Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/618

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SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 303. 1924. 587 pensation to disbursing clerk, $1,000; laborers—one at $1,100 two at $1,010 each, two at $950 each; forewoman of charwomen, $7 60; twenty-one charwomen, at $410 each; in all, 20,990. For forty-eght elevator conductors, including fourteen for the Elevator °<>¤d¤¢*·¢$~ Seiéate Officeh ggding and fourteen for the House Office Building, at 1,520 eac , ,960. carrror. nninnmcs AND cnourms · g£gg§;*b¤ildi¤¤¤¤d Capitol Buildings: For work at the Capitol and for general re- Bggglfegvms °° gxirs thereof, including cleaning and repairing works of art; flags, ` gstaifs, halyards, and tackle; wages of mechanics and laborers; purchase or exchange, maintenance, and driving of motor—prope11ed, passenger-carrying office vehicles; and not exceeding $100 for the purchase of technical and necessary reference books and city directory; 70,990. For continuing the work of restoring the decoration on the walls d°§;",fg'§gs¥ ,,,°‘{S‘;;‘;§; of the first-floor corridors in the Senate wing of the Capitol, to be wins- ' expended under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol, $5,000. `apitol Grounds: For care and improvement of grounds surround- m{,§‘,§Sf °““g· °*°~ ing the Capitol, Senate and House Office Buildings, pay of one clerk, mechanics, gardeners, care of trees, plantings, ferti izers, repairs to pavements, walks, and roadways, $62,368. _ _ For the installation and change in the fire line by installing two Fm "'°°°“‘°“· six~inch Siamese steamer connections, one for the Senate wing of the Capitol and one for the House wing, $4,000. _ For repairs and improvements to Senate and House stables and ,,£"*’°"’ '° s°°b'”’ Maltby Building, including personal services, $1,500. _ Senate Office Building: For maintenance, miscellaneous items and ,,,§?““‘° °m°“ B““d` supplies, and for all necessary personal and other services for the M**¤*¤¤¤¤°°· care and operation of the Senate Office Building, under the direction and supervision of the Senate Committee on_ Rules, $81,368. _ For furniture for the Senate Office Build1ng_and for labor and F“"“°“"" material incident thereto and repairs thereof, window shades, awnings, carpets, glass for windows and bookcases, desk lamps, window yentilators, name plates for doors and committee tab es, electric ans and so forth. .. ,500. House Office Building; For maintenance, including miscellaneous ,,,g°““° °m°° B“°°' items, and for all necessai-Ft: services, $98,9652 C w I t Capitol power plant: or lighting, heating, and power for the M?§,,,,‘?,;’,‘,§§'p“‘ Capitol, Senate and House Office Buildings, and Congressional Library Building and the grounds about the same, Coast and Geodetic Survey, the Union Station group of ten]/iporary housing, Botanic Garden, Senate stables, House stables, altby Building, and folding and storage rooms of the Senate, Government Printing Otlice, and \Vashington City post office; pay of superintendent of meters, at the rate of $1,940 per annum, who shall inspect all gas and electric meters of the Government in the District of Colum ia without additional compensation; for necessary personal and other services; and for materials and labor in connection with the maintenance and operation of the heating, lighting, and power plant and substations connected therewith, $274,361. _ _ Opm,mmppM_ For fuel, oil, and cotton waste, and advertising for the power plant which furnishes heat and light for the_Ca£1tol and_ congressionail buildings and other buildings specified in the foregoing paragrer .m0000. _ na For a new thirty-six inch main, 4,250 feet, extending from _N°'“* pumpinglsézatéou awe foot of First Street, southeast, to the C8·Plt01 power p t, 112, .