Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/587

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556 SIXTY·EIGHTH couoimss. sm. 1. os. 302. 1924. 8****-, I b the commissioners, $10 000: Promiled ’1`hat all e nditures under ` appropriation shall lie made under the supervigihcn of the Board Americanintion of Educatlom mx. Amnucamzarron wom:. ,,,?]"?,;‘*"‘°°"*'“°" For Americanization work and instruction of foreigners of all ages in both day and night classes, including a principal, who, for ten months, shall give his full time to this work, at $1,800 per annum, auddteach;z1rslogAmericanization schools may also be teachers of the ay sc_ oo 10,830. E°"*‘”"“’°"°°°' For contingent and other necessary expenses, including books, equipment, and supplies, $2,500. ‘ °°'°'”°""’ em 1 coinnmrrr cmrrm nnrammmm. _ §•"i*;';,{°‘*’°"’°'· For salaries of directors,_supervisors, teachers, clerks, and other emtployteles for civic, gdtgcagzixg rgciegtional, arid social activities un er` e direction o e o ucation· or equipment an supplies; for lighting iixtures; for maintenance Bt automobiles (em- _ ployees of the ay schools may also be employees of the community mfg? D“"*°* ""‘ center department) ; in all, $30,000, to be aid wholly out of the num. revenues of the District of Columb1a:P1m»u£2d' , That not more than """"*°“°"· 70 per centum of this sum shall be e ded for salaries of direc- . XP°u tors, supervisors, teachers, and clerks. ,,,§“§,,,,§,‘,,_ °“°‘""" ‘ can or mmmxos ami oizomwns. "’“*“· Sakries F;;3p;4rsion(;1%6services in accordance with the Classification ct o 1 3 . ,£',, "‘d For care of snialler buildings and rented rooms, including cooking agedl néggual-tra1n1ng sphocills, wherevgr loclatedli atl a rate not to exc per annum or e care o eac sc oo room oth th those occupied by aty ical or ungraded classes, for vvihichggerviacxd an amount not to exceed, $120 per annum may be allowed, $8,000. a.E.,”i°“° md mw Hrauzmx Arm SANITATION. 2"'T'“"°'"°°°‘ _ Salaries: For personal services in accordance with the Classifica- Da°;';';;y °mmH¤_ tion Act of 1923, $00,120: _Pro¢vided, That the person employed mm, in the capacity of chief medical and sanitary inspector shall, under the direction of the health officer of the District of Columbia, give his whole t1me_ from nine 0’cl0ck a. m. to four o’clock p. m., to, and exercise the direction and control of the medical inspection and mmm of [mw sanitary conditions of the public schools of the District of Columem. bxa: Profvuled further, That of the persons employed as medical gplsplecltcorsfoxée shall bg a womaré, tour spell be dgntists, and four a o ecoore race an tato tegrauate nursesem- Fm d__m,c,M¤_ plciyed as puhl1c·school nurses three shall be of the colored race. $1 035 the maintenance of free dental clinics in the public schools, MB°°““°°°°°° , i mxscnnmmnous. ‘ ,,}`:,-",'§.§’,§’,,*‘}‘f,t,E,°‘”"°' For equipment of temporang rooms for classes above the second grade, now on half time, an to provide for estimated increased enrollment that may be caused by operation of the compulsory education law,_and for purchase of all necessary articles and supplies to be used in the course of instruction which may be provided for Tummlu mm, atybpical and upgraded classes, $5,000. _ or the maintenance of schools for tubercular pupils, $4,000.