Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/548

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sixrrnionrn oouonnss. seas. 1. cn. 291. 1924. 517 papers, pictures, musical instruments, and repairs not done by the home; stationery, advertising, legal advice, payments due heirs of Pr __ deceased members: Provided, That all receipts on account of the R,‘Z,$‘§§’g, ,,0,,, d,. eifects of deceased members during the fiscal year shall also be msed m€mb°*$· available for such payments; and for such other expenditures, as $15 Gxggt properly be included under other heads of expenditure, Siubsistence: For pay of commissary sergeants, commissary clerks, Subsis°°”°"‘ porters, laborers, bakers, cooks, dishwashers, waiters, and others employed in the subsistence department; food supplies purchaseid for the subsistence of the members of the home and civilian employees regularly employed and residing at the branch,·freight preparation, and serving; aprons,dcaps, and ]ackgts{£01I;k1tphen_tand digingrogim employees; tobacco; in1ng—room an 1 c en urni ure an u ensi s, bakers’ and butchers’ tools and appliances and their repair not done by the home, $382,000. 7 _ Household Household: For furniture for oiHcers’ quarters; bedsteads, bedding, bedding material, and all other articles, including repairs, required in the quarters of the members and of civilian employees permanently employed and residing at the branch; fuel; water; engineers and iirteomen, Eathhpuse geepeiis, janitors, laucpciry Emplcgviegs, and fo; all a r, ma er1a s, an app iances re uire or ouse 0 use, an repairs if not repaired by the home (§205 000. _ _ Hdspital: For pay of medical offichrs and assistant surgeons, H"$p‘“"· matrons, druggists, hospital clerks and stewards, ward masters, ?urses,lpoc;]§s, waiters, readers, bcgrivers, fungral ticort, ]a1%1tp1rs, aid or suc o er SBYVICBS as may necessary or e care 0 e S1. · burial of the dead; surgical instruments and appliances, medical books, mledicme, gquors, fruits, and dpthegé ngggspglries fgr Elie pick not purc asedun er subsistence- be tea g an a o er special articles necessar for the wards; hospital furniture, including special articles and appliances for hospital kitchen and dining room; <%a1‘r1age, healrse, stretchers, coiiins ang iipr all $1ée£p)a516sb to 0Sp1t&l urniture an appliances not done y the ome . · $ Transportation: For transportation of members, of the home, T“`°S°°°°°i°°` 1 000. li€pairs:_For pay of chief engineer, builders, blacksmiths, car- R°°°m` }2€11¢8I‘S;:H£a.1nters, gas fi(tite;·)s,· ellectrical workgri, plumbers, tfimimlthfi s cam ers, stone an ric masons, an a orers, an or a appliances and materials used under this head· and repairs of I‘0€\»ClS and other improvements of a permanent character, $81,0002 ,,mm_ Pfovided, That no part of the appropriation for repairs fo1‘ lilly bigsgl buildings for gfiige branch homes shall be used or the construction of any new ‘ u1 mg. Fm.m_ Farm: For pay of farmer chief gardener harness makers farm hands, gardeners, horseshobrs, stablemen,’ teamsters, daifymen, lierders, mad laborgrs; tools, aplpliances, andi materials rgquiéedhfor arm gar en an dairy wor · gram an grain pro uc , ay straw, fertiliziers, seed, carriages; wagons, carts, and_ othereonvey: ances; animals purchawd for stock or work (including animals in ihe park); gasoline; materials, tools, and lapor fp; flc:1wer1§rdeni awn park and cemetery• and construction 0 roa an wa an repialibs noi; done by the lfonge, $22,350. i all Central Branch 1051950. .¤ 1 For "’Current expenses,” ‘Z Subsistence," “Household,” "Hospi— b,§mneS_ Bt tal,” "Transportation,” "Repairs," and "Farm," at the following branches, including the same objects respectively specified herein · under each of such heads for the Central Branch, namely: MH___mm’WB Northwestern Branch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Current expenses, $59,300; subsistence, $287 ,000; household, $150,000; hospital, $236,-