Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/532

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 291. 1924. 50]. of War shall each year in the Budget report to Congress the number of persons so employed, their duties, an the amount paid to each. Cisunr or INrAN·mr. inrkiwrnr scrrooi., rom BENNING, cnoacm. n§$g’ZiS;£h°°l’F°'° For the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and I°s°'“°“°" °‘p°”s°S' professional papers; instruments and material for instruction,em loy— ment of temporary, technical, special, and clerical services, and) for the necessary expenses of instruction at the Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia, $35,000. TANK smzvxcn. Tm S°"'i°°‘ For payment of the necessary civilian employees to assist in han- C"’m°” °'”P’°’°°°· dling the clerical work in the office of the tank center, tank schools, and the various tank organization headquarters, including the oliice of the chief of Infantry; and for the payment of the necessaiéy mechaniw assist in repairing and preserving tanks in the han s of tank units, $23,000. Tm h is Incidental expenses in connection with the operation of the tank s° °° ' Schools, $1,000. Cumr or CAVALBY. cavamr scuoon, rom amnr, Kansas. 'Fm For theapurchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and l X professio papers, instruments, and materials for instruction; employment of temporary, technical, special, and clerical services; and for other necemary expenses of instruction at the Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kansas, $1 ,600. Cnzmr or Fmnn Airruimnzr. rmw Amuumr scrroon, rom- sim., oxmuoma. ii»iztsi1i.l81i1.{ For the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific and Immcmuu ` professiona papers, instruments and material for_ instruction; em- · ployment of temporary, technical, special, and clericalserviees; and for other necessa expenses of instruction at the Field Artillery School at Fort Sill; Ok ahoma, $18,000. INSTRUCTION m rrnno Airrmnnar Acrrvrrms. miiigiliiéi r t i I I ° r ’ To provide means for the theoretical and practical instruction in g¤i1liSt¢i’¤°ii¤2°¤!i»¤¤f$i¤. M Field Artillery activities at the two br1(gade_fir1ng centers at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Fort Bragg, North arolma, by the purehase_of modern instruments and material for theoretical and practical instruction, for the tuition of officers detailed as students at civil educational institutions, and for all other necessary expenses, to be allotted in such proportion as may, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, be for the best interests of the service, $5,000. Cumr or Coasr AR*r11.u·:nr. Coast A r t i l 1 e r y coAs·r Anrmimr sorrooi., roar Mormon, vmcxms. F°'° M°“"°°’ For incidental expenses of the school, including chemicals, stationery, printing, and binding; hardware; materia ; cost of special