Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/629

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598 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 312. 1924. to the District of Columbia, either by enlistment or by the process of the Selective Service Act, or otherwise drawn into and becoming an integral part of the armed forces of the United States durmg the period April 7, 1917, to November 11, 1918, and the allotment of war trophies suitable for distribution among the several States, Territories, and possessions, and the District of Columbia, shall e,e1;*<>{e¤vm¤g; serve as the basis of distribution. As soon as practicable after the sms, ew., or sppor- date upon which this Act shall become effective the Secretary of “°"“‘°“°‘ War shall cause the chief executive of each of the several States, Territories, and ossessions, and the Commissioners of the District _ _ of Columbia to he informed of the character and quantity of war ,,f§'{,,°’,§,i*,‘§,_',§,,$,‘,§_ 2§§}" devices and trophies apportioned thereto, and shall invite each such chief executive and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to designate such material as will be accepted free on board common carrier at the point of storage and to designate the point or points to which the accepted material is to be shi ped without expense to the United States, other than that of packing and loading at the _ _ point of storage. ,,,*§2‘,,,",'§"°,,'§,f,,_°§?,,,_“°*‘°° Sec. 3. Shipment of the apportionment of each State, Territory, and possession, and the District of Columbia accepted shall be made as soon as practicable after the chief executive, or the commissioners thereof, as the case may require, shall have informed the Secretary of War that such State, Territo , possession, or District will accept and take possession thereof asrhereinbefore provided for and will relieve the United States of all responsibility for the safe delivery Peeebe of the material and of a.ll charges, costs, and expenses whatsoever nisposiueu or an connected with the transportation thereof: Promkied, That if the

 chief executive or the commissioners of any State, Territory,

possession, or District, shall not, within one year after notification of the character and quantity of the apportionment, iile with the Secretary of War such acceptance and agreement, such apportionment, or any part thereof, shall be sold as surplus property as it Reieeeee meeem then is and where it then is, or shall be destroyed——all as the Secretary of War, in his discretion, shall determine; and like action shall be taken in respect of the rejected portion of any apportionment accepted in part only, and war devices and trophies considered by Cheeeee ee be me the ecretary of War as unsuitable for distribution. by the Government. Sec. 4. That all charges for apportioning, segregating, packing, and loading war trophies and devices for distribution to the designated point or points within each of the several States, Territories, and possessions, and the District of Columbia, as provided for herein, and for transportation to national museums, national homes for disabled volunteer soldiers, national cemeteries, and national parks, and for the diseposition of undistributed war devices and trophies_ shall be paid y the United States Government from an Hehe eee te be appropriation to be made for that purpose. membei. nc. 5. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized Ameeee eeehemee to make all rules and regulations to carry this Act into effect. roegganses. Sac, 6. That to enab e the Secretry of War to carry out the ’”‘ 3*5* provisions of this Act there is hereby authorized to be appro riated _out of any money in the United States Treasury not officrwise ,,,ee,ee_ appropriated, the sum of $39,000, or_ so much thereof as may be {O\l§»3£;1deaning,etc., necessary: Pgoznded, That none of said sum shall be expended in ‘ cleaning, pamtmg, or otherwise reconditioning war devices and trophies prior to shipment. Approved, Jime 7, 1924.