Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/270

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204. 1924. 239 of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $171,900; in all, $183,900. Commissioners of conciliation: To enable the Secretary of Labor c0§g‘l§‘§§§i°““” °‘ to exercise the authority vested in him by section 8 of the Act creat- VM- 37. vi 738· ing the Department of Labor, and to appoint commissioners of conciliation, for per diem in lieu of subsistence at not exceeding $4; traveling expenses, and not to exceed $13,300 for personal services in the District of Columbia, and telegraph and telephone service, $200,000. coxrixcanr nxrnxsrs, DEPARTMZENT or Larson For contingent and miscellaneous expenses of the offices and bu- C°¤tl¤K°¤i°¥P°¤$°°· reaus of the department, for which appropriations for contingent , and miscellaneous expenses are not specifically made, including the purchase of stationery, furniture, and repairs to the same, carpets, matting, oilcloth, file cases, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges, laundry, street-car fares not exceeding $200; lighting and heating; purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of motor cycles and motor trucks; purchase, exchange, maintenance, and repair of a motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, to be used only for official purposes; freight and express charges, newspaper clippings not to exceed $900, postage to foreign countries, tele aph and telephone service, typewriters, adding machines, and otiler labor-saving devices; purchase of law books, books of reference, and periodicals __ not exceeding $2,500; in all, $36,500; and in addition thereto such m§{}$2§'§x,§',‘{§,¥’,S?m` sum as may e necessary, not in excess of $13,500, to facilitate the purchase, through the central purchasing office as provided in the V Act of June 17, 1910 (Thirty-sixth Statutes at Large, pa e 531), °l`3°'p‘531' of certain supplies for the Immigration Service, shall be geducted P I from the appropriation “Expenses of rilgulating immigration " °°’p'24°‘ made for the fiscal year 1925 and adde to the appropriation “ Contingent expenses, Department of Labor," for that year; and the total sum thereof shall be and constitute the appropriation for Ex ended th h contingent expenses for the Department_of Labor, to be expended nividonogmnigaigin through the central purchasing office (Division of Publications and ““‘* S“p""°S· Supplies), Department of Labor. Rent: For rent of buildings and parts of buildings in the District R°“‘· of Columbia for the use of the Department of Labor, $24,000. _ Printing and binding: For printing and binding for Dmipartment m;""“"‘ °“‘* ‘”*“"‘ of Labor, including all its bureaus, offices, institutions, an services located in WVashingt0n, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $215,000. BUREAU or LABOR sr.xr1s*r1cs ,,,{§*‘°’ S"‘“S“” B“' Salaries: For the Commissioner and other personal services in the 0,§‘;“'p'g‘r§j;*Q;§f· md District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $215,000. _ . _ _ Per diem in lieu of subsistence not exceeding $4 of special p§}§j°;§‘;_ *‘¥""‘*S· "" agents, and employees, and for their transportation;_ experts and temporary assistance for field service outside of the District of Columbia, to be paid at the rate of not exceeding $8 per day; compensation of experts in the District of Columbia not to exceed in _ all $10,000; temporary statistical clerks, stenographers,_and type- m,T${;‘§g[°g{c_'s¥,f,“§§‘g Writers in the District of Columbia, to be selected from c1v1l—serv1ce Districtregisters, the same person to be employed for not more than six cpnsecutive months, the total expenditure for such temporary clerical _ assistance in the District of Columbia not to exceed $6,000; traveling e,g"“'°““g “‘*‘°'“‘°“’ expenses of officers and employees, purchase of reports and materials for reports and bulletins of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, $72,840. 45822°--251*--18