Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/274

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 208, 209. 1924. 243 CQAP. 208.—An Act To establish a Dairy Bureau in the Department of Mw 29. 1924. Agriculture, and for other purposes. ..TP{l.I;ii§·1;Ll3ig6l Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is cuiiti-’ZYt'“°”t °f Ag“' hereby established in the Department of Agriculture a bureau to be ,,,:,$>’*“¤ B¤*’°¤¤i¤· known as the Bureau of Dairying. ` Sec. 2. That a Chief of the Bureau of Dairying shall be ap- ¤:’bi}i$°i?.iI§$EZtuYt°" pointed by the Secretary of Agriculture, who shall be subject to the D““°s· general direction of the Secretary of Agriculture. He shall devote is time to the investigation of the dairy industry, and the dissemination of information for the promotion of the dair industry. T Sec. 3. For the purpose of enabling the Secretary of Agriculture menriiiziihdhgxdiz and the Chief of the Bureau of Dairying to carry out the purposes "’d“"’ "“*““"Y· of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to transfer to the Bureau of Dairying such activities of the Department of Agriculture as he may designate which relate primarily to the dairy industry, and to employ such additional persons in the city of Washington and elsewhere, as may be necessary. N _ Sec. 4. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this t¤pri£§°°fis°¢°$1liii>;?r‘$ Act and the activities of the Bureau of Dairying, such sums of "’}?,f,$‘},,,,_,;,,,m, money as Congress may deem necessary are hereby authorized to be appropriated, in addition to such sums provided for in the Agricultural Ap ropriation Act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925. _ Sec. 5. Tliat this Act shall be in full force and effect on and after m°°°"°""’l*1°“‘ July 1, 1924. _ Approved, May 29, 1924. Ma 2¤,m4. CHAP. 209.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to amend sec- tion 73_ of an Act entitled ‘ An Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating [P“b“°· N°· *57-] to the 3udiciary,’ approved June 12, 1916,’ and for other purposes. Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives o the United States of iimerica in Congress asseniebled? That section { 3 of gg? gi°iii,°.°£`$i$1 an Act entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relat- °°‘ ing to the judiciary,” a proved June 12, 1916, be, and the same is hereby, amended to readp as follows: " Sec. 73. That the State of Colorado shall constitute one judicial ,,§{{""‘d°*“"°*°' ‘“°' district, to be known as the district of Colorado. Terms of the dis- '¥`¤¤¤=· trict court shall be held at Denver on the first Tuesday in May and November, at Pueblo on the first Tuesday in April, at Grand Junction on the second Tuesday in September, at Montrose on the third Tuesday in September, at Durango on the fourth Tuesday in September, _ and at Sterling on the secon Tuesday in June: Provided, That if at _{",,_,‘f,‘,§“g,,;,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,_ the time of the holdin of a term of said court in any year in either may go ¤&1¤i¤¤¤;)¤§ of said cities of Grand Junction, Durango, and Sterling, Colorado, mg¤,¤¤`¢i's¤$i)1`i’¤g. ° there is no business to be transacted by said court, the term may be adjourned or continued by order of the judge of said court in chambers at Denver, Colorado: Provided further, That the marshal and °m°°’·°°°· clerk of said court shall each, respectively, appoint at least one deputy to reside at and who shall maintain an office at each of the five said places where said court is to be held by the terms of this Act: Pro- Bkmmw bs pm vided further, That suitable rooms an accommodations for holding vma. court at Sterling are furnished free of expense to the United States. ’ Approved, May 29, 1924.