . 0IIl· Hcmils Qnd §l;1i£g);®;1:;J1£:l]i (0“;°““ of Fm§:i?,?g g,gII;i;iEcti<>¤S inf 0 Om ’ d Om i1ei11foI‘m0 lm} t les $25 550. merce to ¤¤!l°°" ““ °d ilsnposed by f<>'°‘g“ °°°° r ’ ·’ d 1at1o11s of tra G an regu BUREAU OF THE CENSUS C¤¤susB¤'°°“‘ 1 yvices in the ¥’“‘°““°" District of C0 um la In , t . 1923, $973,000 , . _ F Securing info;-mauon foI‘ €0¤S‘§0I;p;;I_?_ _ _ ouectiu gtat1st1cS· PF S of cotton produc v cmtE•?:g0n*?°m* Prgvided fi. by law, sem11I10D{h(}y négsrftin the United SiZ&t€S and gf tion . ks of ba 0 C0 _ rmrly ]_·gp0 S <><1¤<>¤¤ ¤=P°¥*S °* S*°°· consumption of <=°“°“»·q““ d BX was the d0m0St1° and Omlgn nsatioll of S Bcial agents qu wughingof tobacw; Per dma} compel ws vvhetger employed In 000 for d f deta1]€d_ €mP Oy ¤ _ t t xceed $100, Temmuy emp1<>Y· ggnsagjgtggt of Co1umb}¤» QT °lS8¥)l;§tr:iétI;;; Cghimbia., to be S9l0ct°°} °“*°’°‘ *>¤¤{P°"*“'Y P°’S°““1S°{v;§°S1éEg1° Service Commissien; 0*** °°S;1t;, · . 1* VM S“*°"“°" fmm qu? mglsmrs Ounicgpill and °th°" ’°°°rd§’ tcmpogilryrvisiug t de of the I h t mry serv_ $P°°*¤‘“”““‘ §§€g:?r;;;itg?;£d gxpployméfjt b}gh;h;?;t?Sii2;cI_Bq3?l1.Bp3by ]aw,1111- as may b° “°°°SS§"y muxiggmtgbmco statistics ¤“*h9',Z,°d»r},’§', 3;; Tobacco ¤mcisti¤S- cludjng $15,000 vr io fuDdavailnb1QtherBfor:Pr . i - h' . · · d or 111 t 1S Mm. m addmoq t° my Ott egxceed ten specml agents prov1d8 O0 . $805,0 - 1,,, mmcmm compeusauoxx of not 0 tc not to exceed $8 P6? 03% f be fixed at H Ya . BSS}; expenses QP . Paragraph mag gl: ]t ;·g· For salaries ansi 090 ry f agT1· cem ¤f ¤¤*°“" Census of ’€’“ u ·]· and pubhshing the °°“S“S ° t WB- · ° for taking: compl mg’ , t Of gilice ql18I`t€i'$ qu ' Expenses of *°k*¤8· preparing 1 . d States for 1925, for mn _ . ludmg etc- Iturg of the Unite . _ f urchases of supphes, U18 _ V01. 40, P· 13m' cp ‘ ° {3 of C0lUmb1av or P . ‘ t' and blUd' qde the D]StP1C · nt expenses, pI’1I1 111 _ _ " ‘ d ofh€1‘ 00ntm · _ 0 mg clfd cards, matéfialsa an St tion an repair of card PW! v iecB_ i%%%¤€¥Z%5$“!$$¤—¥$¥»1?`€i‘?»ghéggegggsgzrsgzisrzgei2%,2 *%,;,1; 0**** §“s*S§”,°th°f$§S°»§IL;¤;¤¤ <>f ¤¤P¤"*S°"S» °,§§“m°r2?r?u$F§$` ` I‘8.V€ un 1 • _ 1 Sa1ar{€stg8nl‘8t9I`S $315001009* to continue avu a asa to pI‘Ohiblt the 80. . • · • ‘ nzugmség, gating ggfiof ${1010 P0Ii0°¤ of thm- a$pr0§£1a";;;)nI;1i::$g:I;121};1 other cmtingent the purch8S€ of SuRPh€S’.Prm mg us of gg[’lCl1ltuI`B• , °'gabuh repairs to Such machmelyagnd Oyhegnuggcnnmticn tlggewithv whether . CB

   §r;fSBWhBI'B, and pl1I‘Ch3S€ of DBCBSSBYY

in t +3 I · *· . $39,4:0. machinery Mid supplies, , AT INSPECTION SERVICE Stmmbwt I”$"°°" STEAMBO h PI'· °°"‘ · ‘ ‘ I S ector General and oy °I` ‘ Ge eral, 811 0 · C YV! , °&?S¤¤$`~*- i§'Q;S,§°;,.ti0¤ Act of 1923% $2Qg§°gupEmS,ug impecmm, at $3,4¤0 supervising meme- Steambogg mspectors. or · TWO at ml (mib, auf hulls and inspectors of bo1lers,_ a§tf<;Ig0%VéSE;00 each, Imp°°t°rS' nspe 11 fourtccll 8C $2,700 sack twentyglg H $217 $2050 3002,350 each, thirty-Six at $2,100 Bach? In “ # ’ ’ {WB VE 7