Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/598

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SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. 567 operation of means of transportation, and means of transportation; supplies and labor; and all other necessary items, $85,000; For fuel for maintenance and manufacturing, $47,500; F‘“"l‘ For construction, dynamite, oils, repairs to plant, and material .,tg°°m°°ti°°’r°'°“i'°’ for repairs to buildings, roads, and walks, $45,000; _ g _ s For brick—making plant, including structure, machinery, and in- B"°k` g pla"' stallation, $15,150; In all, $259,110, which sum shall be expended under the direction of the commissioners. Rmmamy_ nnroxmyroxr. Salaries: For personal services in accordance with the Classifica- Sumw tion Act of 1923, $49,300; _ For continuing construction of permanent buildings, including ’ °°°m°°° sewers, water mains, roads, and necessary equipment of industrial railroad, $30,000; M . mm t For maintenance, custody, clothing, care, and support of in- un °°' ° °` mates; rewards for fugitives; provisions, subsistence, medicine and hospital instruments, furniture, and quarters for guards and other employees and inmates; purchase of tools and equipment; purchase and maintenance of farm implements, livestock, tools, equipment; transportation and means of transportation; maintenance and operation of means og transportation; supplies and labor, and all other necessa items 56,000; , For fviiel, $8,000; Fw' m` For material for repairs to buildings, roads, and walks, $4,000; In all, $147 ,300, which sum shall be expended under the direction of the commissioners. — National Training 1~zA·rIoNAL TRAINING scHOOL ron nors. sam: me nays, D. c. For care and maintenance of boys committed to the National M rr Training School for Boys by the courts of the District of Columbia under a contract to be made by the Board of Charities with the authorities of said National Training School for Boys, $60,000. National Training NATIONAL TRAINING scuoon ron cmns. semi aroma, D. c. _ Salaries: For personal services in accordance with the Classiiica- ` tion Act of 1923, $28,500. F or groceries, provisions, light, fuel, soap, oi], lamps, candles, °°°""‘°“‘°"’°°’”· clothing, shoes, forage, horseshoeing, medicines, medical attendance, transportation, labor, sewing machines, fixtures, books, magazines, and other supplies which represent greater educational advantages, Stationery, horses, vehicles, harness, cows, pigs, fowls, sheds, fences, repairs, typewriting, stenography, and other necessary items, including compensation not exceeding $500 for additional labor or services, for identifying and pursuing escaped inmates and for rewards for their capture, for transportation and other necessary expenses incident to securing suitable homes for paroled or discharged girls, for purchase of automobile, not to exceed $900, and for maintenance of motor vehicles, $40,000. Medical charities. MEDICAL cnenrrms. For care and treatment of indigent patients under contracts to be xiii? ii mriigililziaiieii made by the Board of Charities with the following institutions and h°sp't°Is’°t°` for not to exceed the following amounts, respectively: Freedmen’s Hospital, $42,500. Columbia Hospital for Women and Lyi11g~in Asylum, $17,000.