Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/439

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408 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 264. 1924. agreement made and entered into Se tember 26, 1876, and ratined V°l'1°'°°°5°` •ebruary 28, 1877 (Nineteenth Statutds, page 254). ,,,,E,‘§,“§,,,,,,,°§§,U$f For aid of the public schools in Um and Duchesne County . M*}r,§ynP¤{•}{g¤*{*,,9g§j school districts Utah, $6,000, to be paid from the tmbal funds of the iiiizds. Confederated Hands of Ute Indians and to be expended under such _ rules and regulations as ma be prescribed by the Secretary of the iz,muiix°£y ol manu Interior: Provided, That Indian children shall at all times be

        • "3'°¤· admitted to such schools on an entire equality with white children.

a§1i°iZZ€§v°°‘°n °f - nnnmr or msrnnss Arm consnnvauon or unemn, vrgiiimiii? e¤¤dg§?’§l¤ For the relief and care of destitute Indians not otherwise provided mm- °°°- for, and for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, trachonia, smallpox, and other contagious and infectious diseases, mcludmg _ transportation of atients to and from hospitals and sanatoria, ¤}i$°¢°:¤i°é¤¤um¤a $500,000: Provided? That this appropriation may be used also for mm- general medical and surgical treatment of Indians, including the A maintenance and operation of general hospitals, where no other _ fimds are applicable or available for that purpose: Provided {urae $418%: ther, That out of the appropriation herein authorized there shall be PMS- available for the maintenance of the sanatoria and hospitals hereinafter named, and for incidental and all other expenses for their proper conduct and management, including pay of empgoyees, repairs, eqgipment, and unprovements, not to exceed the fo ow' amonmtsz lackfeet Hospital, Montana, $12,500; Carson Hospiilgi Nevada, ·$10,000; CIIGSGIIDB and Arapahoe Hospital Oklahoma, $10,000; Choctaw_ and hickasaw Hospital, Oklahoma, $35,000; Fort Lapwai Sanatorium, Idaho $40,000; Lagpna Sanatorium, New Mexico, $17,000; Mescalero Hospital, New exico $10,000; Navajo Sanatorium, Arizona, $10,000; Pima Hospital, Arizona, $13,000; Phoenix Sanatorium, Arizona, $40,000; Spokane Hospital, Washiglrigten, $10000; Sac and Fox Sanatormm, Iowa, $40,000- Turtle ountain Hospital, North Dakota $10,000; Winnebago Hospital, Nebraska, $18000; _Crow Creek Hospital, South Dakota, $8,000; Hoopa Vallegroiglospital, Cahfornia, $10,000; Jicarilla Hospital, New Mexico, $10, ; 'lruxton Canyon camp hospital, Arizona, $5,000; Indian Oasis Hospital, Arizona, $10,000; Shawnee Sanatorium, Umm, S. mh Olglahoma, $40,000. _ • new gym ex- or the equipment and maintenance of the asylum for msane In- ¤°¤¤°°· diane at Canton, South Dakota, for incidental and all other expenses necessary for its proper conduct and management, including pay of employees, repairs, 1mprovements, and for necessary expense of transporting insane Indians to and from said asylum, $40,000, maixuppere e.¤dcivt1iza· GENERAL SUPPORT AND CIVILIZATION. ` E¤>¤¤¤••¤¤im· For general support and civilization of Indians, including pay of cmp oyees, m not to exceed the following amounts, respective] : mma. In Arizona, $200,000, of which not more than $25,000 shall he utseg for crzlnstruction of telephone lines to the agencies at Sells and a cams anyon;

,‘;;¤‘°~ ni qeuromie, $50,000; _

Imc ‘ Seminole Indians of Florida, $10,000; mmgm Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, $15,000; ‘ ‘ Fort Belknap Agency, Montana, $15,000; Flathead Agency, Montana, $14,200; Fort Peck gency, Montana, $28,000; Blackfeet Avency, Montana, $70,000; Rocky Boy Iiand of Chippewas and other indigent and homeless Indians in Montana, $6,500; ‘ '